Congratulations to all our newly elected 2025 Officers!
President: Amanda Maconaghy
Vice President: Norine Rokitka
Secretary: Karen Olszowy
Treasurer: Terrie Janowski
Chaplain: Shirley Krawczyk
The Doyle Volunteer Hose Company No. 2 Ladies Auxiliary was created in 1936. On July 1st Mrs. Genevieve Kankiewicz, Mrs. Cecilia Kojm and Mrs. Kocol attended the monthly fire company meeting and asked permission to use the company's name to form a Ladies Auxiliary. The first officers were: President Genevieve Kankiewicz, Vice President Rose Steiner, Recording Secretary Jean Staen, Financial Secretary Cecilia Kojm, Treasure Helen Kalwicki, Chaplain Anna Kojm and Hostess Virginia Nowicki.
In 1937 a joint meeting was held with the Doyle No. 2 firemen. Mrs. G. Rapp, an organizer of many auxiliaries and lodges, spoke on "What an Auxiliary Mean to the Firemen". That same year, the ladies auxiliary had their first auxiliary uniforms made costing only three dollars each. Their first parade was August 21, 1937 at Liberty Park honoring Zalemski Day.
Throughout the early years the Auxiliary attended many parades. On July 10, 1938, the auxiliary won first place at a parade for Rescue Hose Company's 35th Anniversary and on August 27, 1938 they won Best Appearing at a parade sponsored by the Casimar Pulaski Post VFW. Also, functioning as an auxiliary unit, the women helped the firemen at many of their first field days and dances to make therm very successful fund-raising events.
For the firemen's 25th Anniversary in 1949 the Auxiliary gave the firemen a large toy fire truck with 25 silver dollars mounted on the truck. This truck is still in the possession of the company today except for the 25 silver dollars which were later deposited in the bank.
The Ladies Auxiliary celebrated their Silver Anniversary on September 4, 1961. Dorothy Wasielewski was chairwomen and Mr. Rollek and Father Rojek were guest speakers. Officers wore corsages, members wore silver leave and all marched in a body to our Lady of Czestowchowa Church for Mass and Communion. Members honored at the banquet who had reached 25 years were Ms. Kent, Mrs. Kocol, Mrs. Mary Tokasz, Mrs. Elizabeth Beres, Mrs. Helen Kalwicki, Mrs. Ann Kojm, and Mrs. Virginia Nowicki.
On September 13, 1986, the Auxiliary celebrated their Golden Anniversary with a dinner at the Town & Country Restaurant in Cheektowaga. President Norine Rokitka offered the welcome, Chaplain Josephone Zakowicz said the opening prayer and Doyle No. 2 President James Tokasz and Chief Robert Trembowicz both made remarks.
We would like to give special recognition for Dorothy Kaczmarek who has been an auxiliary member for more than 60 years!
Over the years the Ladies Auxiliary has been available to help the firefighters with various firematic fundraisers and prepare meals for their Sunday meetings. We are proud to say that in 2024 the Auxiliary will be celebrating 88 years of support and friendship with the men and women of Doyle Hose Company No. 2.
June 25, 1938 - Buffalo News
1976-Dorothy Moleski
1977-Helen Kustra
1978-Helen Kalwicki
1982-Emily Pijanowski
1983-Virginia Nowicki
1984-Lillian Abromowski
1986-Ceil Brzyski
1987-Rose Sowinski
1988-Mary Tokasz
1988-Adeline Matula
1989-Jean Golab
1993-Rose Grupka Wylubski
1994-Josephine Chojnacki
1995-Evelyln Cichy
2002-Ruth Stempniak
2006-Alice Milutinovic
2009-Luck Tokasz
2009-Josephine Lakowicz
2017-Clara Wisniewski
2018-Bertha Tokasz
2019-Dorothy Wilczak
2019-Sue Defields