Our members have raised $4,169.00 for the Variety Club telethon!
February 24, 1924-On this day at the regular meeting of the Clinton Garden Taxpayers' Association held at Mr. Joseph Galamb's Hall at 2070 Clinton Street a motion was made by Mr. Peter Kojm and seconded by Mr. Andrew Partacz to organize a fire department for the purpose of getting lower fire insurance rates in our neighborhood.
April 10, 1924-Doyle Hose Company No. 2 was founded with the following men joining: Peter Kojm, Stephen Rogowski, Gust Kalwicki, and Joseph Galamb, Albert Krawczyk, Ambrose Cegielski, Adam Strauch, Michael Nikel, Stanley Michalski, Herbert Hunsinger, Louis Lubecki, Valentine Stachowski, John Krinke, Frank Tokasz, Frank Witkowski, Casimir Witkowski and Edward Witkowski.
A spokesman for the new hose company said the company will be financed through the efforts of the membership who have pooled their own money and have purchased a hose cart and 400 feet of hose. Mr. Andrew Partacz of Pleasant Parkway donated the use of the chicken coop on his property to store the hose cart and hose.
June 19, 1924-We ran a dance at the oldparish hall located on Willowlawn near Clinton Street to begin construction of a new fire hall at Willowlawn and Griswold Street and made a profit of $79.85. All our members were dressed in blue shirts and white ties. Frank Witkowski made the first badges for the company, they were made of old automobile name plates and looked similar to a German Cross. Gust Kalwicki put the pins on the badges.
Mr. Frank Witkowski leased the property to the fire company for three years free of charge. The lot was at the corner of Willowlawn and Griswold Street where our present firehouse stands. The firehouse was built from old box car doors and measured 18 by 22 feet, half to house a two-wheel cart and half to be used as a meeting room. The total cost will be $85.56, and all construction was done by the membership.
August 20, 1924-St. Josaphat’s Church on William Street was destroyed by fire. There was an estimated $60,000 in damages. Buffalo Fire assisted at the scene. (8/20/24-Buffalo Enquirer, Buffalo News, Buffalo Commercial, Buffalo Time, 8/28/24-Depew Herald and 8/20/24-Dziennik Dla Wszystkich)
October 10, 1924-The Board of Fire Commissioners voted to buy a fire truck for $13,500. The voted passed by a vote of 27-0.
January 7, 1925-A motion was made and accepted to hold our monthly meetings on the first Wednesday of the month and charge 25 cent monthly dues. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
February 4, 1925-A motion was made and passed to run a dance. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
September 3, 1925-A motion was passed by the Board of Fire Commissioners to buy the first set of coats, boots and helmets were purchased for Doyle No. 2.
October 7, 1925-A motion was made and passed that if any member passes away all members are required to attend the funeral or face a $1.00 fine. Also, a $10 flower arrangement will be purchased by the company for the deceased member. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
November 8, 1925- Doyle No. 1 and 2 assisted Sloan with a fire that destroyed the Joseph Kornowski home on Celina Street. Three houses and a barn were destroyed by the fire and three horses died. An estimated $20,000 in damages occurred. The article makes the first mention of, “Clinton Garden Hose Co.”. (11/9/25-Buffalo Courier and Buffalo News)
March 27, 1926-Leona Kaznowski, 5, and her brother Eugene, 18 months old, were burned to death in their home on Fernwood Avenue in West Seneca. A third child, Joseph Jr. was rescued from the home valued at $6,000.00. An engine from Doyle No. 2 responded to the fire and was the first apparatus on location. (3/27/26-Buffalo Evening News, 3/28/26-Buffalo Courier and 4/1/26 & 4/8/26-Depew Herald)
April 14, 1926-Doyle Volunteer Hose Company No. 2 became incorporated under the laws of the State of New York. The fee for the county attorney was $2.50 and $30.00 was paid to the State of New York. Attorney William Brennan, Jr. rendered his services free.
Spring 1926-Doyle No. 1 received a new American LaFrance fire truck. Their old 1917 Hahn pumper was then turned over to Doyle No. 2.
June 23, 1926-The Board of Fire Commissioners purchased the vacant lots that our present firehouse stands on. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
August 4, 1926-At the 18th Annual Convention of the Southwestern Association of Volunteer Firemen of New York (SWAVF) held in Cuba, New York, Doyle No. 1 and 2 were reported as new members of the Association. (8/4/26-Buffalo News and Buffalo Times)
October 23, 1926-The Board of Fire Commissioners voted to buy a vacant lot for Doyle No. 2.
March 2, 1927-A motion was made and accepted that Honorary Members shall pay the regular initiation fee to the company and $5.00 a year for dues as well as cost of the key and the badge. The Honorary Members are exempt from active duty and are exempt from any company assessments. They are entitled to all rights and privileges of the company except they shall have no voice at the meetings. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
July 6, 1927-We responded to a mutual aid fire with Sloan for a fire at the DLW Icehouse on William Street. The four story wood and concrete building was destroyed causing an estimated $75,000 in damages. Several Buffalo firefighters narrowly escaped a collapse of one of the walls. (7/7/27-Buffalo Evening News)
August 3, 1927-Doyle No. 2 paraded in the Third Division at the Southwestern Association of Volunteer Fireman’s 19th Annual Grand Parade at Hamburg, New York. (8/2/27-Erie County Independent)
November 21, 1927-The fire district moved to spend $2,000.00 for sirens for both firehouses (Doyle Fire District minutes)
January 6, 1928-A resolution that required every member to rap twice at the door before entering the firehouse was approved. That motion which had been moved by Bernard Miller, seconded by Adam Kocol and approved by the membership, caused serious problems not long after when a member entered the fire hall without using the required signal and as a result sustained a broken nose when the fireman on guard duty hit him in the head with a Billy-Club. That injured man: Adam Kocol.
April 18, 1928-The fire district’s three Commissioners at the time, John Stiglmeier, Howard Long and Peter Mildenberger petitioned the Board of Supervisors for the County of Erie to expand the fire district’s borders east all the way to Union Road and north to the Lehigh Valley railroad. (8/26/28-Buffalo Courier Express)
April 19, 1928-Doyle No. 1 and 2 along with Sloan, Ebenezer, West Seneca and Depew responded to a fire at French and Borden Road. A farmhouse, several barns and hay were on fire. (4/26/28-Lancaster Enterprise)
June 10, 1928-Deputy Sheriff’s stopped people from dancing at a picnic held by Doyle No. 2 at Island Park in Gardenville. The deputies stated that state law prohibits music and dancing on Sunday’s without a special permit. The picnic continued on! (6/12/28-Buffalo Evening News)
July 25, 1928-A motion was passed by the fire district to build and finance a new firehouse. Passed, 25 yes and 3 no (Doyle Fire District minutes)
September 14, 1928-The old building was auctioned off to make room for the present building. It was sold to Gust Kalwicki, a charter member for $20.00.
October 7, 1928-The cornerstone laying ceremony for the new firehouse was held this day. A ceremony and parade were held at the site at the corner of Willowlawn and Griswold Street. Members of the Cheektowaga Town Board headed by Supervisor John C. Stiglmeier, Town Clerk Alois Schisel, Justice of the Peace Benjamin Milne and members of the town’s 6 fire companies participated in the activities. (10/6/28-Buffalo Evening News and 10/15/28-Dziennik Dla Wszystkich)
December 3, 1928- The body of Anthony Inda, 68, father of Judge Peter J. Inda of Cheektowaga was found in the ruins of a burned barn at the rear of the house on Cayuga Creek Road. Mr. Inda, who had been living apart from his wife for five weeks, had established quarters in the barn. From appearances his murderer fired 3 shots through his chest while he was sleeping in a cot in the barn. (12/3/28-Buffalo Evening News)
1929-This year saw the start of the mutual aid system between Doyle No. 1 & 2 and Sloan. An agreement was made between these three companies that whenever any one of these sirens blew the other two companies would also respond.
February 6, 1929-A motion was made and seconded to pay for the first mission cross in or Lady of Czestochowa Church at a cost of $67.50.
March 6, 1929-A motion was made by Adam Kocol seconded by Peter Kojm to by a seal press from C. G. Braxmar Company for $12.00. We still have and use this original seal to this day. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
July 30, 1929-This was our first known appearance at the Western New York Volunteer Fireman’s Association convention parade. The parade was in Tonawanda, New York and we marched in the Fifth Division. (7/30/29-Tonawanda News, 8/1/29-Depew Herald and 8/11/29-Buffalo Times)
*You can view and download our complete history by clicking on the "Doyle 2 Historical Timeline" button in our Downloads Section of this website!
October 6, 1928 - Buffalo News
January 17, 1930-At our monthly meeting a committee was formed to write our first Constitution. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
March 10, 1930-The Board of Fire Commissioners meeting was held at Doyle No. 2 (Doyle Fire District minutes)
June 15, 1930-A huge carnival took place on Willowlawn Parkway between Griswold and Clinton Street. Doyle No. 2 led the parade sponsored by the Clinton Garden Taxpayers Association. (6/12/30-Depew Herald)
July 9, 1930-Our first Constitution & By-Laws were adopted. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
September 21, 1930-Charles Zimberth, 19 and Matthew Nowicki, 18, both of Pleasant Parkway stepped down after spending 59 days in the branches of a large maple tree in a vacant lot off Pleasant Parkway to win a new world record in a tree sitting championship. When they finally descended a Doyle No. 2 fire truck was waiting and they were driven around town to celebrate the occasion then were returned to their homes. (9/4/30 & 9/25/30-Depew Herald and 9/22/30-Buffalo Courier Express)
November 18, 1930-The taxpayers of the Doyle Fire District voted to appropriate $10,200 for the maintenance of two fire companies. (11/20/30-Buffalo News)
March 4, 1931-A motion was made by Stanley Reczek and seconded by Joseph Galamb to buy a clock for any member of our company that gets married as a wedding gift. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
March 12, 1931-Volunteer firemen and police are engaged in a concerted effort to rid the town of false fire alarm jokers all around the town including the “William District”. A $50 reward was offered for information. (3/12/31-Depew Herald)
April 1, 1931-A motion was made to start a softball team with Stanley Reczek being the first Manager, two years later they won the league championship. A strong motivation during the softball championship years was that Steve Basinski offered a gallon of wine to any man who hit a homer. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
April 5, 1931-Doyle No. 2 had our first card party at the OLC Church Hall.
April 23, 1931-In the rooms of the Exempt Volunteer Firemen’s Association at Ellicott and Goodell Streets in Buffalo the Erie County Volunteer Firemen’s Association was organized by 180 members of various units of volunteer firefighters. Eugen Braun of Eggerstville Hose Company was named temporary President and George Keller of U-Crest Hose Company as temporary Secretary. The association will meet 4 times a year with both active and exempt firemen to discuss their problems. (4/20/31-Courier Express and 4/23/31-Depew Herald & Lancaster Enterprise)
April 29, 1931-At a special meeting a motion was made and passed that any Active Member who has served five years in the company and received an Honorable Discharge may at any regular meeting, apply for an Exempt Certificate as provided in New York State laws. Also, any Active Exempt Member may at any regular meeting apply to the company for a Passive Membership. As such the Passive Exempt Member shall have all the privileges of the regular Active Members except the right to vote and hold office. Passive Members pay no dues. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
May 1, 1931-The Cheektowaga Firemen’s Softball League announced the selection of John C. Stiglmeier as their first ever President. (5/1/31-Buffalo Evening News)
May 14, 1931-Representatives of the eight hose companies of the Town of Cheektowaga met at U-Crest Fire Hall to make final arrangements for the Cheektowaga Firemen’s Softball League. (5/14/31-Depew Herald)
June 4, 1931-According to a letter by Doyle No. 2 Softball Manager Stan Reczek, Doyle No. 2 played a protest game against Doyle No. 1. The score was 10-5 in the bottom of the fifth inning. At the top of the 6thinning, Doyle No. 2 scored 4 runs with one man out and one man on second base.
The score was 10-9 in favor of Doyle No. 1. F. Kochanowski was next to bat, had no strikes and two balls called on him. The left fielder from Doyle No. 1 refused to play ball claiming it was too dark. The manager and captain walked off the field. The Umpire did not call the game and told Doyle No. 1 to play ball but they were afraid to lose. (9/17/31-Depew Herald)
June 15, 1931-Two frame dwellings and a garage were destroyed in a fire on Union Road and William Street. The fire caused an estimated $750 in damages. (6/16/31-Buffalo Courier Express)
June 18, 1931-A Depew Herald article lists the Firemen’s Softball League standings as states the Doyle No. 2’s home diamond is at Clinton and Willowlawn Parkway. (6/18/31-Depew Herald)
July 19, 1931-Doyle No. 2 hosted an open-air card party and dance on parish grounds along with the Clinton-Garden Taxpayers Association. (7/16/31-Depew Herald)
July 30, 1931-Doyle No. 2 marched in the 1st Division of the Western Convention parade held in Dunkirk, New York. (7/30/31-Jamestown Journal)
August 12, 1931-A fire in a store at 1225 Harlem Road caused $200.00 in damages. (8/13/31-Depew Herald)
October 23, 1931-A motion was made and passed to spend $5.00 for lumber to build a bar. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
March 9, 1932-Members and guests of the eight teams which composed the Cheektowaga Firemen’s Softball League gathered at Neibert’s Big House on Genesee Street for their first ever banquet. Sloan Active Hose was awarded the First Place trophy and Rescue Second Place. (3/3/32-Depew Herald)
April 10, 1932-Doyle No. 2 held at car party and dance at the OLC Parish Hall. (4/6/32-Courier Express)
May 5, 1932-Off Duty Cheektowaga Police Patrolman Peter J. Rohr was a passenger in the car of Willie Kankiewicz that was ran off the road near the scene of an arson fire at Liberty Park by Cheektowaga Police because of their suspected of involvement with the fire. Kankiewicz signed a statement implicating Rohr in what he described as merely a prank to scare the volunteer firemen of the Doyle District while they were celebrating at the fire station. (5/6/32-Buffalo Evening News)
May 5, 1932-Cheektowaga Police Chief Charles Wohlford appointed six Fire Patrol Officers, one for each fire district in town. They were appointed at a special meeting of the Central Council of Volunteer Firemen. Their duties will be both those of policeman, with powers of arrest and fireman. All are bonded and worked under the direction of the Chief. During social functions in the fire halls they will act as house police officers. At fires they will direct traffic, restrain spectators from going through safety lines and will cooperate with police and fire authorities in fire investigations. (5/6/32-Buffalo Evening News)
May 6, 1932-At our monthly meeting a motion was made to change practice from Wednesdays to Fridays, each man had to attend two a month or pay a 25-cent fine.
May 31, 1932-Conrad Kowalski, 26, sustained a broken leg after the parachute jump, he made went off course by a mile due to high winds causing him to land roughly at the Polish Orphan Asylum on William Street. Police Chief Charles Wohlford, Town Supervisor Chase Zalemski, a large crowd and a Rescue Squad carried Kowalski to the highway where he was transported by two policemen to Emergency Hospital. (5/31/32-Buffalo Courier Express)
July 5, 1932-Doyle No. 2 was one of numerous agencies from across Erie County to march in the Centennial Parade for the City of Buffalo that traveled down Delaware Avenue to Niagara Square. (7/5/32-Buffalo News and 7/7/32-Depew Herald)
August 5, 1932-Two young children, a brother and sister were burned to death in a fire at 5:30 a.m. at 40 Aurora Avenue Winchester’s District in West Seneca. Their mother, 34, and another son made it our safely however the mother did suffer smoke inhalation. During the frantic attempts at rescue by firemen, neighbors, and relatives were also overcome by smoke. (8/5/32-Buffalo News)
September 2, 1932-The first ever Firemen’s Evening at the Erie County Fair was held on this day. All volunteer fire companies in Erie County were invited to appear at the exposition grounds. (8/18/32-Erie County Independent)
January 22, 1933-Doyle No. 1 and 2 along with three other departments fought a house fire that burned to the ground in the Bellevue area due to high winds and no water supply at the Albie Craben residence on Center Street. (1/26/33-Buffalo Evening News and Depew Herald)
February 1, 1933-A motion was made and passed by secret ballot to abolish the Passive Exempt Laws amendment to our constitution. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
February 8, 1933-The single-family residence of Michael Windral sustained $3,500 in damages after a fire believed to be caused by electrical wiring. (2/9/33-Buffalo Evening News)
February 16, 1933-Cheektowaga Police Lieutenant Frank Zelemski came across a fire in a vacant house on Garland near Cayuga Creek Road. The story and a half structure sustained $2,000 in damages. (2/17/33-Buffalo Evening News and Buffalo Courier Express)
February 27, 1933-Doyle No. 1 and 2 along with Sloan responded to a fire in a vacant building at Larry’s Grove on South Union Road that was destroyed by fire of undetermined origin. The building owned by Larry Fronckowiak, sustained $5,000 in estimated damages. (3/2/33-Depew Herald)
March 8, 1933- A fire discovered by Cheektowaga Police Lieutenant Chris Klenk while on patrol destroyed McKenzie’s Restaurant and the Union Hotel on South Union Road. The fire, which started in the restaurant caused $20,000 in damages, was fought by Doyle No. 1 and 2, Depew, Sloan and Winchester. (3/9/33-Buffalo Courier Express and Depew Herald)
March 17, 1933-A motion was made and passed to pay all 1932 dues for unemployed members. This was likely due to the Great Depression. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
May 29, 1933-Members of Doyle No. 2’s First Aid Team were among the 100 volunteer firemen who received diplomas at a ceremony sponsored by the Erie County Volunteer Firemen’s Association held at Eggertsville Hose Company. (5/27/33-Buffalo Evening News)
September 27, 1933-A motion was made and passed to change the meeting time from 8 p.m. to 7 p.m. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
December 1, 1933-We responded to a mutual aid fire with Sloan at the Louis Fronzkowiak residence on Salczek Avenue. The home was destroyed in the $8,000 fire fought by us, Doyle No. 1 and Sloan. (12/2/33-Buffalo Courier Express)
January 11, 1934-Fire in a two story tavern at William and Wabash caused an estimated $5,000 in damages. Firemen fought the blaze for more than two hours. (1/11/34-Buffalo Evening News)
March 7, 1934-We had a 10-year Anniversary party.
April 3, 1934-A fire believed to have followed an explosion caused $3,000 in damages to the Cinderella Inn on William Street. (4/3/34-Buffalo News and 4/5/34-Depew Herald)
April 15, 1934-A softball banquet was given in honor of Doyle No. 2 at the St. Stan’s Club. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
May 19, 1934-Doyle No. 2 held a 10 Year Anniversary (April 10th) banquet. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
May 27, 1934-Firemen from all over the Town of Cheektowaga gathered at the Woodrow Wilson School in Sloan to honor the town’s deceased firefighters. It was the first time officials had gathered to honor the dead. Doyle No. 2 Firefighters Ambrose Cegielski and Frank Witkowski were honored at the ceremony. (5/27/34-Buffalo Courier Express and 5/31/34-Depew Herald)
June 24, 1934-Doyle No. 2 held their first of many field days which were held on company grounds. (6/19/34-Buffalo Evening News and 6/28/34-Depew Herald)
June 6, 1934-A motion was made by J. Krinke and seconded by S. Lezczynski that all members are to wear the badge with the eagle on their coat and the badge without the eagle on their cap. Up until this point members were wearing the hat badge on their coats and the coat badge on their hats. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
August 3, 1934-Defective wiring is believed to be the cause of a fire that caused $3,000 in damages to the Anthony Brzostowcz residence on William Street. Doyle No. 1 and 2 answered the 2:30 a.m. alarm. (8/3/34-Buffalo Evening News)
August 18, 1934-A resolution passed by the Board of Fire Commissioners stated that Doyle No. 1 and 2 will not respond to Sloan for small grass fires. They will still be allowed to respond to major grass fires and structure fires. (8/18/34-Buffalo Evening News)
August 24, 1934-This appears to be the first time Doyle No. 2 marched in the Erie County Fair Parade on Friday night at the fairgrounds in Hamburg, New York. (6/16/34-Hamburg Sun)
October 21, 1934-Damage estimated at $1,500 partially destroyed the home of Victor Reinstein on Bennett Road. Aetna Hose from Depew assisted with this fire in an unprotected area. (10/22/34-Buffalo Evening News)
December 14, 1934-The fire district moved to purchase two gas masks for each company not to exceed $20.00 (Doyle Fire District minutes)
March 12, 1935-While responded to a report structure fire Doyle No. 1 Engine 2 left the road, crossed a ditch and ended up in a field near William and Andrew Streets (now Edmund). Seventeen men were on the rig at the time of the incident which turned out to be a false alarm. (3/14/35-Depew Herald)
March 19, 1935-Fire totally destroyed the building known as the “Queen Bee” located at William & Shanley Street. (3/21/35-Depew Herald)
March 28, 1935-A fire at the piggery at 388 Cayuga Creek Road saw 90 pigs killed. Many more were injured and turned over to Human Officer Rudolph Karnath of the SPCA. (3/29/35-Buffalo News and 4/4/35-Depew Herald)
June 11, 1935-The fire district moved by to alternate the Board meetings alternatively between both companies on a month basis (Doyle Fire District minutes)
September 14, 1935-We responded to a fire in the Bellevue area where lightning struck the garage in the rear of home of Lynn Freeman. The fire caused $5,000 in damages, destroyed two houses, a barn and the garage. We were joined by Blossom Fire Company of Elma in fighting the blaze in a waterless section of the town. We pumped two wells dry saving several adjoining homes. (9/15/35-Buffalo Courier Express and 9/19/35-Depew Herald)
December 29, 1935-A barn belonging to Joseph Kaszprzak on Cayuga Creek Road near Helen Street was destroyed causing an estimated $800 in damages. (1/3/1936-Depew Herald)
January 16, 1936-A fire was discovered by Cheektowaga Police Officer Louis Kozlowski at a home on South Union Road. The Home was destroyed causing an estimated $7,000 in damages. (1/16/36-Buffalo News)
January 31, 1936-A fire caused by an overheated stove caused $2,000 in damages to the home of Michael Homa at 393 Shanley Street. Sloan assisted at the scene. (2/6/36-Depew Herald)
February 19, 1936-A fire destroyed the home of Joseph Kreuger on Cayuga Creek Road resulting in $4,000 in damage to the home and $2,000 to a truck. Sloan assisted at the scene. (2/27/36-Depew Herald)
February 19, 1936-A fire at the residence of Fred Roehling at William Street and Cayuga Creek Road sustained $2,000 in damages. Sloan assisted at the scene. (2/27/36-Depew Herald)
April 13, 1936-An explosion of a still and resulting fire destroyed a 1/ ½ story bungalow on Borden Road near Union. Doyle No. 1 and 2 were notified but due to the fact that the structure was outside their fire district and no water was available they did not respond. (4/16/36-Depew Herald)
May 21, 1936-Doyle No. 2 Founding Member Joseph Galamb was presented a certificate of appointment to the Little Mayors Association. Galamb was given a rating as “Little Mayor of Cheektowaga” (5/21/36-Buffalo Evening News)
May 23, 1936-Twenty-seven pigs were destroyed in a fire that destroyed a garage and two pig pens at the corner of William and Shanley Streets causing an estimated %400.00 in damages. (5/25/36-Buffalo News)
July 1, 1936-At our monthly meeting Mrs. Kankiewicz and Mrs. Kojm were present and asked if they could use the company's name to form a Ladies' Auxiliary. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
July 13, 1936-At 4 o’clock in the morning we responded to a house fire at 83 Mansion Street where nine people were rescued, three of which sustained burn injuries. Edward Wierzoyk, 32; Edward Ledwan, 19; and Henry Ledwan, 24, all suffered critical burns and were rushed to the hospital by Cheektowaga Police after being rescued by firefighters. Henry, who was a Doyle No. 1 fireman was pronounced dead at the hospital later that day.
The other occupants of the house who were rescued by firefighters were Anna Wierzorek, 68; Emelia Ledwan, 46; Stanley Wieczorek, 30; Evelyn Wieczorek, 14; Dorothy Ledwan, 17; and Ruth Ledwan, 13. The cause of the fire was undetermined. (7/13/36-Lockport Union Sun & Journal, 7/14/36-Buffalo Courier Express, Buffalo News and 7/16/36-Depew Herald)
August 11, 1936-Fire of undetermined origin destroyed the central section of the New York Central Railroad Gardenville Roundhouse badly damaging seven locomotives causing $100,000 in damages. Assisting Gardenville Fire Company (now Union) at the scene were Doyle No. 1 and 2 and Sloan. (8/11/36-Buffalo News and 8/13/36-Depew Herald)
August 31, 1936-The new Firemen’s Building made its debut at opening day of the Erie County Fair in Hamburg, New York.
September 15, 1936-A motion was made by Ed Witkowski and seconded by Frank Tokasz to purchase 2,000 tickets at 5 cents each for a raffle for a ton of coal. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
November 23, 1936-Fire destroyed two houses at 418 and 420 Shanley Street. Several occupants fled the house in their night clothes. The 1½ story house had a good start and was completely destroyed by the fire. Damage was estimated at $7,000. Sloan assisted at the scene. (11/23/36-Buffalo Courier Express, Buffalo Evening News and 11/26/36-Depew Herald)
December 1, 1936-A decision was handed down by Justice Swift of the New York State Court of Appeals requiring the Cheektowaga Town Board to reinstate ten volunteer firemen who were dismissed from the town services on January 1, 1935 on the account of their political faith was affirmed. One of the men was Edward Witkowski, a former member of Doyle No. 2. (12/3/36-Buffalo News & Depew Herald)
December 3, 1936-Members of the Cheektowaga Town Board will convene a special session tonight to act on the alleged fire menace in the Shanley Street section resulting in flying sparks from the nearby City of Buffalo incinerator. Three fires, two houses and a lumber yard have occurred in the previous month on Shanley Street. (12/3/1936-Buffalo News)
December 12, 1936-Motion by Commissioner Krinke and seconded by Marynowski to purchase a 500-gallon Buffalo triple combination fire truck from Buffalo Fire Appliance Corp. for $6,000.00 (Doyle Fire District minutes)
January 1937-A special meeting was held to organize a First Aid Committee to cope with the rising number of first aid calls in the area. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
January 9, 1937-German Herman, a Doyle Fire District Commissioner, was appointed to serve as a Battalion Chief of both Doyle No. 1 and 2. (1/9/37-Buffalo Evening News)
April 18, 1937-A dedication ceremony was held at our fire hall at 2:30 p.m. for our first brand new fire engine. The Rev. Francis X. Guzy, Pastor of Our Lady of Czestochowa blessed the engine and Town Supervisor C. Chase Zalemski delivered the dedication speech. The 1937 Buffalo Fire Engine was purchased for $6,000 from the Buffalo Fire Equipment & Sales Corp., with 300 gallons in the booster tank and a 750 gallon per minute pumping capacity. (4/10/37 & 4/19/37-Buffalo Evening News)
April 20, 1937-The Senate passed the Cheney Bill validating the creation of the Doyle Fire District. The measure authorizes the issuance of bonds to pay for the cost of purchasing motor apparatus for extinguishing fires. (4/20/37-Buffalo Evening News)
May 5, 1937-A motion was made and passed to write the Town Board opposing one fire district for the whole town, a proposal under discussion by that body. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
June 1, 1937-Doyle No. 1 and 2 responded to a house fire at 72 Peoria Avenue that caused $3,000 in damages. Sloan assisted at the fire believed to be caused by defective wiring. (6/2/37-Buffalo Evening News and 6/10/37-Depew Herald)
June 6, 1937-The New York State Governor signed the bill of Senator Nelson W. Cheney of Eden validating the creation of the Doyle Fire District No. 1 in Cheektowaga. (6/6/37-Buffalo Courier Express)
June 7, 1937-At the Town Board Meeting Cheektowaga Supervisor Zalemski received and filed the communications from Doyle Hose Company No. 2 stating that they were against the establishment of one Fire District for the town. (6/7/37-Cheektowaga Town Board Meeting minutes)
October 17, 1937-Doyle No. 2 held a jeep contest and floor show featured a cabaret party attended by over 500 people at the OLC Church Hall. (10/18/37-Buffalo Evening News)
February 12, 1938-The Board of Fire Commissioners appointed Joe Kalinowski and Adam Kocol as Fire Police Officers for Doyle No. 2 (Doyle Fire District minutes)
April 19, 1938-The Cheektowaga Town Board voted to equip Town Fire Wardens with extinguishers for use in fighting grass fires. (4/21/38-Depew Herald)
April 23, 1938-Doyle No. 1 and 2 fought a stubborn blaze at 1 Shanley Street causing $10,000 in damages. (4/23/38-Buffalo Evening News)
May 22, 1938-Doyle No. 2 led a procession of 39 children from Our Lady of Czestochowa parish to receive their first holy communion. (5/18/38-Buffalo Evening News)
May 22, 1938-A Memorial Service was held by the Central Council of Volunteer Firemen of the Town of Cheektowaga at the Pine Hill School Auditorium. Deceased members of Cheektowaga’s fire companies will be honored. (5/21/38-Buffalo Courier Express)
June 25-27, 1938-9,000 visitors attended the Western New York Volunteer Firemen’s Association’s 39thAnnual Convention held a Doyle No. 1. Doyle No. 2 Chief Gust Kalwicki was appointed a Director on the convention committee. (3/36/38 & 5/23/38-Buffalo Evening News)
July 2, 1938- Eight town fire companies and 5,000 civilian volunteers assisted in a massive search for a missing 3 year old Sloan boy. Sloan Active Hose Company drained a large pond fearing the child might have drowned. Other companies assisting Sloan in the search were Doyle No. 1 and 2, Cleveland Hill, Forks, U-Crest, Rescue and Pine Hill. (7/3/38-Buffalo Courier Express)
July 4, 1938-More than 500 persons assembled at Doyle No. 2 to witness flag raising ceremonies at which members of the Ladies Auxiliary were guests of honor. (7/5/38-Buffalo Evening News)
July 10, 1938-The Doyle No. 2 Ladies Auxiliary won first place at a parade for Rescue Hose Company’s 35th Anniversary. (7/11/38-Hamburg Sun and Tonawanda News)
July 16, 1938-Doyle No. 2 was one of numerous companies to parade at the closing of the first ever Erie County Volunteer Firemen’s Association Convention in Holland, New York. (7/16/38-Buffalo Evening News)
July 16-17, 1938-A successful annual celebration held by Doyle No. 2 included a Grosteque Parade on Saturday and an airplane dropping a parachute loaded with souvenirs for those attending on Sunday. (7/21/38-Depew Herald)
August 27, 1938-Doyle No. 2 won Best Appearing at a parade sponsored by the Casimer Pulaski Post VFW. (8/28/38-Buffalo Courier Express)
September 27, 1938-Doyle No. 1 and 2 responded mutual aid with Sloan to a $2,000 house fire at 20 Grattan Street in the Village. (9/27/38-Buffalo Evening News)
February 28, 1939-The home and contents of the Stella Lubecki home on Raymond Avenue were destroyed by fire caused an estimated $5,000 in damages. Sloan assisted at the scene. (3/2/39-Depew Herald)
March 2, 1939-An Allegany County Judge in a court ruling has held that the fire district to which a fireman is attached is responsible for injuries sustained while fighting a fire in another district under certain circumstances. The Judge ruled on a case where a Sloan firefighter was injured in an accident in the Doyle Fire District while answering a call for assistance from our fire district. (2/15/39-Buffalo Evening News, 3/2/39-Patriot Free Press-Cuba and 3/4/39-Unknown Publication)
March 11, 1939-The fire district moved to notify the Sloan Village Board that unless they enter into an agreement with us, we are forbidding both companies to enter Sloan to fight fires (Doyle Fire District minutes)
March 17, 1939-The fire district moved each company must nominate a Chief Engineer, First, Second, and Third Assistant Engineers. Also, no truck is to leave the firehouse with at least six men, all firefighters must vacate the firehouse by 2 a.m., and only firefighters are allowed in the firehouse (Doyle Fire District minutes)
April 5, 1939-The piecemeal theft of unoccupied structures under the cover of darkness has mystified the Cheektowaga Police Department. Members of the William Street Taxpayers Association complained to the Town Board that buildings around Colby Street are being carried away board by board each night reducing them to rickety conditions. (4/5/39-Buffalo News)
May 3, 1939-An agreement was made with Sloan to respond to the “Island” (Doyle Fire District minutes)
May 1939-A Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from 1939 indicates that Doyle Volunteer Fire Co. No. 2 had 1 Chief and 48 men, 1 Buffalo combination, capacity 500 g.p.m., 150-gallon booster pump, 250’ of 1” hose, 1,500’ of 2 ½” hose with 800’ of 2 ½” in reserve. It further indicated a Sterling Fire Alarm System, 2 boxes and a siren at the station (brick building). (5/39-Sanborn Fire Insurance map)
August 20, 1939-Doyle No. 2 was awarded Best Fife and Drum Corp at the Pine Hill Hose Company Field Days. (8/22/39-Buffalo Evening News)
November 5, 1939-At the annual meeting of the Erie County Volunteer Firemen’s Association meeting in East Aurora, New York members believed legislative measures were necessary for their protection while in route to fires. Identification of volunteers by aid of a purple light attached to automobiles was among the suggestions. Volunteers declared that in many sections traffic conditions are becoming a menace to firemen answering alarms, motorists in many instances failing to give the volunteers as well as fire apparatus the right of way.
November 11, 1939-Ther Ladies Auxiliary of Doyle No. 2 held its first ever annual dance at our fire hall. Mrs. Genevieve Kankiewicz and Mrs. Stella Kocol served as co-chairs. (11/10/39-Buffalo News)
December 6, 1939-Eight men established a first aid team, and a motion was made and passed to buy all necessary equipment for them. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
December 31, 1939-The Town Supervisor released the figures indicating the amount of money received from and expended by the fire district. The Doyle Fire District received $7,980.00.
*You can view and download our complete history by clicking on the "Doyle 2 Historical Timeline" button in our Downloads Section of this website!
February 11, 1938 - Buffalo News
March 6, 1940-A motion was made and passed to spend $12.00 on a First Aid Team. All members are welcome. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
September 16, 1940-Each of about 1,000 volunteer firemen of the nine companies in Cheektowaga including those in Depew and Sloan have offered their services to the state for home defense duty via a resolution submitted to the Town Board. The resolution was approved by the individual fire companies, the town’s 45 fire commissioners and the Central Council of Volunteer Firemen of Cheektowaga. (9/17/40-Buffalo Courier Express, Buffalo Evening News and 9/19/40-Depew Herald)
December 6, 1940-Cheektowaga Police Chief Walter Marynowski, Lieutenant Frank Zolemski and the Chiefs of Doyle No. 1 and 2, Bernard Roskwit and Peter Kojm sponsored a movie night, parade and scouting demonstrations at the Doyle 2 fire hall. (11/24/40-Buffalo Courier Express)
January 12, 1941-A Sloan firefighter was injured in a fall from a ladder while fighting a fire at 94 Warsaw Street. Firefighter Bruno Wierzbowski, 42, was taken to the office of Dr. Melchior Okoniewski on Broadway in Sloan for treatment. Damage to the home was estimated at $3,000. (1/13/41-Buffalo Courier Express)
February 20, 1941-The former Queen’s Heart night club was destroyed by a morning fire. The one story structure was being used by Montroy Furniture Company as a storehouse. Damage was estimated at $6,000 by Doyle No. 1 Chief Anthony Kajdasz. (2/20/41-Buffalo News)
March 6, 1941-Doyle No. 2 Firefighter Walter Nowicki submitted a claim for injury to the Town Council from a fire February 20th at the Queen’s Heart. (3/6/41-Depew Herald)
March 13, 1941-Doyle No. 1 Firefighter Frank Pajak suffered minor burns while fighting a barn fire that caused $1,000 in damages. Seventy pigs, two cows and sixty chickens were saved from the fire. (3/14/41-Buffalo Evening News)
April 3, 1941-Two workmen were injured when the tar atop the concrete roof at the Buffalo Arms Corporation at Broadway & Kennedy caught fire causing an estimated $3,000 in damages. Doyle No. 1 and 2 assisted Forks at the scene along with Sloan, Pine Hill and Rescue. (4/4/41-Buffalo Evening News and 4/10/41-Depew Herald)
April 30, 1941-A fire of undetermined origin destroyed a 20’x60’ barn and 200 chickens at a property of Anthony Jackowski at 408 Cayuga Creek Road. (5/1/41-Buffalo Evening News)
July 21, 1941-Doyle No. 1 and 2 responded to a fire in a vacant house at 45 Rossler Street. Crews fought the fire for two hours along with Sloan Fire Company. Damage was estimated at $2,500. (7/21/41-Buffalo Evening News)
August 6, 1941-A motion was made and passed to have the Chief and First Assistant Chief’s badges made in gold. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
October 11, 1941-Numerous Doyle No. 1 and 2 firefighters participated in an eleven week fire school sponsored by the New York State Defense Council and Captain Andrew Noon of the Buffalo Fire Department. (9/25/41 and 10/9/41-Lancaster Enterprise)
December 14, 1941-A decision to maintain a daily 24 hour war time watch in Cheektowaga’s eight fire halls was reached at a rally of more than 100 fire commissioners, officers and firemen. (12/15/41-Buffalo Evening News)
January 9, 1942-Doyle No. 1 and 2 fought vainly for 4 hours as flames destroyed a large barn at 400 Cayuga Creek Road. The cause of the $2,000 fire is unknown. (1/10/42-Buffalo Evening News)
February 4, 1942-A motion was made and passed that the Company buy a 12 Year Defense Bond instead of a regular Defense Bond. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
March 8, 1942-About 500 firemen from the town were present at a defense rally held at Doyle No. 1 under the auspices of the Central Council of Volunteer Firemen. Town Supervisor Zalemski spoke regarding the necessity for the protection of the town in case of fire or other emergencies due to air raids. (3/12/42-Depew Herald)
April 1, 1942-A motion was made and passed that all new members get a full uniform paid for by the Company. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
May 6, 1942-A motion was made and passed to participate in the “Smokes for Soldiers” program, not to exceed $10.00. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
June 3, 1942-A motion was made and passed to send a carton of cigarettes to each of our members in the Service. (5/7/42-Depew Herald and Doyle No. 2 minutes, 7/15/42-Buffalo Evening News)
November 2, 1942-Doyle No. 2 Founding Member (Petty Officer 1st Class) Adam Strauch, 41, was killed in a torpedo strike while serving aboard the U.S.S. Aircraft Carrier Wasp in the U.S. Navy as reported by his mother Mrs. John Krinke. (11/2/42-Buffalo Evening News)
January 1, 1943-A 14-year-old girl sustained cuts on her arms and hands when she broke out a window to escape a burning house at 2315 William Street. Doyle No. 1 and 2 were assisted by Sloan at the scene. The fire caused an estimated $5,500 in damages. (1/2/43-Buffalo Evening News)
January 6, 1943-A motion was made and passed to spend $3.00 for a gift for George Keller for painting the “Honor Roll” sign. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
March 30, 1943-An electric plug was blamed for a fire that swept through Chet’s Tavern at 15 Halstead Avenue in Sloan. The mutual aid fire reportedly caused $7,000 in damages. (3/31/43-Buffalo News and 4/1/43-Depew Herald)
May 23, 1943-Doyle No. 2 was host to the Central Council of Volunteer Firemen’s Memorial Service held at Our Lady of Czestochowa Church Hall. (5/22/43-Buffalo Evening News)
October 11, 1943-Two families were left homeless after a fire destroyed a large double at 56 Homewood Avenue. Seven fire companies responded including Doyle No. 1 and 2. (10/12/43-Buffalo Evening News and 10/14/43-Depew Herald)
November 22, 1943-Doyle No. 1 and 2 fought a barn fire at a residence on Kennedy Road near William Street that caused several thousand dollars in damages. Sloan Fire Company assisted at the scene. (11/23/43-Buffalo Evening News and 11/25/43-Depew Herald)
February 2, 1944- Leonard Kojm, a Sloan High School student, was sworn in as a Doyle No. 2 member before he turned 18 years old. Kojm was authorized to answer calls during school hours due to daytime manpower issues. The manpower shortage arose when a lot of our members went off to war and those who were left behind worked in defense-oriented plants. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
June 7, 1944-Our regular meeting was adjourned in honor of the 21 members of our Company in the Service. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
June 29, 1944-A fire that reportedly started on the porch of the Henry Miller home on Rowley Road near Center Street destroyed the house. Doyle No. 1 and 2 along with Sloan responded. (6/29/44-Depew Herald)
August 8, 1944-The Board of Fire Commissioners voted not to answer any alarms east of Union Road until some effort is made for fire protection. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
October 29, 1944-This day was the dedication of an Honor Roll to over 400 residents of the Doyle Fire District and Town of Cheektowaga who were veterans of the World Wars by Lieutenant Colonel Carlton A. Fisher, USMC and former Cheektowaga Town Attorney. Cheektowaga Police and firefighters, school children, American Legion and VFW units and various drum corps marched in a parade preceding the ceremony. (10/30/44-Buffalo Evening News and Buffalo Courier Express)
November 1, 1944-A motion was made and passed to mail a $5.00 money order to all our members in the Service. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
July 5, 1945-A quantity of hay was destroyed at a large shed fire, but the home was saved at 130 Colby Street. (7/5/45-Depew Herald and 7/30/80-Cheektowaga Bee “Out of the Past”)
December 5, 1945-A motion was made and passed to spend $5.00 for a Christmas gift for all Company members in the Service at Christmas time. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
January 2, 1946-Ed Kankiewicz, John Hyzy, Ed Witkowski, and Joe Maciejewski were appointed to a committee to look into a new firehouse or an extension.
March 16, 1946-Moved to purchase three lots and 10’ of a fourth lot on Willowlawn Parkway next to Company no. 2 for $750.00 (Doyle Fire District minutes)
July 3, 1946-A motion was made and passed to get gold plated badges for all Chief’s and President’s. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
August 1, 1946-A motion was made and passed to give a ring of appreciation to all former Chief’s. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
December 4, 1946-A motion was made and passed to have lunch and beer after every regular meeting. This was the start of the lunch committee. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
January 13, 1947-We battled a 3 hour fire at Eastern Auto Forwarding Company at 2727 William Street with Doyle No. 1 and Sloan. The 1½ story building suffered $40,000 in damages and a 20’ section of the roof collapsed. (1/13/47-Buffalo News)
May 25, 1947-The first annual Communion Breakfast of the Central Council of Cheektowaga Volunteer Firemen was held at the Buffalo Trap and Field Club. Firefighters assembled at U-Crest and marched to Our Lady Help of Christians Chapel at Genesee and Union. (5/15/47-Cheektowaga Times)
July 16, 1947-A lightning bolt was the cause of a fire that destroyed a barn on Hitchock Road near Como Park Boulevard causing an estimated $2,000.00 loss. Doyle No. 1 and 2 handled the fire in ansence of any fire protection in the area. (7/18/47-Buffalo News)
August 21, 1947-A meeting was held at the Sloan Fire Hall to organize a Firemen’s Bowling League for all town fire companies that belong to the Central Council. (8/14/47-Cheektowaga Times)
October 14, 1947-The fire district moved to purchase two sets of inhalators with two extra tanks from Young Fire Equipment (Doyle Fire District minutes)
November 12, 1947-Doyle No. 1 and 2 assisted Sloan with a coal trestle fire which threatened to destroy 12 rail cars full of bituminous coal on Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad property on Lovejoy Street. (11/13/47-Buffalo Courier Express and 11/13/47-Buffalo Evening News)
December 16, 1947-Eighty-one fire chiefs from Erie County were invited to a meeting at the Snyder Fire Hall to discuss a proposed mutual-aid plan for fire companies. Invitations were sent out by Chief Francis Ludwig of the Snyder Hose Company. (12/15/47-Buffalo News)
December 20, 1947-Just two weeks after they received an inhalator from the Board of Fire Commissioners it was used successfully to save the life of William Chmielewski, 16, after being overcome by fumes from a hot water heater at his parents’ home at 76 Pleasant Parkway. (12/31/1947-Buffalo News)
February 4, 1948-A motion was made and passed to buy a mimeograph (copy) machine for $150.00. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
February 18, 1948-Representatives of numerous volunteer fire companies who met in Lancaster agreed with the proposed Erie County Firemen’s Mutual-Aid plan in each town later organizing under a county-wide organization. (2/20/48-Buffalo News)
May 6, 1948-Capt. John M. Nolan II, Commanding Officer of Company H, 174th Infantry of the New York National Guard spoke at Doyle No. 2 to interested young men about joining the guard in order to receive their military training at home. (5/3/48-Buffalo Evening News)
August 31, 1948-Doyle No. 1 and 2 assisted Bellevue with an explosion and fire at the Bituminous Products plant that caused $20,000 in damages. (9/1/48-Buffalo Courier Express, 9/2/48-Cheektowaga Times and 9/1/48- Dziennik Dla Wszystkich)
December 16, 1948-Damage was estimated at $2,000 to the basement of a dwelling at 2399 William Street. The fire was caused by an overheated furnace. (12/17/48-Buffalo Courier Express)
February 18, 1949-Fire destroyed a two story frame dwelling at 1945 William Street causing an estimated $6,000 in damages. Sloan assisted at the scene. (2/19/49-Buffalo Evening News and 2/24/49-Cheektowaga Times)
March 8, 1949-The fire district moved to petition the Town Board for stop lights in front of both firehouses (Doyle Fire District minutes)
March 11, 1949-Doyle No. 1 Assistant Chief Joseph Stoekle estimated the damage from a fire at 54 Andrew Street (now Edmund Street) at $3,000. (3/12/49-Buffalo Evening News and 3/17/49-Cheektowaga Times)
April 24, 1949-We celebrated our 25th Anniversary with a gala banquet at Our Lady of Czestochowa Church Hall at Clinton and Meadowbrook Streets. Cheektowaga Town Supervisor Benedict T. Holtz spoke at the gala. Twenty-five years ago there were 17 men at our first meeting on April 10, 1924. In 1949 there were only 4 men left – Frank Tokasz, Peter Koim, John (Gust) Kalwicki and Edward Witkowski. (4/20/49-Buffalo Evening News)
These men were honored at the banquet, each man received a ring, watch and certificates from the Board of Fire Commissioners and a standing ovation. All active men were present this day, along with town and county officials, for this was a memorable occasion.
May 10, 1949-The fire district moved that both companies be allowed to join the county mutual aid system, but Engine 2 will not go out of the district (Doyle Fire District minutes)
June 23, 1949-The Cheektowaga Town Board granted our request to close off Griswold and Willowlawn Parkway to traffic Saturday and Sunday July 2nd and 3rdduring the 25th Anniversary Field Days of the fire company. (6/23/49-Cheektowaga Times)
June 24, 1949-Damage estimated at $800.00 was caused by fire to a 2 ½ story frame dwelling at 2215 William Street shortly after 3 o’clock. Doyle No. 1 and 2 to the fire that started on a sunporch and extended up the rear of the house. (6/27/49-Buffalo News)
October 28, 1949-We responded to a mutual aid fire with Sloan at the Darling Company at 2000 William Street. We fought the fire along with Doyle No. 1 and Buffalo Fire. Sloan Fire Chief Florian Jablonski estimated the damage to the interior, machinery and stock at $50,000. (10/28/49-Buffalo Courier Express and Buffalo News)
*You can view and download our complete history by clicking on the "Doyle 2 Historical Timeline" button in our Downloads Section of this website!
January 2, 1943 - Buffalo News
January 4, 1950-Delegate Peter Kojm reported that license plates for Firemen’s cars were available at 29 cents a plate. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
February 14, 1950-The fire district moved that Doyle No. 2 will be designated as a first aid station equipped by the American Red Cross (Doyle Fire District minutes)
March 1, 1950-A motion was made and passed to put the Silver Dollars from the Anniversary gift trucks in the bank. Also, a motion was made and passed to put the gift fire truck on a special base and into the show case. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
April 10, 1950-Doyle No. 1 and 2 responded to a mutual aid house fire with Bellevue at 2820 Union Road. The fire which was reportedly cause by a chimney caused $6,500 in damages. Forks and South Line were also on scene. (4/10/50-Buffalo Evening News and 4/13/50-Cheektowaga Times)
April 20, 1950-Doyle No. 1 and 2 responded to a fire at U.S. Rubber Reclaiming on Walkowiak Street that started in one of the company’s machines. Sloan assisted us at the scene. (4/27/50-Cheektowaga Times)
May 21, 1950-Doyle No. 2 hosted the 4th Annual Central Council of Volunteer Firemen of Cheektowaga’s 4th Annual Community Service at OLC Church on Clinton Street. Firemen arranged for a Communion at the 9 a.m. Mass followed by breakfast in the church hall. A Memorial Service was held at 7:30 p.m. the same evening at Grover Cleveland School at Rossler and Dingens Streets. (5/17/50-Buffalo Evening News and 5/18/50-Cheektowaga Times)
June 14, 1950-Doyle No. 1 and 2 responded to a car fire that extended to a garage at 72 Garland Avenue causing $5,100 in damages. (6/14/50-Buffalo Evening News and 6/22/50-Cheektowaga Times)
July 5, 1950-A motion was made and passed that the Board of Directors draw up petitions for the building addition to the firehouse and pass them out at the July 31stmeeting. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
November 1, 1950-The petitions are to be taken to the Taxpayers to collect signatures. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
November 5, 1950- Ground was broken for a new church for St. Josaphat’s Parish located at William Street and Peoria Avenue. The Most Reverend Bishop John F. O’Hara officiated the ceremony. Doyle No. 1 and 2 formed an Honor Guard for the procession headed by the Bishop. (11/4/50-Buffalo Evening News)
April 4, 1951-Fire in the home of Rose Sasbonski of 21 Walkowiak Street caused an estimated $4,500 in damages. (4/6/51-Buffalo Evening News)
May 1, 1951-On this date we fought a fire at the Cayuga Block Building & Supply Company on Cayuga Creek Road near William Street. The fire destroyed large quantities of lumber and roofing materials in the 30’ x 100’ one story building. Chief Joseph Tokasz estimated the damage at $25,000 from the fire that started in a storeroom. Assistant Chief Stephen Szulist suffered a cut on the right thumb by flying glass. Doyle No. 1 and Sloan were also on scene. (5/2/51-Buffalo Courier Express & Buffalo Evening News and 5/3/51-Cheektowaga Times)
May 14, 1951-Doyle No. 1 and 2 were ordered to cover the West Seneca districts left unprotected by the actions of the Buffalo Fire Department resulting in the suburbs suffering a severe water shortage. Buffalo FD broke a valve at the Western New York Water Company causing low pressure throughout the area. Over 7,000 volunteer firemen assisted Buffalo in boosting hydrant pressure during the crisis. (5/14/51-The Buffalo News)
August 16, 1951-Doyle No. 1 and 2 were listed as part of the Erie County Mutual Aid System in the event of an enemy attack on the Buffalo area. Their ability to control fires will be one of the most important defensive weapons. (8/16/51-Buffalo Evening News)
September 5, 1951-A motion was made and passed to have a private phone installed in the firehouse. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
December 15, 1951-Seven people were forced to flee from their two family home when fire broke out at 88 Shanley Street. The fire started in a woodshed at the rear of the house and spread quickly to the back apartment. Chief Joseph Tokasz estimated the damage to the house to be $10,000 and $750 to a garage at 91 Cochrane Street. Firefighters from us, Doyle No. 1 and Sloan fought the fire for three hours in cold and snow. (12/15/51-Buffalo News)
January 31, 1952-Doyle No. 1 and 2 assisted at a fire that started in the Grinder Room at the Darling Company at 2000 William Street in Sloan. (2/2/52-Buffalo Evening News and 2/7/52-Cheektowaga Times Police Blotter)
February 10, 1952-Arson was listed as the cause of a vacant house fire at 45 Cass Avenue. Fires were discovered in two separate areas of the house. The fire caused an estimated $1,000 in damages. (2/11/52-Buffalo Courier Express and 2/14/52-Cheektowaga Times)
April 23, 1952-Doyle No. 1 and 2 as well as Sloan firefighters arranged a victory banquet for the Sloan High School basketball and football teams at the high school. (4/3/52-Cheektowaga Times)
April 27, 1952-Doyle No. 1 and 2 along with Cheektowaga Police revived a family of three who were overcome by gas fumes (carbon monoxide) while asleep in their home at 216 Helen Street. (4/29/52-Buffalo Evening News)
July 18, 1952-Doyle No. 1 and 2 were among dozens of suburban fire companies who pushed efforts to shut off residential lawn sprinklers that they believed were creating low water pressure in the hydrant system. (7/19/52-Buffalo News)
July 31, 1952-Firemen and Auxiliary Policemen have been asked to volunteer as air spotters in Cheektowaga until enough persons are secured to operate the ground observation post at Town Hall. (7/31/52-Cheektowaga Times)
September 9, 1952-The Board of Fire Commissioners authorized to expend the sum of $750.00 for the purpose of hiring an architect to prepare drawings, plans, and specs for a proposed addition to Doyle No. 2’s firehouse. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
February 4, 1953-A motion was made and passed that a $20.00 gift will be purchased as an award for the Best Attendance for the Top 3 Firemen. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
March 3, 1953-An exploding oil stove caused a fire at Wayside Open-Air Market resulting in a total loss. (3/3/53-Buffalo Evening News)
June 23, 1953-A three alarm fire caused an estimated $12,000 in damages to the Polish Citizens Club at 358 Reiman Street in Sloan. Firefighters from Sloan and Doyle No. 2 were injured. (6/24/53-Buffalo Evening News)
July 27, 1953-The Board of Fire Commissioners authorized the purchase of a new GMC pumper for Doyle No. 2 with a pumping capacity of 750 gallons per minute. The truck remained in service until March of 1974.
August 22, 1953-At 02:15 a.m. in the morning we responded to a mutual aid fire with Sloan at the Cedar Inn at 134 Halstead Avenue where 4 firefighters suffered from smoke inhalation and a man succumbed to smoke inhalation. Doyle No. 1 and Forks also responded to the fire that caused $5,000 in damages to the tavern and apartments occupied by 3 families.
Three Sloan firefighters and one Forks Firefighter were overcome with smoke trying to rescue Theodore Pawlak from the fire. They were treated and released at the scene. A short circuit between floors is believed to be the cause of the fatal fire. (8/22/53-Buffalo News and 8/23/53-Buffalo Courier Express)
December 14, 1953-A motion was passed by the Board of Fire Commissioners to purchase a new fire truck for Doyle No. 2 from Young Fire Equipment with money received from the Government balance to be presented to the taxpayers in the September budget vote. Also, a motion was made and passed to purchase two medicine cabinets and first aid equipment to be installed in the engine room of both firehouses. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
January 24, 1954-A defective TV caused an estimated $1,500 in damages to a two-family home at 179 Rossler Street. (1/25/54-Buffalo Evening News)
February 3, 1954-A motion was made and passed that we take a group photo every two years on Inspection Day. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
March 19, 1954-A motion was made and passed to limit membership of Doyle No. 1 to 100 active members and 65 at Doyle No. 2. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
April 6, 1954-Seven people escaped uninjured from a fire that destroyed their home and an adjacent barn at 67 Ludwig Avenue early in the morning. The family was aroused by their 14 year old son John after he smelled smoke in the home. Since there were no hydrants in the immediate area Bellevue was called in to assist with a water supply. Chief Piotrowski from Doyle No. 1 estimated the damage at $10,000. (4/6/54-Buffalo News)
June 15, 1954-A motion was made and passed by the Board of Fire Commissioners to pay Young Fire Equipment $9,613.43 towards a new truck for Doyle No. 2 leaving a balance of $6,361.43 (Doyle Fire District minutes)
June 19, 1954-Failure of the Erie County Water Authority to install hydrants in various sections of town is caused concern according to DFD Commissioner Felix T. Wroblewski. The authority is reimbursed for the hydrants at a cost of $68.50 a year and the Doyle No. 1 and 2 need 28 hydrants alone. (6/19/54-Buffalo Evening News)
June 20, 1954-An altar was set up in front of the firehouse on Corpus Christi Day. The was tradition for many years.
July 8, 1954-The Board of Fire Commissioners held a dedication for a new 1954 GMC pumper for Doyle No. 2 with a pumping capacity of 750 gallons per minute which they purchased for $27,000. The truck remained in service until March of 1974. (7/8/54- Dziennik Dla Wszystkich)
July 12, 1954-A motion was made and passed by the Board of Fire Commissioners that Proposition be presented to the taxpayers for an addition to the Doyle No. 2 firehouse with voting to take place on August 26, 1954, from 7-10 p.m. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
August 26, 1954- A referendum and bond vote for the second addition to the firehouse at a cost of $55,000 was held. The vote passed with 176 people voting, 167 voted yes and 9 voted no. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
September 16, 1954-Bids will be open by the fire district on November 8th at 8 p.m. for the addition to the Doyle No. 2 firehouse . (Doyle Fire District minutes)
September 17, 1954-An accident that occurred at William and Colton was described as “Worst Traffic Accident in Years” killed one man and injured nine. Killed was Vincent Krapp, 46. Injured in the Buffalo man’s car were Kathleen Krapp, 76; Jean Sullivan, 22; Paul Sullivan, 23; and Agnes Mohn, 52. Injured in the other car were Esther Chudoba, 17; John Braun Jr., 19; Diane Chrzastowska, 16; Sylvia Filipski, 14; and Norbert Przepiora, 16. (9/18/54-Buffalo Evening News and 9/18/54-Buffalo Courier Express)
September 19, 1954-More than 125 firefighters from four companies battled a fire at the DL&W Railroad car shop at the foot of Halstead Avenue. Seven firefighters suffered minor injuries battling the fire that caused $150,000 in damages. (9/20/54 & 9/21/54-Buffalo Evening News)
January 10, 1955-A motion was made and passed by the Board of Fire Commissioners that when both companies respond to an alarm and both Chiefs are present then the Chief in who’s respective territory they are working is in complete charge but in the absence of the Chief, then the superior in rank of either company is in Command regardless in whose territory they may be. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
July 6, 1955-The Town of Cheektowaga started a new system sponsored by the Erie County Medical Society that will have local physicians or specialists closest to a medical aid call dispatched to the scene. (7/7/55-Buffalo Courier Express)
July 10, 1955-Cleveland Hill Firefighter Matthew Michels Sr. died of a heart attack while marching for his fire department in a parade down William Street for Doyle No. 1’s annual picnic. He died despite the fact that Cheektowaga Health Officer Dr. Louis Vendetti was on scene already. (7/11/55-Buffalo Courier Express)
July 17, 1955-More than 100 firefighters fought a grass fire for 9 hours along the DL&W Railroad property between Harlem and Kennedy Roads. Sloan, Bellevue and Forks assisted. (7/18/55-Buffalo Evening News)
August 2-5, 1955-10,000 visitors were expected for the 47th Annual Southwestern Association of Volunteer Firemen’s convention hosted by the Town of Cheektowaga. Doyle No. 1 Member George Herman was President of the Association. Doyle No. 2 Member John Hyzy was names Chairmen of the Parade Committee. (4/5/55-Buffalo Courier Express and 8/4/55-Cheektowaga Times)
August 9, 1955-A motion was made and passed for $600.00 for a 25th Anniversary Party for Mr. Kloc. This was possibly our first ever 25 Year Party. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
August 23, 1955-Doyle No. 2 won the Erie County Volunteer Firemen’s Softball League playoffs by defeating Winchester, 12-3 on Centennial Field in West Seneca. (8/24/55-Buffalo Evening News)
September 9, 1955-Arson is suspected at an early morning blaze that caused at least $10,000 at the United States Rubber Reclaiming Plant on Walkowiak Street (now Standard Parkway). About 100 firefighters from four fire companies battled the blaze that destroyed an estimated 500 tons of scrap tires. (9/9/55-Buffalo News and 9/10/55-Buffalo Courier Express)
September 13, 1955-Mr. Joseph Galamb, one of Doyle No. 2’s organizers died at the age 71. (9/16/55-Buffalo News)
October 10, 1955- A committee from Bellevue Fire District appeared before the Board of Fire Commissioners to clarify and prove with maps and a Town Board resolution their present boundary lines, which did not correspond with the maps drawn for us for the purpose of acquiring all property east of Raymond Street and up to Union Road and north of William Street that showed as belonging to no fire district. The attorney was instructed to hold up the petitions now in progress. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
January 9, 1956-The Board of Fire Commissioners walked through the completed building addition and accepted the property from the contractors and developers. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
January 19, 1956-The Cheektowaga Town Board approved the extension of the Doyle Fire District to annex a large tract of land between Ludwig Avenue and Union Road south of the DL&W Railroad. (1/3/56-Cheektowaga Town Board minutes and 1/19/56-Cheektowaga Times)
February 1, 1956-A motion was made and passed to install a bar in the basement. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
March 6, 1956-A torrent of rain and lighting swept through the fire district causing severe flooding and a fire. Four children, two adults and a dog were rescued from a home at Union and William Streets. About 30 firefighters from Doyle No. 1 and 2 and Bellevue waded through waist deep water to fight a fire at the Harris Welding & Fabricating Co.
As rain fell at a rate of 2” an hour hundreds of calls came into Police Headquarters for flooded streets and basements with 4’ of water. Cheektowaga Disposal Plant No. 2 on Harlem and Clinton Street suffered $50,000 in damages. (3/7/56-Buffalo Evening News)
March 10, 1956-Six year old Lawrence Mieczko of 95 Mansion Street drowned in the cellar of a house under construction next door to 65 Mansion Street. Firefighters pumped out the cellar where the boy’s body was found and recovered him with a pike pole. Resuscitation efforts failed and the boy was declared dead by Dr. Alton Germaine. (3/10/56-Buffalo News)
May 2, 1956-A motion was made and passed to have an open house on Inspection Day. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
June 11, 1956-A motion was made and passed by the fire district to accept a bid of $826.48 to remove all old concrete and lay new concrete on the main drive at the Doyle No. 2 firehouse (Doyle Fire District minutes)
June 16, 1956-Both the Doyle and Forks Fire Districts received permission from State Comptroller Arthur Levitt to extend the boundaries of their respective districts. Both areas were undergoing extensive development at the time. (6/17/56-Buffalo Courier Express and 6/21/56-Cheektowaga Times)
July 5, 1956-Cheektowaga Town Health Officer Dr. Louis Vendetti offered a plan to solve the towns inability to obtain physicians for emergencies. He said the town will be divided into four or five districts and have one doctor on emergency duty for one 24 hour period each week in each district. (7/5/56-Cheektowaga Times)
September 5, 1956-Our membership is at 65 members and all new applications are being postponed due to the fire district’s limit on personnel. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
October 12, 1956-Fire caused an estimated $2000.00 to a hot dog stand located at 1061 Harlem Road. (10/13/56-Buffalo News)
November 4, 1956-A man burned to death when a fire swept his home at 214 Medina Street. One firefighter was injured fighting the blaze. Firefighters found Stanley Czarnota, 30 on the floor in his bedroom. Damage to the structure was listed at $5,000. (11/5/56-Buffalo Courier Express)
December 7, 1957-A motion was made and passed to purchase the lot at the northeast corner of Pleasant Parkway and Griswold behind the firehouse to be used for parking. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
April 10, 1957-Careless smoking was listed as the cause of a fire in the cobbler shop of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Children’s Home at William and Kennedy Streets. Joseph Pottczny, 84 died as a result of burns and suffocation. Two Buffalo firefighters and one Doyle No. 1 firefighter suffered minor injuries during the fire.
Doyle No. 2 firefighters Richard Chmieleski and Henry Falkiewicz removed the victim from the second floor via a ladder and started artificial respirations. The victim was declared dead about 5 minutes later. Damage was listed at $25,000. (4/11/57-Unknown Publication, 4/12/57-Buffalo Courier Express and Buffalo News and 4/18/57-Cheektowaga Times)
May 26, 1957-Doyle No. 2 hosted the 11th Annual Cheektowaga Central Council of Volunteer Firemen’s Memorial Service and Communion Breakfast at Our Lady of Czestochowa Church and the church hall. (4/30/57-Buffalo Courier Express and 5/16/57 & 5/23/57-Cheektowaga Times and 5/27/57-Buffalo Courier Express & Buffalo Evening News)
June 3, 1957-Cheektowaga Police are investigating two fires which started earlier today. The first was occurred at the Wayside Open Air Market, located at 1113 Harlem Road and caused $2,000 in damages. The second was a storage shed at 265 Parker Avenue causing an estimated $500. Two firemen were injured but remained on duty. (6/3/57-Buffalo Evening News)
June 5, 1957-Cheektowaga Police are investigating the third fire this week which destroyed a barn at the rear of 325 Cayuga Creek Road. Doyle No. 1 Firefighter John Marciszewski, 40 was injured and taken to Mercy Hospital where he was listed in fair condition. (6/5/57-Buffalo Evening News)
June 9, 1957-About 1,000 volunteer firemen from ten companies stood inspection by district fire commissioners. Equipment, trucks, buildings and firemen were inspected, and an open house allowed at each company. (6/10/57-Buffalo Evening News and 6/13/57-Cheektowaga Times)
July 15, 1957-An early morning fire blamed on careless smoking caused an estimated $5,200 in damages to a home at 25 Veterans Place. (7/15/57-Buffalo Evening News)
August 23, 1957-Doyle No. 2 won the Erie County Volunteer Firemen’s Softball League Championship defeating Blasdell 7-5, in the title game at the Erie County Fair in Hamburg. (8/24/57-Buffalo Evening News)
August 29, 1957-The Cheektowaga Town Board has approved a traffic signal to help Doyle No. 2 during fire alarms. The signal will operate in the firehouse. It will halt traffic so fire equipment can make a fast and safe exit from the firehouse. They will also install a light at Rossler and Dingens Streets. (8/29/57-Buffalo Evening News)
October 15, 1957-Doyle No. 1 and 2 and Forks assisted Bellevue with a fire at Christiana Lenz’s farm at 2776 Union Road. The fire which was caused by children playing with matches caused $30,000 in damages leveled the barn, damaged a chicken coop and a car shortly before 03:30 hours. (10/16/57-Buffalo News)
February 13, 1958-Fire destroyed a one-story frame house at 267 Ludwig Street. Firefighters from Doyle No. 1 and 2 and Bellevue were unable to save the house. (2/14/58-Buffalo Courier Express)
April 1, 1958-More than 80 firefighters fought a 4 square mile brush fire for two hours from Ludwig Avenue to Indian Road. Doyle, Bellevue, Forks, Sloan and U-Crest responded. (4/1/58-Buffalo Evening News)
April 29, 1958-Two Cheektowaga patrolmen broke down a door of the residence at 462 Cayuga Creek Road to arouse a sleeping family of four endangered by a shed burning fiercely. Quick action by Doyle No.1 and 2 kept the flames from spreading to the house. (4/29/58-Buffalo Evening News)
August 19, 1958-8,000 used railroad ties burned along three-quarters of a mile on the DL&W tracks near William Street in Sloan. Crews from Doyle No. 1 and 2 and BFD Engine 28 were on scene for 7 ½ hours. (8/20/58-Buffalo Evening News)
September 20, 1958-Doyle No. 2’s softball team received top honors at the Firemen’s Softball League Award Dinner held at the Lake View fire hall. (9/25/58-The Sun & Erie County Independent)
October 13, 1958-We responded mutual aid to Bellevue for a fire that caused extensive damage to the two-story frame home of Harry H. Harris at Union Road and William Street. The roof and upper story were almost destroyed. (10/13/58-Buffalo News)
December 31, 1958-A two story frame dance pavilion at Pulaski Park, 575 Cayuga Creek Road was destroyed by fire this morning. Damage to the 40’ by 40’ building was estimated at $20,000. (12/31/58-Buffalo Evening News)
January 9, 1959-Doyle No. 1 and 2 were summoned to the New York State Thruway for 2 worker shanties that were on fire during a snowstorm. Bellevue was called in to assist because there were no hydrants available. Crews were called back again at 9:07 a.m. the following morning for a rekindle. (1/15/59-Cheektowaga Times)
May 6, 1959-A motion was made and passed that we add two more men to the Board of Directors bringing the total to seven members. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
August 11, 1959-The fire district granted permission to the Town of Cheektowaga to use both halls for voting in the Primaries on 9/15, registration on 10/1 and 10/2, and for the General Election on 11/3. This appears to be the first time both halls were used as a Pollin Place. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
*You can view and download our complete history by clicking on the "Doyle 2 Historical Timeline" button in our Downloads Section of this website!
April 12, 1957 - Buffalo Courier Express
March 23, 1960-Fire caused by an exploding gas furnace left two Sloan families homeless after a fire destroyed their home at 20 Grattan Street causing an estimated $20,000 in damages. (3/23/60-Buffalo Evening News)
August 25, 1960-St. Joseph’s Intercommunity Hospital was dedicated at 2605 Harlem Road in town. (9/1/60-Cheektowaga Times)
September 8, 1960-St. Joseph’s Intercommunity Hospital opened to the public. (9/15/60-Cheektowaga Times)
1961-John Darlak was appointed our first fire company Chaplain.
February 1, 1961-Chief Kowalski reported that the Board of Fire Commissioners installed 3 extension phones in the firehouse. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
February 13, 1961-A motion was made and passed by the Board of Fire Commissioners to open the Charter for new members to allow 65 members at Doyle No. 2. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
March 1, 1961-A motion was made and passed to purchase 100 badges for our uniforms. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
May 13, 1961-100 new badges were presented to members according to seniority. The most senior members received the lowest badge numbers. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
June 5, 1961-The Board of Directors reported a $100.00 deposit on the land at Griswold and Pleasant owned by Mr. Suchocki. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
June 7, 1961-Peter Kojm was unanimously excepted as the first Active Life Member at Doyle No. 2. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
June 23, 1961-At a Special Meeting, members voted to purchase the property at the northeast corner of Griswold and Pleasant Parkway, not to exceed more than $2,000.00. The Board of Directors will act as the bargaining and purchasing agents. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
August 2, 1961-Doyle No. 2 purchased land from Chester and Bertha Suchocki for one dollar.
September 24, 1961-The Ladies Auxiliary held a party celebrating their 25thAnniversary at the Doyle No. 1 fire hall. (9/7/61 & 9/21/61-Am-Pol Eagle)
December 9, 1961- While crossing the Harlem Road bridge Sloan Police Patrolmen Henry Bowman and Florian Jablonski saw fire blowing from the roof of the DLW Railroad Roundhouse. Doyle No. 2 along with four other fire companies assisted Sloan fighting the fire that caused an estimated $500,000 in damages. (12/10/61-Buffalo Courier Express and 12/11/61-Buffalo News)
December 21, 1961-The Cheektowaga Town Board approved the request by the fire district to move to one side parking on 11 streets in the district. (12/21/61-Cheektowaga Times)
April 9, 1962-A demolition specialist’s swift action averted possible disaster when a coffee delivery truck exploded near William and Harlem. The driver, Louis McIntire guided the flaming truck to a parking lot away from homes all while sustaining burns and an injured foot in the blast. (4/9/62-Buffalo News and 4/26/62-Am-Pol Eagle)
April 28, 1962-Doyle No. 2 held our first ever Polish Festival Ball at the Our Lady of Czestochowa Church Hall on Clinton Street. Kitchen specialties included golombki and kielbasa and Walt Jaworski provided the music. Ed Sanders was the Chairman of the event. (4/26/62-Cheektowaga Times)
July 1, 1962-Sparks from a welder’s torch set a fire that caused $10,000 damage at the new Sloan High School under construction on Cayuga Creek Road. Four large lines were used to quell the blaze according to Doyle No. 2 Chief Edward Kowalski. (7/2/62-Buffalo Courier Express and 7/2/62-Buffalo Evening News)
July 11, 1962-A motion was made and passed to purchase a Canadian flag. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
August 17, 1962-At a Special Meeting, the company voted to try and sell the property at Griswold and Pleasant to the fire district for $2,300.00. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
October 3, 1962-A motion was made and passed to start a Benevolent Fund with our fire company. (Doyle No. 2 Minutes)
April 3, 1963-Fire caused an estimated $100,000 damage to the Gene Adams Refrigerated Trucking Service at 600 Cayuga Creek Road. Chief Joe Tokasz stated the fire was caused by a spark from an electric torch being used by a welder. Sloan assisted Doyle No. 1 and 2 at the scene. (4/4/1963-Buffalo News and Tonawanda News)
April 8, 1963-A motion to allow Erie County Civil Defense to use Doyle No. 2’s firehouse as a Fall Out Shelter was rejected because it was inadequate for that purpose. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
April 20, 1963-Doyle No. 2 held its Second Annual Polish Festival Ball at the OLC Parish Hall. Music was provided by Walt Jaworski. Ray Nowak headed the Committee. (4/13/63-Buffalo Courier Express)
June 27, 1963-Firefighters from four fire companies spent 6 ½ hours fighting an estimated 125,000 tires at U.S. Rubber Reclaiming Co. on Walkowiak Street. Forks and South Line assisted Doyle No. 1 and 2 at the scene. A Forks firefighter was treated at St. Joseph for smoke inhalation. (6/28/63-Buffalo Evening News & Buffalo Courier Express)
July 14, 1963-Doyle No. 1 and 2 responded to a fire that destroyed a repair shop and storage building at the International Minerals & Chemical Corporation located at 2150 William Street causing $100,000 in damages. Assisting us at the scene was Forks and Sloan and South Line and U-Crest stood by covering the district. (7/15/63-Buffalo Courier Express & Buffalo Evening News and 7/18/63-Cheektowaga Times)
August 17, 1963-Doyle No. 2 was listed as one of the prize winners at the Fort Erie Fire Company’s Jamboree and Carnival parade. (8/19/63-Buffalo Evening News)
October 2, 1963-Chief Joe Tokasz requested 6 men to be on duty during our Annual Dance. This appears to be the first time a standby crew was used. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
October 26, 1963-Doyle No. 2 had our annual dance at the New Strand Ballroom located at 1800 Clinton Street. Cards were played from 3-9 p.m. and dancing from 9 p.m. until midnight. Walt Jaworski and his Della Recording Orchestra provided the music.
November 6, 1963-Officers from Doyle No. 1 and 2 met to discuss a joint fund raising effort to replace our Field Days. A Special Meeting will be called. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
December 4, 1963-A motion was made and passed to team up with Doyle No. 1 for a door-to-door Coin Card Collection. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
February 1, 1964-Doyle No. 1 and 2 teamed up for the first time to raise funds through a Coin Card collection throughout the fire district. Cards were picked up by firemen the week of May 18th. (1/30/64-Cheektowaga Times)
February 3, 1964-Cheektowaga Police were trying to learn what touched off a blast under the hood of a moving car on Harlem Road near William Street. Two occupants of the vehicle were treated at St. Joseph Intercommunity Hospital for injuries sustained by the blast. CPD stated the explosion ripped through the dashboard and blew out both the front and rear windows. (2/4/64-Buffalo Courier Express)
March 11, 1964-Joe Fox requested that the Doyle Fire District go on record not to use charged hand lines to quell riots if any local disturbances arise like other departments across the country have been doing. The matter was referred to the Chief to bring up at the Commissioners meeting. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
April 1, 1964-A motion was made by Joe Fox and accepted to ask the Cheektowaga Central Council of Volunteer Firemen to erect a memorial somewhere in town for deceased firemen. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
April 4, 1964-Doyle No. 2 held our 3rd Annual Polish Festival Ball at the OLD Parish Hall. Music was provided by the Glendales. The event was Chaired by Leonard Trembowicz.
April 7, 1964-Doyle No. 1 and 2 were joined by Bellevue, Sloan, South Line and U-Crest Fire Companies in a joint drill that involved burning hundreds of cars in the junkyard at Marks Auto Parts located at 1978 William Street. (4/9/1964-Cheektowaga Times)
April 20, 1964-Fire destroyed a two story home at 25 Shanley Street causing residents of two apartments to flee. One homeowner, Edward Hobot was taken to St. Joseph Hospital with facial burns. Damage was estimated at $9,000 and took 50 firemen over two hours to fight. (4/20/64-Buffalo Evening News)
May 12, 1964-A motion was made and passed by the Board of Fire Commissioners that they purchase the three Assistant Chief’s from each company white helmets. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
May 31, 1964-Supreme Court Justice Norman Fitzer of Allegany County was the guest speaker for the Central Council of Volunteer Firemen’s 18thAnnual Memorial Service and Breakfast held at OLC Church sponsored by Doyle No. 2. Recently deceased member Frank Tokasz was one of the many memorialized during the mass. (5/26/64-Buffalo Evening News and 5/28/64-Cheektowaga Times)
June 4, 1964-The Cheektowaga Chiefs Mutual Aid Association has informed the Town Board that it wants to establish a “Fire service dispatch center”. (6/4/64-Cheektowaga Times)
July 16, 1964-While working for the Highway Department, Doyle No. 2 Member Alfred Lonczak along with his partner, Patrick Kearns, came across the scene of a truck that exploded in the driveway at a home at 3830 William Street injuring 6 year old Christopher Sadowski. The two Highway workers extinguished the boys flaming clothing. Kearns sustained burns on his right hand and neck while using a blanket to smother the flames. Kearns along with Sadowski were both taken to St. Joseph Intercommunity Hospital for treatment. (7/16/64-Buffalo News and 7/17/64-Courier Express)
August 24, 1964-Bids opened for the new “Rescue Squad”. Only one bidder made an offer, that bidder was Young Fire Equipment for $19,870. A capital fund was established to purchase the Squad, not to exceed $22,500. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
August 31, 1964-Michael Nieswiadomy, 49, suffered an apparent heart attack and died while spraying a neighbor’s burning garage with a garden hose. Doyle No. 2 Chief Joe Tokasz said the three car frame garage and an auto inside were destroyed. Eugene Lewandowski, 21, of 246 Garland Avenue suffered burns on the right hand while working on the car in the garage with a friend. He was treated at St. Joseph Hospital. (9/1/64-Buffalo Courier Express and Buffalo News)
September 2, 1964-Doyle No. 2 Chief Joe Tokasz awarded citations to Harry Jagodzinski and Richard Chimielewski for their work administering mouth to mouth to a fire victim from the August 31st fire on Hedley Street. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
October 13, 1964-A contract was signed with Youn Fire Equipment for purchase a “Rescue Squad” for $19,870. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
November 10, 1964-Volunteer firefighters from six different fire companies battled flames for nearly four hours at the Allied Bitumens plant at 505 Como Park Boulevard causing an estimated $400,000 in damages. Doyle No. 1 and 2 assisted Bellevue along with Forks, Bowmansville and U-Crest. (11/11/64-Buffalo Courier Express & Buffalo Evening News and 11/12/64- Cheektowaga Times)
December 8, 1964-A motion was made and passed by the Board of Fire Commissioners that Doyle No. 2’s pumper will respond for mutual aid calls and Doyle No. 1’s pumper will remain in house. Also, The district awarded a contract to Weinberg & Bass for new district uniforms for $69.50 (Doyle Fire District minutes)
January 22, 1965-Mrs. Eleanor Kozlowski, 39 suffered burns on her hands and legs during a small fire at her home at 11 Henry Street. She was treated at St. Joseph Hospital. The fire was blamed on careless use of matches. (1/23/65-Buffalo Evening News and Buffalo Courier Express)
March 9, 1965-A motion was made and passed by the fire district to amend the by-laws to read, members with less than 25 years of service must make 25% of calls, drills, and inspections and members with more than 25 years of service must make 10% of all call, drills, and inspections. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
April 5, 1965-Fire destroyed a frame garage behind the home of Frank Sewastynowicz at 254 Pleasant Parkway. The fire was believed to be caused by ignition of rags inside the structure. Damage was estimated at $1,500. (4/6/65-Buffalo News)
April 11, 1965- An original member of Doyle No. 2 and our first Fire Chief, Peter Kojm passed away. (4/12/65-Buffalo Courier Express and 4/15/65-Cheektowaga Times)
April 12, 1965-A fire caused considerable damage to a two-story dwelling at 2088 Clinton Street. Forks and South Line assisted at the scene. (4/13/65-Buffalo Evening News)
April 13, 1965-The fire district appointed Joe Muniak as First Aid Captain and John Darlak as Fire Police Lieutenant. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
April 24, 1965-Doyle No. 2 held our 4th Annual Polish Festival Ball at the OLC Parish Hall. Music was provided by The Bellares Polka Band. The event was Chaired by James Takac.
June 7, 1965-The Cheektowaga Town Board approved a transfer of land at Cheektowaga Town Park for a memorial in honor of deceased volunteer firemen. The stone marker will be placed at the site under the sponsorship of the Central Council of Volunteer Firemen.
June 13, 1965-On Inspection Day Chief Joe Tokasz accepted the keys for our new Utility 5, better known as the “Ice Cream Truck” from Commissioner Ray Stablewski. Father Joseph Rojek, pastor from OLC Church and the Honorary Chaplain of Doyle No. 2 blessed the new truck and its equipment. (6/14/65-Buffalo Evening News)
July 13, 1965-A motion was made and passed by the fire district to purchase 125 badges for Doyle No. 1 and 85 badges for Doyle No. 2, 35 hat badges for Doyle No. 1 and 85 hat badges for Doyle No. 2, as well as four Chief’s badges and seven Westinghouse transistor radio transceivers. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
September 14, 1965-The fire district purchased 4,000 fire prevention booklets. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
September 26, 1965-Walter Glab, 50 of 195 Helen Street sustained burns on his feet and ankles when paint thinner he was using ignited setting fire to his home. Glab was treated at St. Joseph Hospital. The Red Cross arranged for the family to stay at a local hotel. (9/27/65-Buffalo Evening News & Buffalo Courier Express and 9/30/65-Cheektowaga Times)
October 6, 1965-A motion was made and accepted that the reports of the Financial Secretary and Treasurer be added to the minutes and the company set up and follow a budget for 1966. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
October 31, 1965-Doyle No. 2 members attended their first Buffalo Bills game. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
November 3, 1965-A motion was made and passed to spend $50.00 for a “Meet the Candidates” night. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
December 15, 1965-At a Special Meeting a motion was made and passed to by our first color RCA TV set with insurance from Lucki-Urban for $400.00 and install behind the basement bar. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
January 15, 1966-Deborah Sodaro, 8, one of eight children rescued from their burning two family home at 109 Colton Street was reported in good condition at Children’s Hospital. A downstairs neighbor rescued his children and three from the upstairs. Once on scene Cheektowaga Police Officers assisted in rescuing the children. About 40 firefighters from Doyle No. 1 and 2 fought the fire. (1/15/66-Buffalo Evening News and 1/16/66-Buffalo Courier Express)
January 28, 1966-A fire on the second floor of the Holiday Inn on Dingens Street routed more than 60 sleeping guests requiring four of them to be treated at a local hospital. Jack Frost, 30 of Albany and Brian Rutherford, 29 of Burlington, Ontario suffered minor burns while trying to extinguish the flames. They were both taken to St. Joseph Hospital Alfonso Ranalli, 43 of Gibsonia, Pennsylvania suffered a severely cut arm and George White, 60 of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania was treated for smoke inhalation. They were both taken to Meyer Memorial Hospital (now ECMC).
The fire was contained to the room of origin however three other rooms sustained smoke and water damage. The damage was estimated at $50,000 and was believed to be caused by a heating unit. (1/28/66-Buffalo Evening News and 1/29/66-Buffalo Courier Express)
January 30, 1966-150 firefighters from Doyle No. 1 and 2 along with Sloan fought a $100,000 fire at the Jolly Roger Restaurant at 1085 Harlem Road. The building was fully involved when the first apparatus arrived. The cause was listed as careless smoking. (1/31/66-Buffalo Courier Express and 2/3/66 & 2/10/66-Cheektowaga Times)
February 2, 1966-Cheektowaga Police have asked Buffalo Fire Investigators to assist them in in investigating a fire at Ray’s Supper Club at 2493 Broadway at Harlem Road in the Forks Fire District. The blaze caused an estimated $75,000 in damages and was considered a total loss. Doyle No. 1 and 2 responded as mutual aid. (2/2/66-Buffalo News and Niagara Falls Gazette)
March 2, 1966-A motion was made and passed to send a letter to our New York State Assemblyman and Senator in support of the bill to force railroads to install spark arrestors on their locomotives. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
March 8, 1966-A motion was made and passed by the Board of Fire Commissioners to purchase a white ¾ length Chief’s raincoat for Doyle No. 2. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
March 18, 1966-A family of nine spent part of their night in a hotel room after fire damaged their home at 187 Garland Avenue. (3/19/66-Buffalo Evening News)
April 30, 1966-Doyle No. 2 held our 5th Annual Polish Festival Ball at the OLC Parish Hall. Music was provided by Eddie Olinski and his 7 Piece Dala Recording Orchestra. The event was Chaired by Richard Moleski.
July 12, 1966-A motion was made and passed by the Board of Fire Commissioners to authorize the Chief’s to attend the Niagara Mohawk Fire Training school in Oswego, New York. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
September 15, 1966-The Doyle Fire District Board of Fire Commissioners put out bids for sixty home receiver radios. (9/15/66-Buffalo News)
November 2, 1966-A motion was made and passed to adjourn our monthly meetings during a fire or first aid call and resume when we return from the call. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
January 9, 1967-Doyle No. 1 and 2 assisted Sloan with a fire in a 1 ½ frame dwelling at 35 Griffith Street which was destroyed. Damage totaled $18,000 and was blamed on a furnace. (1/9/67 & 1/10/67-Buffalo Evening News)
March 1, 1967-A motion was made and passed to sponsor a Little League Baseball Team at a cost of $125.00 (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
March 13, 1967-Fire started near a platform in the center of a 220’ by 60’ frame structure and spread to part of the roof at the International Minerals & Chemical Corporation at 2150 William Street. Doyle No. 2 Firefighter Henry Wojtusiak was treated by a physician for a foreign matter in his eyes. Damage was listed as under $10,000. (3/13/67-Buffalo Courier Express)
April 15, 1967-Doyle No. 2 held our 6thAnnual Polish Festival Ball at the OLC Parish Hall. Music was provided by Eddie Olinksi and his 8 Piece Recording Orchestra. The event was Chaired by Robert Moricio.
June 2, 1967-After everything was all cleaned and work was done for Inspection Day the following day, an alarm of fire came in at Pulaski Park at 707 Cayuga Creek Road. Roughly 2,000 old tires burned in a wooded area to the rear of the park. The thick black smoke was visible for 15 miles. 100 firefighters from Doyle No. 1 and 2, Bellevue, Forks and South Line battled the fire.
Three Doyle No. 2 Firefighters Ray Nowak, Henry Ambromski and James Takac were injured. With Inspection Day the next day the men had to clean and polish all the equipment all over again and not a trace of the fire was found anywhere. (6/3/67-Buffalo Evening News and Buffalo Courier Express)
June 7, 1967-James Takacs reported that a fire alarm panel board will be installed at Doyle No. 2. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
August 8, 1967-A motion was passed by the fire district that the new home receivers will be split 60-40, 50 to Doyle No. 1 and 34 to Doyle No. 2. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
September 24, 1967-The Cheektowaga Volunteer Firemen’s Memorial was dedicated. Doyle No. 2 Member Joe Fox was instrumental in this project. The monument was sponsored by the Cheektowaga Central Council of Volunteer Fireman. (9/21/67-Cheektowaga Times)
October 14, 1967-The new Cheektowaga Police and Justice Court Building was dedicated. The new building will house a $900,000 fire dispatch center and local Civil Defense quarters. (10/15/67-Buffalo Courier Express)
October 14, 1967-Fire struck the Valu Discount Department Store at Clinton and Rossler Streets just four days after their grand opening. 150 firefighters from nine fire companies fought the blaze. Doyle No. 2 Chief Joseph Maciejewski said the fire was touched off by a large rubbish fire outside the northeast corner of the 75,000 square foot building. The damages were listed at around $400,000. (10/14/67-Buffalo Evening News, 10/15/67-Buffalo Courier Express and 10/19/67-Lancaster Enterprise)
October 14, 1967-Two Ohio women and two of their children were killed when the car they were riding in crashed into a 10-foot crane parked in the center mall of the New York State Thruway near Clinton Street. Three others in the car were hospitalized. (10/14/67-Buffalo Evening News and 10/15/67-Buffalo Courier Express)
December 23, 1967-Fire swept the interior of Mer-Co Associates, Inc. a retail paint store at 1058 Harlem Road. A business next door sustained smoke damage from the fire. Bellevue assisted at the scene. (12/26/67-Buffalo Evening News)
January 17, 1968-The Commissioner Delegate announced that we would be getting electric bay doors for the firehouse. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
April 27, 1968-Doyle No. 2 held our 7th Annual Polish Festival Ball at the OLC Parish Hall. Music was provided by Eddie Olinski and his 8 Piece Recording Orchestra. The event was Chaired by Edward Cichy.
May 5, 1968-Fire destroyed a storage bin and two other buildings at the Forest Lumber Materials, Inc. at 1665 Harlem Road. The fire was believed to be caused by vandals. (5/6/68-Buffalo Evening News and Buffalo Courier Express)
May 6, 1968-Two families fled their apartments when fire swept through a two story duplex at 207 Vern Lane. Bellevue assisted Doyle No. 1 and 2 in fighting the fire that left eleven people homeless. (5/7/68-Buffalo Courier Express)
June 5, 1968-The Commissioner Delegate announced the fire district had purchased 38 brand new home receivers. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
July 8, 1968-The Sloan Bowling Lanes, 1386 East Lovejoy Street was extensively damaged by smoke and water causing an estimated $20,000 in damages. One Sloan firefighter suffered a cut on his left hand that required 15 stitches, he was taken to St. Joseph Hospital. Doyle No. 1 and 2 assisted Sloan. (7/9/68-Buffalo Evening News)
September 29, 1968-Flames destroyed the International Minerals & Chemical Corp. plant at 2150 William Street in Sloan. The three story 200 feet by 600 feet structure burned to the ground. More than 100 firefighters from Doyle No. 1 and 2 assisted Sloan extinguishing the General Alarm blaze for almost 12 hours. The arson unit with Buffalo Fire was asked by Sloan to assist in the investigation. (9/30/68-Buffalo Evening News)
November 4, 1968-An American Flag that flew over the Capital Building in Washington, D.C. was presented to the company by Congressman Dulski. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
December 18, 1968-The Cheektowaga Fire Dispatch office began operations in the basement of Police Headquarters at a cost of $80,000. Six full time and one part time dispatcher manned the office 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
January 8, 1969-Chief Maciejewski reported that Doyle No. 1 will be answering all mutual aid calls and Doyle No. 2 will be answering all calls of the New York State Thruway. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
March 8, 1969-Doyle No. 1 Firefighter Stan Grzybek rescued a three year old boy from a house fire at 55 Dennis Lane and Doyle No. 1 Firefighter Steve Pajak along with Doyle No. 2 Firefighter James Takac performed CPR and mouth to mouth until the boy was revived. The boy was taken to St. Joseph Hospital. Damage was estimated at $500. (3/13/69-Cheektowaga Times)
May 28, 1969-Damage was estimated at $175,000 from a fire at the Sloan Bowling Alley at 1368 Lovejoy Street in the Village. Firefighters were on scene all night and into the morning soaking down hot spots. (5/29/69-Buffalo Courier Express)
1969-While our Engine was out of service for repairs, we briefly utilized Erie County Civil Defense Engine 4.
June 14, 1969-Boyscout Troop 168 gave Doyle No. 2 a plaque for outstanding public service for our Flag Day Ceremonies. (6/12/69-Buffalo Evening News)
*You can view and download our complete history by clicking on the "Doyle 2 Historical Timeline" button in our Downloads Section of this website!
January 15, 1966 - Buffalo News
January 1, 1970-Cheektowaga Fire Control started using a new Squad System for alerting firemen to the hall. Squad 5 was for a wake; Squad 6 was for a special meeting and Squad 7 was for work details. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
March 3, 1970-Fire attributed to an overheated vacuum cleaner caused $7,000 in damage to a 1 ½ story frame building at 591 Cayuga Creek Road. Apparently, the overheated vacuum ignited several paint cans in the basement. (3/3/70-Buffalo Courier Express)
April 1970-Doyle No. 1 and 2 extinguished a structure fire at 20 Willowlawn Parkway around 2 a.m. in the morning. (4/70-Photographic News)
May 12, 1970-A motion was passed by the fire district to recognize the First Aid Captain by allowing them to wear a white hat and gold buttons and a badge. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
June 10, 1970-A motion was made and passed that the company will deposit all 2% insurance monies into a separate account to be used as a sick benefit and memorial fund for flowers, donations, cards for deceased members, widows, etc. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
June 21, 1970-A fire blamed on spontaneous combustion extensively damaged the attic of a two story wood frame house at 229 Wagner Street. One firefighter was treated at St. Joseph Intercommunity Hospital for a cut on his hand. (6/22/70-Buffalo Evening News)
July 4, 1970-Doyle 2 came in Third Place at an Erie County Waterball contest held at the North Evans Fire Company Field Days. Fifteen fire companies competed. (7/9/70-Evans Journal)
July 10, 1970-A crane had to be used to right Doyle No. 1’s fire truck which skidded off the road while responding to a minor blaze at 50 Vern Lane. (7/10/70-Buffalo Evening News)
August 24, 1970-Doyle No. 2 took First Place in the Waterball competition at the Third Annual Water Competition held at the St. Johnsburg Fire Company grounds. (8/24/70-Lockport Union Sun & Journal and 8/25/70-Tonawanda News)
September 13, 1970-Doyle No. 2 held our first annual Waterball Competition at Dingens Park at 1:00 p.m.
November 19, 1970-A fire of undetermined cause destroyed a one story frame structure at the Thorofare Market at 1050 Harlem Road causing $75,000 in damages. The fire started in the rear of the structure and spread throughout. (11/19/70-Buffalo Courier Express)
April 17, 1971-Doyle No. 2 held our 10th Annual Polish Festival Ball at the OLC Parish Hall. Music was provided by the Buffalo Valiants Orchestra. The event was Chaired by Gerald Daminski.
January 12, 1971-The home of Thaddeus Miller, 1420 Harlem Road was heavily damaged by a kitchen fire that spread upstairs to the bedroom and attic. (1/13/71-Buffalo Evening News)
February 3, 1971-Doyle No. 2 received a plaque from the Cheektowaga Exempts for bringing in the most new members into the organization. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
March 26, 1971-Sloan and Doyle No. 2 teamed up with Amvets Hank Nowak Post 45 in a charity basketball game at JFK High School to raise money for the burn treatment center at the Emergency Hospital. Doyle No. 2 beat Sloan 34-32 which raised over $1,000 for the cause. (3/4/71-Buffalo Courier Express & 3/23/71-Buffalo Evening News and Cheektowaga Photographic News)
April 26, 1971-Arson was the suspected cause of a fire at Park Lane Pizza at 2910 William Street early this morning. Flames had spread to the bakery next door. (4/29/71-Cheektowaga Times Police Blotter)
July 18, 1971-Buffalo Mayor Frank Sedita, Deputy Erie County Executive H. Dale Bossert and Cheektowaga Supervisor Daniel Weber were some of the dignitaries on hand for the dedication of the Erie County Fire Training Tower at a cost of $800,000. Doyle No. 2 has since been cited for using the tower more than any other company in the county. (7/22/71-Cheektowaga Times)
August 5-8, 1971-Doyle No. 1 hosted the Southwestern Association of Volunteer Firemen’s Convention. (8/5/71-Cheektowaga Times)
August 7, 1971-Fire of undetermined origin cause destroyed the building housing Hartel Transmission, 2149 William Street causing an estimated $7,000 in damages to 2 cars and the building. (8/7/71-Buffalo Evening News)
August 7, 1971-Doyle No. 2 and Buffalo Firefighter William J. Mackey was cited by the Southwestern Association of Volunteer Firemen for his rescue of two children from a fire on Plymouth Avenue while working as a City of Buffalo Firefighter on January 27th. (8/7/71-Buffalo News and 8/8/71-Buffalo Courier Express)
September 5, 1971-Doyle No. 2 Chief Robert Morcio presented Cheektowaga Supervisor Daniel Weber with a plaque for “Untiring Service” to the community on behalf of the fire company at our family picnic at Springbrook Firemen’s Park in Elma. (9/9/71-Cheektowaga Times)
September 22, 1971-Robert Lover, 20, was admitted to St. Joseph Intercommunity Hospital with an arm injury he sustained when he was caught in a dough kneading machine at the Park Lane Pizzeria, 2916 William Street. Doyle No. 1 and 2 worked for 45 minutes to extricate him from the machine. (9/23/71-Buffalo Evening News)
December 1, 1971-Chief Morcio reported that 4 new Scott packs have been mounted on the truck. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
March 3, 1972-Fire heavily damaged the sacristies of Our Lady of Czestochowa Church at 2160 Clinton Street. Doyle No. 2 Firefighter Ed Tokasz was overcome by smoke and Chief Ray Nowak and Third Assistant Chief Larry Rokitka were treated for hand injuries. (3/10/72-Photographic News, 3/11/72-Buffalo Courier Express and 3/16/72-Cheektowaga Times)
March 23, 1972-A fire that started in a closet on the second floor of a two story home at 58B Viola Drive is under investigation. Two adults and three children were taken in by the Red Cross. (3/23/72-Buffalo Courier Express)
May 14, 1972-An explosion and fire demolished the Sloan Super Duper Market at 2305 William Street. When Doyle No. 1 Chief Edward Kosobucki arrived the walls and roof had collapsed, and he sounded a second alarm. Other companies assisting at the scene were Bellevue, Forks, Sloan, South Line and Pine Hill. (5/15/72-Buffalo Evening News & Buffalo Courier Express)
August 10, 1972-Seven people were injured when a steam furnace exploded at Anchor Concrete Products at the foot of Wabash Avenue. Three homes in the neighborhood and twelve automobiles were damaged in the parking lot. Homes within a three block area were evacuated. (8/11/72-Buffalo Evening News & Buffalo Courier Express and Tonawanda News)
October 12, 1972-The Twelfth Annual Memorial Service of the Erie County Volunteer Firemen’s Association was held on Sunday, October 15, 1972 at Lake Erie Beach Fire Company. Doyle No. 2 Member Alex Milutinovic Chaired the event. (10/12/72-Springville Journal)
October 12, 1972-Police are hunting for suspected arsonists in connection with two separate fires this week at Our Lady of Czestochowa Roman Catholic Church on Clinton Street. A passing motorist noticed smoke coming from the building after two boys ran out. In the second incident three separate fires were discovered in the church along with a strong gasoline smell. Six young men were seen racing out of the building and got into a station wagon. (10/12/72-Cheektowaga Times)
October 13, 1972-Thirteen Boy Scouts earned their Firemanship merit badges at the Cheektowaga Fire training tower with the help of Doyle No. 2 firefighter Henry Ambramowski, a qualified merit badge counselor. This was the second scout troop hosted by Doyle No. 2 as part of its year-round fire prevention program. The first was held at the Theodore Roosevelt Elementary School on September 24th. Twenty Boy Scouts from Troop 168 participated along with fifteen members of Doyle No. 2 under the direction of Chief Ray Nowak. (10/19/72-Cheektowaga Times)
October 15, 1972-Fire destroyed a storage shed behind L&L Electric Company. The fire was extinguished in about an hour. Chief Ray Nowak said it was the fourth suspicious fire in the neighborhood in the past three months. (10/16/72-Buffalo Evening News and 10/17/72-Buffalo Courier Express)
November 12, 1972-Fire destroyed five stores (Tops Market) at the Harlem-Clinton Plaza causing $250,000 in damages. Officials believe the blaze started in a freezer at a food market in the plaza. No injuries were reported. (11/13/72-Buffalo Evening News & Tonawanda News)
January 19, 1973-Buffalo Fire Commissioner Robert B. Howard said the city’s fire alarm box at Villa Maria College will be removed. In September of 1972 the City of Buffalo removed its fire alarm box from the Immaculate Heart of Mary’s Children’s Home at William and Kennedy. Both actions followed criticism of the Buffalo Fire Department for responding to a December 16th plane crash at 116 Diane Drive in which six people died. The Cheektowaga Chiefs Mutual Aid Association contends that their firefighting equipment was not needed or requested. (1/19/73-Buffalo Courier Express)
February 1, 1973-Our fire company initiated a successful Junior Fire Marshal program for children in kindergarten through third grade and had 832 members. (2/1/73-Cheektowaga Bee)
February 6, 1973-Eighty firefighters battled a stubborn fire in the automotive and repair shop at Allied Bittumens at 505 Como Park Boulevard in Bellevue’s Fire District. An unofficial damage estimate put the loss at around $300,000. Bellevue firefighters arrived to find the garage fully involved in flames. Doyle, Forks, Hy-View, South Line and U-Crest assisted at the scene. (2/7/73-Buffalo News)
February 19, 1973-Doyle No. 1 and 2 assisted Bellevue at a structure fire at the home of Edward Lenz of 2860 Union Road. A small dog died in the blaze which broke out while Lenz was at work. The Red Cross is assisting the family. (2/20/73-Buffalo Evening News & Buffalo Courier Express)
February 21, 1973-Fire of undetermined origin caused $12,000 in damages to a vacant duplex apartment at 54 Patricia Lane. (2/21/73-Buffalo Evening News)
April 4, 1973-The Recreation Committee reported an “End of Lent” party will be held at 1:30 p.m. on Holy Saturday (April 21, 1973). This appears to be the first ever Swieconka. Also, a motion was made and passed for $125.00 to purchase a jukebox. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
April 28, 1973-As part of an effort to celebrate Keep America Beautiful Day, Doyle No. 2 was one of five recycling centers set up to collect paper and glass waste. (4/14/73-Buffalo Evening News and 4/19/73-Cheektowaga Times)
May 20, 1973-Doyle No. 2 was host of the 27th Annual Central Council of Volunteer Firemen’s Memorial Service and Breakfast. Firemen assembled in the Big N parking lot and marched to OLC Church for an interfaith service followed by breakfast at the OLC Church Hall. (5/17/73-Cheektowaga Times)
June 6, 1973-The Commissioners reported that Young Fire Equipment won the winning bid for our new pumper with a bid of $59,527.16. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
September 2, 1973-Edward Witkowski Sr., 68, a founder and longtime official at Doyle No. 2 died at St. Joseph Intercommunity Hospital. Witkowski was a Secretary of the fire company for 25 years and served as a Secretary for the Board of Fire Commissioners. (9/6/73-Cheektowaga Times)
October 15, 1973-Angry members of Doyle No. 2 gained a second hearing from the Cheektowaga Town Board in a stop sign controversary. They will meet with the traffic safety commission to discuss the removal of several stop signs along Griswold Avenue. (10/16/73-Buffalo Courier Express and 10/18/73-Cheektowaga Times)
October 25, 1973- Former Chief and Commissioner John Gust Kalwicki, 77, passed away at the Veterans Administration Hospital. Gust was the last of the original 17 men who organized Doyle No. 2. (10/27/73-Buffalo Courier Express)
November 10, 1973-We responded to a three alarm mutual aid fire in Bellevue’s District at the Harlem Genesee Market at 2685 Union Road along with South Line. (11/12/73-Buffalo Evening News and 11/13/73-Buffalo Courier Express)
January 3, 1974-A fire caused extensive smoke and water damage to Chris’ Food Market at 2461 William Street. (1/3/74-Buffalo Evening News)
January 18, 1974-Candles were listed as the cause of a fire that burned the face of Edward Wieczorek, 70, of 105 Hedley Street while he was attempting to thaw out pipes under his house. Damage to the house was estimated at $2,000. (1/19/74-Buffalo Courier Express)
January 22, 1974-Last October, a 20 question test was distributed by members of Doyle No. 2 to the 1,700 students at JFK High School as part of our fire prevention program. Early in the month members of our education committee visited the school for two days to discuss lessons learned from the quiz with classroom instruction. (1/11/74-Buffalo Evening News and 1/22/74-Buffalo Courier Express)
February 5, 1974-It was announced today that Doyle Hose Company No. 2 placed first in New York State and fourth nationally in a fire prevention contest sponsored by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). (2/5/74-Cortland Standard and 2/15/74-Buffalo Evening News)
March 15, 1974-Some 50 prospective babysitters arrived at Doyle No. 2 when we offered a safety course for babysitters. Cheektowaga Police and firefighters gave lectures and demonstrations on various phases of safety in hopes of preventing accidents. (3/18/74-Suburban Courier Express)
April 3, 1974-At our monthly meeting the Chief reported we will be covering the Winchester “Island” for approximately a year while the Harlem Road bridge is under construction. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
April 21, 1974-Our new 1974 Young pumper was officially dedicated at a ceremony at our fire hall. All ten town fire companies were in attendance along with members of the Cheektowaga Town Board, Representatives of Young Fire Equipment, Erie County Fire Safety Commissioner John Wright and Buffalo Fire Commissioner Karl Kubiak. The pumper was built at a cost of $62,000. (4/22/74-Buffalo Courier Express)
April 27, 1974-We celebrated our 50th Anniversary Party at the Marigold Manor where over 300 people attended. The David Cheskin Orchestra played for the affair.
June 6, 1974-A vacant one story wood building that was scheduled to open as a market was destroyed by fire at Clinton and Harlem. The former Throughfare Market at 1050 Harlem Road had been vacant for two years but was being renovated in preparation for a grand opening. Firefighters from seven fire companies fought the blaze. The building was damaged by a fire three years earlier. (6/6/74-Buffalo Evening News and 6/7/74-Buffalo Courier Express)
August 2, 1974-Doyle No. 2 was awarded the Chris Becker Trophy and plaque for Fire Prevention at the Southwestern Firemen’s convention in Wellsville, New York. (8/3/74-Olean Times Herold)
August 9, 1974-Fire swept through a one story block building housing the Independent Scale Service at 2125 William Street. Nobody was hurt during the fire, but damage was extensive. (8/10/74-Buffalo Courier Express & Buffalo Evening News)
August 10, 1974-A fire in a tavern and upper apartments at 15 Halstead Avenue in Sloan caused an estimated $3,000 in damages. Doyle No. 1 and 2 and Rescue assisted Sloan at the scene. (8/12/74-Buffalo Evening News)
October 19, 1974-West Seneca police are investigating the cause of a fire which extensively damaged Clinton Collision at 2135 Clinton Street. Winchester was summoned to the scene around 4 a.m. and found the building engulfed in flames. Fire damaged the garage and 12 vehicles parked inside. Doyle No. 2 Engine 3 responded to the scene to assist. (10/19/74-Buffalo News and 10/20/74-Buffalo Courier Express)
November 3, 1974-Police arrested a burglary suspect after a fire heavily damaged The Man Trap, a combination woman’s apparel store and beauty shop located at 2485 William Street. Police said two fires were started on the first floor and one in the basement. They believe the fires were set to cover up the burglary. (11/4/74-Buffalo Courier Express)
January 3, 1975-A welder escaped with minor burns when a propane tank blew up in his face at Oehler’s Welding and Fabrication at 1571 Harlem Road. (1/3/75-Buffalo Evening News and 1/4/75-Buffalo Courier Express)
March 13, 1975-The Doyle No. 2 Fire Prevention Committee teamed up with the Emergency Hospital Burn Treatment Center (now ECMC) for a fire prevention program presented to 50 members of the Theodore Roosevelt PTA. This was the debut of “Flare”, the fire safety clown. (3/20/1975-Cheektowaga Times)
March 28, 1975-Doyle No. 2 Chief Michael Lisowski was approved to go to Albany to be recognized by the Governor for our Fire Prevention program (Doyle Fire District minutes)
March 31, 1975-Doyle No. 2 Member John Darlak was recently sworn in as Vice President of the Cheektowaga Exempt Volunteer Firemen’s Association and Alex Milutinovic as Treasurer by Town Justice Henry Gabryszak at a ceremony at Randolph Hall. (3/31/75-Suburban Courier Express)
April 15, 1975-The New York State Assembly passed a resolution honoring Doyle No. 2 picked by the National Fire Protection Association as the “Top Totally Volunteer Fire Company in New York State”. Assemblyman Dennis Gorski sponsored the resolution. (4/16/75-Buffalo Evening News)
May 8, 1975-A program of the Doyle No. 2 Fire Prevention Committee had qualified over 30 area Boy Scouts for their Firemanship Merit Badges in recent weeks. (5/8/75-Cheektowaga Times)
May 29, 1975-Governor Hugh Carey called Chief Mike Lisowski to Albany to present him a proclamation recognizing our company for our fire prevention achievements. We were honored by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) for our 1975 Fire Prevention program. Doyle No. 2 was rated third in the state and fourth in the nation in their national competition. Doyle No. 2 was the only local fire company ranked. We also placed first in Fire Prevention at the Western and Southwestern Conventions. (5/29/75-Buffalo Courier Express & Buffalo Evening News)
June 13, 1975-Doyle No. 2 sponsored the Fourth Annual Flag Day Parade that started at William Street and Harlem Road. The parade was organized by Doyle No. 2 Member James Garbacz. The parade included firemen and equipment from our company as well as 300 youths from area Boy Scout and Girl Scout groups.
Each participant carried the Stars and Stripes and distributed them to onlookers along the parade route. The flags carried were placed at deceased soldier’s grave sites by Cheektowaga Boy Scout Troops 57, 168 and 223 as well as members of the American Legion Post 64.(6/2/75-Suburban Courier Express)
July 2, 1975-The Fire Commissioners reported the purchase of 10 new home receivers. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
August 6, 1975-Doyle No. 2 Member Frank Wilczak offered to have the bell from our old pumper mounted on a wooden display. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
October 26, 1975-Firefighters are investigating a fire that began in a bedroom at Building 78 Williamstowne Square Apartment 6. Chief Michael Lisowski said the fire was confined to a bedroom and was caused by a faulty lamp. The Red Cross is assisting the family. (10/27/75-Buffalo Courier Express & Buffalo Evening News)
November 4, 1975-Past Member and Exempt Doyle No. 2 Member George Kaczmarek was elected as a Councilmen to the Cheektowaga Town Board. (11/6/75-Cheektowaga Times)
November 5, 1975-A motion was made by Robert Trembowicz to buy a Bicentennial Flag and fly it day and night during 1976. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
January 11, 1976-At a Special Company Meeting every committee was advised to have a meeting in January and give a monthly report at every regular meeting. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
February 5, 1976-At our monthly meeting the Chief reported the new Squad system is in effect. Everyone was notified by mail as to the Squads and instructions. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
March 30, 1976-An arsonist used gasoline to set fires that caused heavy damage to the Landmark Restaurant at 1386 East Lovejoy Street in Sloan. Firefighters from Sloan were assisted by Doyle, Forks, Rescue and U-Crest. (3/31/76-Buffalo Courier Express & Buffalo Evening News)
April 4, 1976-A broom hockey game was set up against Bellevue Fire Company at the Cheektowaga town rink, the $1600.00 in proceeds are going to the W.N.Y. Kidney Foundation. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
April 10, 1976-The New York State Senate passed a resolution honoring Doyle No. 2 for excellence in national and regional fire prevention competitions. (4/10/76-Buffalo Courier Express)
May 5, 1976-A motion was made and passed to make Tom Janowski Chairman of the Southwestern Convention Comic Parade. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
June 6, 1976-All the town volunteer fire and rescue organizations were honored by the Cheektowaga Bicentennial Commission for “their many sacrifices made in protecting the lives and property of the citizens of the Town”. Presentations were made by New York State Assemblyman Dennis Gorksi and Town Supervisor Kenneth Myers. (6/17/76-Cheektowaga Informer)
June 30, 1976-Helium filled balloons released during Doyle No. 2’s Flag Day observance traveled as far as 325 miles according to tags returned to us. (6/30/76-Buffalo Evening News)
July 4, 1976-In honor of America’s Bicentennial the firehouse doors were painted to celebrate the occasion.
July 6, 1976-Doyle No. 2 participated in a Bicentennial Flag Day parade which went from our fire hall to Dingens Park where Congressman Hank Nowak was the Keynote Speaker and the JFK High School band played. Balloons were released that reportedly traveled as far as West Virginia and Maryland. (6/24/76-Cheektowaga Informer and Doyle No. 2 minutes)
August 12, 1976-James Garbacz, president of Doyle No. 2 and the company’s fire prevention committee were honored at the Southwestern convention held in Allegany. (8/7/76-Buffalo Evening News and 8/12/76-Cheektowaga Times)
September 1, 1976-A motion was made and passed to purchase a Firemen of the Year and a President’s Award plaque. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
September 26, 1976-Doyle No. 2 was one of nine companies that participated in an evacuation drill at the Manor Oak Nursing Home on Harlem Road in the Cleveland Hill fire district. “Patients” were played by members of the Western New York First Aid Simulation Team. (9/30/76-Cheektowaga Times)
September 30, 1976-Doyle No. 1 and 2 combined their fire prevention efforts in a newly formed Doyle Fire District Fire Prevention Committee. (9/30/76-Cheektowaga Times)
October 9, 1976-Doyle No. 2 held a 25 Year Party for Ernie Lonczak and Alex Milutonivic at the fire hall.
November 14, 1976-The Cheektowaga Chiefs Mutual Aid Association held their November meeting at the Sloan Fire Hall. “We don’t want to put down 911, we just want to promote our own dispatch service”, said Forks Chief Germann. The Chiefs Association encourages everyone to call 685-1212 instead of 911. (11/24/76-Cheektowaga Times)
December 1, 1976-The Chief’s reported that on December 17th we will be going to the Annual Christmas Party at the children’s home on William Street with our trucks. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
January 17, 1977-A proposal to change Dingens Street one way from Cass Avenue to Harlem Road met opposition from both Doyle No. 1 and 2. (1/20/77 & 2/10/77-Cheektowaga Examiner)
January 28-February 2, 1977-Damage from the Blizzard of ’77 caused over $500,000 in damages to the Town of Cheektowaga. The Cheektowaga Fire Alarm Office reported handling over 200 storm related calls. (1/29/77-Buffalo News, 2/3/77-Depew Herald and 2/10/77-Cheektowaga Times)
February 4, 1977-The garage apartment of Edward Sitarek of 785 Cayuga Creek Road was destroyed by fire afternoon following the ignition of gasoline fumes by a furnace. (2/10/77-Cheektowaga Examiner)
February 10, 1977-The fire commissioners in each Cheektowaga district have formed an organization called the Cheektowaga Fire District Officers Association. (2/10/77-Cheektowaga Times)
March 12, 1977-Edward J. Kowalski, 51, a fire commissioner and former fire chief at Doyle No. 2 died at St. Joseph Intercommunity Hospital after a short illness. He was a 33 year member of the company and was Chief for nine years. (3/15/77-Buffalo Courier Express)
March 12, 1977-Doyle No. 1 and 2 were the recipients of the Presidential Award from the William Street Taxpayer’s Association at their dinner held at the St. Josephat’s Parish Center. (3/17/77-Cheektowaga Times)
March 31, 1977-Members of the Doyle Fire Prevention Committee spent the day at Arcata Graphics in Depew talking about fire prevention and first aid techniques. (3/31/77-Cheektowaga Times)
May 12, 1977-Two Buffalo teens were arrested in connection with a $100,000 fire at 1113 Lovejoy Street in Sloan. Doyle No. 1 and 2 assisted Sloan at the scene. (6/8/77-Buffalo Courier Express and 6/9/77-Cheektowaga Times)
July 1, 1977-Cheektowaga Police Officer Robert A Burgess suffered fatal injuries after he was shot by a burglar who broke into the Sattler’s Drugstore at 2345 William Street near Harlem Road. Doyle No. 2 Firefighters Jim Koral and Tom Janowski performed CPR on Burgess and rode the ambulance to St. Joseph Intercommunity Hospital (7/7/77-Cheektowaga Times)
July 9, 1977-Doyle No. 2 took 1st Place in the first annual volunteer firemen’s figure eight softball tournament held by the Lake View Volunteer Firemen’s Association. (7/14/77-Cheektowaga Times)
September 24-27, 1977-Heavy rains caused severe town wide flooding over 3 days especially in the William Street and South Line areas of town. (9/29/77-Cheektowaga Examiner)
December 7, 1977-At our monthly meeting the Chief reported that the Ludwig Street bridge is now closed. (12/8/77-Depew Herald and Doyle No. 2 minutes)
January 4, 1978-The Commissioners are planning on erecting a hallway over the back trap door. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
April 1, 1978-The Fire Commissioners reported they were sending 2 Chiefs to the Niagara Mohawk Utility Fire School in Oswego, New York. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
April 5, 1978-Doyle No. 2 Member John Darlak was recently elected President of the Cheektowaga Exempt Volunteer Firemen’s Association, Arthur Mallec as Treasurer and Alex Milutinovic Secretary at their installation dinner at Randolph Hall. (4/5/78-Buffalo Courier Express)
April 28, 1978-New radio designations for fire chiefs were approved by the Erie County Fire Advisory Board and Erie County Fire Safety. Those designations for Chiefs were 9, 9-1, 9-2 and 9-3. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
May 23, 1978-Doyle No. 2 Member Larry Rokitka was recently elected Sergeant-at-Arms of the Cheektowaga Fire Chief’s Mutual Aid Association. (5/23/78-Buffalo Courier Express)
June 15, 1978-The Red Cross assisted eight persons left homeless after their home was destroyed by fire. The fire started in the front bedroom of the house at 227 Alaska Street and spread to 229 Alaska Street. The first alarm was sounded at 9:35 in the morning and a second alarm shortly after. David Kendall, 20, his wife Anita, 19, along with their one year old child, were taken to St. Joseph Intercommunity Hospital for smoke inhalation. (6/16/78-Buffalo Courier Express & Buffalo Evening News and 6/22/78-Cheektowaga Examiner)
June 26, 1978-Respresentatives from Doyle No. 2 along with members of Bellevue, Forks and Sloan presented a $1,000 check to the Felber Family as their donation from the firemen’s annual broom hockey game in April. The check is part of a donation to the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation. (6/22/78-Cheektowaga Times and 6/29/78-Cheektowaga Examiner)
September 8, 1978- Doyle No. 2 now has a “Sister” fire company in Santes, Charente-Maritime Province, France. The two companies got together when an exempt Doyle No. 2 firefighter, Joseph Walenkiewicz, toured France and visited his French “Sisters”, the Saintes Fire Company, which has both paid and volunteer members. They sent a 100 year old fire helmet like the one their company wears as a memento to Doyle No. 2. In return we sent them a full uniform from the Doyle Fire District to France. (9/8/78-Buffalo Courier Express)
December 8, 1978-Doyle No. 2 held a 25 Year Party for John Podgorski and Joe Muniak at the fire hall.
December 27, 1978-An unusual set of circumstances surrounded elections this year held by Doyle No. 2. With 58 votes cast out of a 63 member company, the contest for the office of Second Assistant Chief, between Joseph Rydzynski and Leonard Szymanski ended in a tie vote. Normally a tie would be broken by the seven-member Board of Directors except due to a recent resignation only six members cast votes resulting in another tie.
A special meeting was called to fill the board seat and hold a runoff for the assistant chief’s spot. This time 54 votes were cast but again ended in a tie. The dilemma was resolved when the now complete board met again, voted and declared Szymanski the winner. (12/27/78-Buffalo Courier Express)
February 6, 1979-The Chief announced that a survival kit from the Erie County Survival Bureau has been procured and will be stored at the nun’s convent at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Orphanage, it contains 34 cots, blankets, and dressings. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
March 17, 1979-Fire struck the Forks Lumber Company at 2260 Clinton Street at 11:27 p.m. Firefighters from Cheektowaga’s eleven fire companies, four from West Seneca and one from Elma responded to the scene. Arson was believed to be the cause of the $400,000 fire. (3/19/79-Buffalo Evening News and 3/22/79-Cheektowaga Times)
April 26, 1979-John H. Hyzy, 69, a former Fire Commissioner and member of Doyle No. 2 died today at St. Joseph Intercommunity Hospital. (4/28/79-Buffalo Courier Express)
May 2, 1979-A constitution change was made to have roll call taken a ½ hour after our monthly meeting starts. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
August 2, 1979-The Doyle Fire District were awarded first place for Fire Prevention at the Southwestern Association of Volunteer Firemen’s Convention held in Blasdell, New York.
August 23, 1979-Gregory Burke, a member of Doyle No. 2 was recently honored at the Western New York Volunteer Firemen’s Association convention in Hamlin, New York for his Fire Prevention work with members of the community. (8/22/79-Buffalo Evening News, 8/23/79-Cheektowaga Times and 9/5/79-Buffalo Courier Express)
October 8, 1979-Fire companies throughout Cheektowaga were gearing up for a special fire prevention drill dubbed “Operation EDITH” at 7 p.m. EDITH stands for Exit Drills in the Home. Firehalls sounded their alarms promptly at 7 p.m. and continued on for 2 minutes where participants exited their homes simulating an emergency evacuation during a fire. (9/29/79-Cheektowaga Times)
November 4, 1979-Doyle No. 2 Member Alex Milutonovic was elected Financial Secretary and Member Thomas Krawczyk was elected Director of the Erie County Volunteer Firemen’s Association at their meeting at the Lake View fire hall. (11/5/179-Buffalo Courier Express)
November 13, 1979-The fire district approved $3,200 to Sullivan Sales Corporation to replace the doors at both fire halls. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
December 5, 1979-A motion was made and passed to fly the American Flag at ½ staff during the Iranian Hostage Crisis. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
December 8, 1979-Doyle No. 2 held at 25 Year Party for Floyd Yamarino at the fire hall.
*You can view and download our complete history by clicking on the "Doyle 2 Historical Timeline" button in our Downloads Section of this website!
March 22, 1979 - Cheektowaga Times
January 5, 1980-Doyle No. 1 and 2 responded to a structure fire at 2445 William Street where Cheektowaga Police Officer Philip Williams rescued 79-year-old William Piontek from the burning home. (1/24/80-Cheektowaga Times)
February 3, 1980-A fire of unknown origin caused extensive damage to Ferrante’s Italian Restaurant at 454 Dingens Street around 3:55 a.m. Chief Ed Kosobucki of Doyle No. 1 gave no damage estimate but did say damage was extensive. (2/4/80-Buffalo Courier Express & Buffalo Evening News)
February 10, 1981-The fire district approved Chief Jerry Daminski request to purchase the Jaws of Life for Doyle No. 2. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
February 21, 1980-Doyle No. 1 and 2 braved freezing temperatures to fight a fire at 3016 William Street. The fire cause $25,000 in damages and was caused by combustible materials stored in a closet alongside a hot water tank. (2/21/80-Cheektowaga Times)
March 5, 1980-Firefighter of the Month certificates were awarded to Ben Miller and Don Jagodzinski for performing CPR at a call on 2/18/1980. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
April 4, 1980-Firefighter of the Month certificates were awarded to Jim Daminski, Jerry Daminski, Tom Janowski and Don Swinarski for the work at an EMS call on Shanley Street. Also, a motion was made and passed to allow Robert Trembowicz to use the fire company name on raffle tickets to raise money for the Doyle No. 2 Fishing Club. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
April 12, 1980-Doyle No. 2 held a 25 Year Party for Edmund Nikel at the fire hall.
May 7, 1980-A Firefighter of the Month certificate was awarded to Mark Jedd for his extinguishment of a fire on Wabash Avenue. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
June 4, 1980-Firefighter of the Month certificates were awarded to Bob Trembowicz and Don Jagodzinski for their work at an EMS call at Dingens Park and to Jim Koral for his work doing CPR on a patient from Williamstowne enroute to the hospital. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
July 2, 1980-A motion was made and passed to purchase a plaque recognizing our 25 Year Members. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
August 8, 1980- Thomas Krawczyk received the President’s Award from the Southwestern Association of Volunteer Firemen’s Association at their Annual Convention in Ellicottville, New York (8/9/1980-Olean Times Herald)
September 2, 1980-Firefighter of the Month certificates were awarded to Arnie Mazurkiewicz and Ken Rusin for their work reviving a Helen Street woman. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
September 4, 1980-The First Aid Team from Doyle No. 2 finished in second place in a four county competition held at the Southwestern Firemen’s convention in Ellicottville, New York. (9/14/80-Cheektowaga Times)
September 6, 1980-Doyle No. 2 held at 25 Year Party for Daniel Miller at the fire hall.
September 15, 1980-The Cheektowaga Town Board voted to create the position of Fire Inspector within the Building Inspector’s Department. (9/18/80-Cheektowaga Bee)
October 9, 1980-Members of both Doyle No. 1 and 2 garnered first place trophies for their efforts during a recent Southwestern Firemen’s Association meeting. The group has achieved a first place ranking for six of the last nine years. (10/9/80-Cheektowaga Times)
October 10, 1980-About 100 volunteer firemen from seven area companies took part in a disaster drill at Garden Gate Manor Nursing Home at 2365 Union Road. The drill was designed to demonstrate “how community emergency services would respond to an explosion and fire at a 160 bed nursing home” Doyle No. 1 and 2 were joined by South Line, Forks, U-Crest and Twin District at the drill ran by Bellevue Fire Company. (10/10/80-Buffalo Evening News and 10/23/80-Cheektowaga Times)
December 16, 1980-Three firemen from Doyle No. 2 received Gold Medal awards at the Fifth Annual Cheektowaga Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony at Town Hall. Firefighters Robert Trembowicz and Donald Jagodzinski for their treatment of a school employee who was run over by a commercial grass cutting machine at Dingens Street Park and Firefighter Jim Daminski for rescuing a woman from a second story window of a house on Clinton Street that was on fire despite having a broken arm. (12/4/80-Cheektowaga Times, 12/15/80-Buffalo Evening News and 12/18/80-Cheektowaga Times photo)
February 4, 1981-Firefighter of the Month certificates were awarded to Mike Kozlowski, Larry Benczkowski and Jim Koral for conducting CPR on a patient at an EMS call on 1/15/81 at 85 Starlite Avenue and Kevin Koscielniak and Gary Podgorski for CPR at an EMS call at 134 Garland Avenue on 1/19/81. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
March 4, 1981-The Fire Commissioners signed a contract with Pierce for a new rescue truck for $37,871.00. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
April 1, 1981-Doyle No. 2 Member Arnie Mazurkiewicz was elected Vice President of the Cheektowaga Central Council of Volunteer Firemen. (4/1/81-Buffalo Courier Express)
April 5, 1981-Firefighter of the Month certificates were awarded to Kevin Koscielniak for an EMS call at 53 Colby Street on 3/14/81 and Bob Trembowicz for an EMS call at Rays Tavern on 3/21/81. (Doyle No. 2 Minutes)
June 3, 1981-The Fire Commissioners announced that Spring Brook Fire Company of Elma was awarded the winning bid for our old Utility 5 for $6,101.01. (Doyle No. 2 Minutes)
July 1, 1981-Firefighter of the Month certificates were awarded to Carl Maciuba and Tom Moleski for their action at a fire at 62 Colton Street. (Doyle No. 2 Minutes)
July 30, 1981- Doyle No. 2 First Aid Teams won First Place in 5 out of 6 problem solving scenarios at the First Aid Contest during the Firemen’s Convention held in Alexander sponsored by the Western New York Volunteer Firemen's Association. Since both Doyle No. 2 teams ended in a tie for first place, we were awarded both First and Second Place trophies. (7/30/81-Cheektowaga Times)
August 3-6, 1981-Doyle No. 1 hosted the Southwestern Association of Volunteer Firemen’s Convention. (8/4/83-Cheektowaga Times)
August 17, 1981-The Cheektowaga Town Board approved the appointment of Earl Loder as the first ever part time Disaster Coordinator for the town. (8/20/81-Cheektowaga Bee)
December 13, 1981-A dedication ceremony was held for our new Emergency 7 rescue truck. (Doyle No. 2 Minutes)
January 2, 1982-Doyle No. 2 held our Installation of Officers. Paul Tokasz was the Master of Ceremonies.
January 6, 1982-Firefighter of the Month certificates were awarded to Mike Kozlowski, Mark Jedd and Mike Nikel for their rescue of a women from a fire on Linden Street. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
February 20, 1982-Doyle No. 2 was one of many collection points in the town for clothing and money to be sent to friends and relatives in Poland. The Committee to Help Our Friends in Poland and Doyle No. 2 Member Richard Moleski coordinated the drive. (2/20/82-Buffalo Courier Express)
February 18, 1982-The Cheektowaga Chamber of Commerce and Inter-Council of Organizations honored 39 individuals including Doyle No. 2 Member Thomas Krawczyk, who have volunteered their time and services to the community at a Recognition Night ceremony. Tom was recognized for his 12 years of service as Secretary for Doyle No. 2 and his current role as Secretary of the Southwestern Association of Volunteer Firemen. (2/25/82-Cheektowaga Bee)
March 11, 1982-Doyle No. 2 Member Thomas Krawczyk received an award for Community Dedication from the Private Leonard Post Jr. VFW Post 6251. (3/11/82-Cheektowaga Bee)
April 7, 1982-A Firefighter of the Month certificate were awarded to Larry Benczkowski for his work at an EMS call at Pizza Palor at William Street and Helen. Also, the Chief announced that we can now respond to mutual aid calls but only with Emergency 7. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
May 5, 1982-Firefighter of the Month certificates were awarded to Larry Benczkowski and Robert Barczak for their work at an EMS call at Desidario’s Pizza on William Street. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
June 2, 1982-Firefighter of the Month certificates were awarded to Jim Dunshie, Kevin Koscielniak, Robert Barczak, Mark Jedd, Jim Koral and Gary Garbacz for their work treating a victim with 40% burns from a radiation exposure at the Arco gas station at Dingens and Shanley Street. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
July 7, 1982-A Firefighter of the Month certificate was awarded to Bob Trembowicz for his work extinguishing a smoldering fire inside a house at the scene of a garage fire on Medina Street. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
July 23, 1982- Doyle No. 2 Member Paul Owens received an award from the Western New York Volunteer Firemen's Association for Outstanding Service under 10 years at their convention in Albion, New York. (7/19/82-Tonawanda News, 7/29/82-Cheektowaga Times and Salamanca Press)
October 20, 1982-The fire district awarded Shoemaker Associates the winning bid for 65 coats and 40 helmets for $7,267.25. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
November 3, 1982-The Fire Commissioners announced a purchase of 80 fire coats and 70 helmets. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
December 16, 1982-Doyle No. 2 Firefighters Mark Jedd, Mike Nikel and Mike Kozlowski received Medals of Honor at the Seventh Annual Town of Cheektowaga Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony at Town Hall for their work in rescuing a man from a fire at 71 Linden Avenue. (12/9/82 and 12/16/82-Cheektowaga Bee and Cheektowaga Times and 12/23/82-Cheektowaga Bee)
December 29, 1982-A malfunctioning compressor valve at the Joseph Malecki, Inc. meat company forced the evacuation of about 85 employees and hospitalized 8 after they were sickened by ammonia gas fumes. Doyle No. 1 and 2 were assisted at the scene by Sloan. (12/29/82 & 12/30/82-Buffalo News and 1/6/83-Cheektowaga Bee)
December 31, 1983-Doyle No. 2 held our Installation of Officers (1984) at the Holiday Inn. Larry Rokitka was the Master of Ceremonies.
January 4, 1983-A fire in a 2 ½ story wood frame house at 475 Cayuga Creek Road caused an estimated $50,000 in damages. Sloan assisted at the scene. (1/4/83-Buffalo News)
January 17, 1983-Doyle No. 2 hosted at disaster drill at Theodore Roosevelt Elementary School on William Street. (1/27/83-Cheektowaga Bee)
January 27, 1983- The Cheektowaga Town Board hired its first official Fire Inspector at their Board Meeting on the recommendation of the Town’s Fire Chief’s Association. (1/30/83-Cheektowaga Times)
March 1, 1983-A short circuit caused an estimated $50,000 in damage to a home at 71 Frederick Street. About 90 firefighters from Doyle No. 1 and 2 and Sloan fought the blaze for about 2½ hours. (3/3/83-Cheektowaga Times)
March 1, 1983-Doyle No. 2 Member Walter Falkiewicz received recognition from the Private Leonard Post Jr. VFW Post 6251 at their Sixth Annual Recognition Night. (3/10/83-Cheektowaga Bee and Cheektowaga Times)
March 3, 1983-A fire caused by a short circuit caused an estimated $50,000 in damages to a home at 71 Frederick Street. About 90 firefighters fought the blaze for about 2 ½ hours. (3/3/83-Cheektowaga Times)
March 3, 1983-A Firefighter of the Month certificate was awarded to Robert Barczak for his assistance with a school bus accident on Broadway. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
April 6, 1983-Firefighter of the Month certificates were awarded to Robert Barczak, Mike Glowacki, Mike Kozlowski, Tom Moleski and Frank Schmiegel for their work with an obstructed airway at an EMS call on 4/2/83. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
April 15, 1983-Arson is suspected as the cause of a fire that damaged a vacant home at 2021 William Street. Damage was listed at $5,500.00. (4/21/83-Cheektowaga Bee)
April 19, 1983-The fire district awarded State Fire Control Company the winning bid for 13 Scott air packs for $6,305. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
August 3-6, 1983-Doyle No. 1 hosted the Southwestern Association of Volunteer Firemen’s (SWAVF) convention. Doyle No. 1 Member Richard Ralicki was the current President of the organization at the time. (4/7/83-Cheektowaga Times, 7/14/83-Cheektowaga Bee and Cheektowaga Timess, 8/4/83-Cheektowaga Times and 8/5/83-Buffalo News)
September 1, 1983-Gold Cross Ambulance started sharing calls within the Town of Cheektowaga along with Town’s Ambulance Service. (8/25/83-Cheektowaga Times and 9/1/83-Cheektowaga Bee)
September 7, 1983-The Fire Commissioners reported the First Aid Captains will be getting red helmets. (Doyle No. 2 Minutes)
October 28, 1983-Doyle No. 1 and 2 participated in a mutual aid drill at the Williamstowne Apartments with Bellevue, Sloan, South Line, Rescue and Pine Hill. (11/3/83-Cheektowaga Bee)
January 16, 1984-A bill making smoke detectors mandatory for every building in Town, effective July 1st swept to passage at the Cheektowaga Town Board meeting. (1/19/84-Cheektowaga Times)
February 1, 1984-Per the Board of Fire Commissioners both companies will respond mutual aid to the Buffalo International Airport as mutual aid. Also, a letter from our Ladies Auxiliary offered to prepare meals for both of our Sunday Meetings. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
February 2, 1984-Doyle No. 2 Member and Cheektowaga Town Clerk Richard Moleski was picked for the AmPol Eagle’s “Citizen of the Year”. Among other things, Moleski’s 34 years at Doyle No. 2 was cited for the honor. (2/2/84-Cheektowaga Times)
February 14, 1984-Doyle No. 2 Member Larry Rokitka received the Community Dedication Award from Private Leonard Post Jr. VFW Post 6251. (2/23/84-Cheektowaga Bee and 3/8/84-Cheektowaga Times)
March 1, 1984-A measure introduced by New York State Senator Dale Volker to pay volunteer firemen for clothing damages in the line of duty had passed the Legislature. (3/1/84-Cheektowaga Times)
March 28, 1984- Alex Milutinovic received an award for being an Outstanding Senior Citizen to Cheektowaga by the Cheektowaga Inter-Council for his work Doyle No. 2 at their annual Recognition Night. (4/5/84-Cheektowaga Bee)
April 5, 1984-The New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) started accepting applications for VF (Volunteer Firemen) license plates.
April 14, 1984-Doyle No. 2 celebrated our 60th Anniversary with a party at the Sheraton East Inn on Walden Avenue with music by the Variations. Joe Fox was the Master of Ceremonies; the Invocation was given by Chaplain John Darlak and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Sergeant-At-Arms Walter Falkiewicz.
April 26, 1984-29 year Doyle No. 2 Member Daniel Miller passed away in Sisters Hospital at the age of 60. (5/3/84-Cheektowaga Times)
May 7, 1984-An ordinance that creates an Emergency Medical Service Board, which requires registration, licensing, minimum equipment, and communications standards for professional ambulance services was adopted by the Cheektowaga Town Board. It should also help free volunteer firemen from the threat of litigation. (5/10/84-Cheektowaga Times)
May 20, 1984-Doyle No. 2 was host of the 38th Annual Central Council of Volunteer Firemen’s Memorial Mass and Breakfast. Firemen marched from the Valu Plaza to OLC Church and later a wreath was placed at the Firemen’s Memorial at Cheektowaga Town Park. (5/24/84-Cheektowaga Times)
June 28, 1984-Cheektowaga Town Board members recently named a 7.89 acre tract of landlocked property at the southeast edge of Stiglmeier Park as “Volunteer Firemen’s Memorial Park” (6/28/84-Cheektowaga Times)
August 21-26, 1984-Erie County hosted the 112th Annual Convention of the Firemen’s Association of the State of New York (FASNY) at the Executive Hotel at 4243 Genesee Street in Cheektowaga. The local committee included Doyle No. 2 Members Alex Miluntovic and Thomas Krawczyk, FASNY’s Secretary. (3/29/84-Cheektowaga Bee)
October 20, 1984-Doyle No. 2 held a 25 Year Party for Henry Kaznowski at the fire hall.
February 12, 1985-Doyle No. 2 Member Bernard Miller received the Community Dedication Award from Private Leonard Post Jr. VFW Post 6251. (2/21/85-Cheektowaga Times)
January 20, 1985-The Blizzard of ’85 hit the area. (1/20/85-Buffalo News)
February 23-24, 1985-Widespread flooding throughout Western New York caused roads to be washed out and basements to be flooded throughout the Doyle Fire District. (2/24/85-Buffalo News and 2/28/85-Cheektowaga Bee & Cheektowaga Times)
March 16, 1985-Doyle No. 2 held a 25 Year Party for Frank Wilczak at the fire hall.
June 5, 1985-The Board of Fire Commissioners were looking into purchasing “pocket pagers” for our members. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
October 1985-Doyle No. 2 Member Thomas Krawczyk took over as FASNY’s Secretary after Marty Hynes passed away while in office.
October 21, 1985-Cheektowaga Police Officer Jack Napierski and a Doyle No. 1 firefighter carried a bed ridden women to safety when roaring flames in the house next door threatened to set the woman’s house on fire. The fire almost totally destroyed the home at 29 Hedley Street and caused heat and smoke damage to 33 Hedley Street. (10/24/85-Cheektowaga Times)
November 6, 1985-A motion was made and passed to eliminate the Board of Trustees and change our constitution. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
November 9, 1985-Doyle Hose Company No. 2 held its first ever reunion of past members at the OLC Church Hall on Clinton Street. A total of 130 current and past members attended. Men came from as far away as Arizona, Florida, North Carolina and Virginia. (11/27/85-Cheektowaga Times)
December 10, 1985-Doyle No. 2 Firefighter Jim Koral received a Gold Medal from the Town of Cheektowaga for rescuing a victim from a house fire at 188 Standard Parkway and Firefighter Paul Wojcik received a Gold Medal from the Town of Cheektowaga for rescuing a victim from a house fire at 229 Medina Street. (12/5/85 and 12/12/85-Cheektowaga Times)
January 8, 1986-The Fire Commissioners announced they will be purchasing 186 uniforms for all district firefighters. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
February 5, 1986-A motion by Jim Dunshie and Bob Trembowicz was made to have our first gun raffle on September 29th at the OLC Church Hall for a cost of $10.00 per ticket. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
April 5, 1986-Electrical problems were listed as the cause of a fire that heavily damaged a 3-unit apartment building in Sloan. Doyle No. 1 and 2, Forks, Rescue and Pine Hill assisted. (4/6/86-Buffalo News and 4/10/86-Cheektowaga Bee)
May 15, 1986-Doyle No. 2’s first Chief Peter Kojm’s sons, Dan, Jerry and Alfred, presented Chief Robert Trembowicz with Chief Kojm’s original leather Chief’s helmet purchased in 1921. (5/15/86-Cheektowaga Times)
July 9, 1986-The Constitution and By-Laws of a proposed Exempt’s Volunteer Firemen’s Association was published although it never came to be.
July 9, 1986-A bulldozer operator working at Anchor Concrete Company, 100 Stradtman Street, ruptured a 12” crude oil pipeline causing an estimated 16,000 gallons leak. Doyle No. 1 and 2 were assisted by Sloan and Town Disaster Coordinator Earl Loder at the scene. (7/17/86-Cheektowaga Times)
July 17, 1986-For the first time in 28 years the Doyle No. 2 Softball Team beat Doyle No. 1 in a close 15-14 game. (7/24/86-Cheektowaga Times)
August 6, 1986-At our monthly meeting Chief Trembowicz announced that the new HURST tool is now in service. (Doyle No. 2 Minutes)
September 13, 1986-The Golden Anniversary of the Doyle No. 2 Ladies Auxiliary was celebrated at the Town & Country Restaurant. President Norine Rokitka offered the welcome, Chaplain Josephine Zakowicz said the opening prayer and Doyle No. 2 President James Tokasz and Chief Robert Trembowicz both made remarks.
October 1, 1986-Doyle No. 2 Member Tom Krawczyk was appointed Secretary of the Firefighters Association of the State of New York (FASNY), an office which he held until 1997.
October 12, 1986-Town of Cheektowaga Officials dedicated a 7.89 acre plot of land for the Volunteer Firemen’s Park off Losson Road. (10/2/1986 & 10/23/86-Cheektowaga Times)
October 26, 1986-The Cheektowaga Town Board provided $5,800 for the purchase of the town’s first Disaster Preparedness trailer which was to be used for incidents involving hazardous materials and mass casualty incidents. (10/30/86-Cheektowaga Times)
December 11, 1986-Doyle No. 2 teamed up with the Town of Cheektowaga Employee’s Association to collect money and canned goods for the needy. (12/11/86-Cheektowaga Times)
December 31, 1986-Doyle No. 2 held our Installation of Officers (1987) at the Big Apple Supper Club. Larry Rokitka was the Master of Ceremonies.
July 27, 1987-Workers digging a ditch at the John F. Kennedy High School had to be rescued after the ditch they were digging caved in on them. Bob Higgins, a Doyle No. 1 firefighter and custodian for the school went to the aid of the workers but also became trapped in the ditch. Everyone was eventually rescued from the ditch with minor injuries. (7/28/87-Buffalo News and 7/30/87-Cheektowaga Bee & Cheektowaga Times)
December 6, 1987-The Board of Fire Commissioners were looking into purchasing bunker gear for the first time. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
January 1, 1988-Chief Koral announced that Utility 5 will now be designated as Emergency 7 and our pumper will be designated as Engine 3. (Doyle No. 2 Minutes)
January 6, 1988-The Fire Commissioners announced that Ron Rogowski will be the new fire district mechanic. (Doyle No. 2 Minutes)
February 3, 1988-The first copy of the Bylaws for a Firematic Explorer Post was distributed to all members and the company agreed to establish a post. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
February 6, 1988-Doyle No. 2 held a 50 Year Party for Edward “88” Tokasz at the OLC Parish Hall. Larry Rokitka was the Master of Ceremonies.
March 2, 1988-A fire that may have started in a furnace or hot water heater forced all the residents out of the 12 unit Building 39 at Williamstowne Apartments. It took an hour and a half to get the fire under control. The fire caused $800,000 in damages and nobody was injured. (3/2/88-Buffalo News and 3/10/88-Cheektowaga Bee)
March 17, 1988-Doyle No. 2 Member Ronald Hendershot was elected as Vice President of the Exempt Volunteer Firemen’s Association of Cheektowaga. (3/17/88-Cheektowaga Times)
May 4, 1988-The Board of Fire Commissioners announced that they approved the Explorer Post. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
July 6, 1988-Doyle No. 2 Explorer Post 300 was chartered with the Boy Scouts of America. Ben Miller and Bob Trembowicz were instrumental in starting the group.
July 7, 1988-Doyle No. 1 and 2 assisted Sloan with a large tire fire at 2060 Auto Parts located at 2060 William Street. It took crews over two hours to get the blaze under control. Bellevue, Forks and Rescue also assisted at the scene. (7/14/22-Cheektowaga Bee)
May 15, 1988-The Advisors of the Explorer group met with parents of prospective Explorers at a meeting at the fire hall. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
July 18, 1988-Enhanced 911 went into effect at Cheektowaga Fire Dispatch. (7/21/88-Cheektowaga Bee and Cheektowaga Times)
December 9, 1988-An overnight General Alarm fire that destroyed the Harlem Genesee Nursery located at Harlem and Genesee Streets appears to be arson. The fire caused an evacuation of about 150 residents in a three block area in the immediate neighborhood. (12/10/88-Buffalo News & 12/10/88 and 12/15/88-Cheektowaga Times and 12/15/88-Cheektowaga Bee)
January 7, 1989-Doyle No. 2 held our Installation of Officers at Adam’s Como Lounge. Larry Rokitka was Master of Ceremonies.
March 16, 1989-Doyle No. 2 Member Ronald Hendershot was installed as President of the Exempt Volunteer Firemen’s Association of Cheektowaga at the group’s annual installation dinner recently. (3/16/89-Cheektowaga Times)
June 25, 1989-The Town of Cheektowaga dedicated its Volunteer Firemen’s Memorial Park on Losson Road. (6/29/89-Cheektowaga Times)
August 4, 1989-Doyle No. 2 Member Alex Miluntinovic was awarded the “Outstanding Service” trophy from the Southwestern Association of Volunteer Firemen at their 81stAnnual Convention in Falconer, New York. (8/5/89-Buffalo News)
October 4, 1989-Work was started on widening William Street for the exit ramps for the New York State Thruway. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
October 12, 1989-Almost two weeks into operation, the new Cheektowaga Public Safety Dispatch office seemed to be working well. The town combined the police and fire dispatch functions into one unit. The new office has been relocated to the first floor of the police headquarters at 3223 Union Road. (10/12/89-Cheektowaga Bee)
October 16, 1989-About 50 fire commissioners participated in a symposium on the state’s new service awards program for volunteer firemen held at the Doyle No. 1 Fire Hall. (10/19/89-Cheektowaga Times)
November 5, 1989-Doyle No. 2 Member Thomas Krawczyk was elected President of the Erie County Volunteer Firemen’s Association. (11/16/89-Cheektowaga Times)
November 23, 1989-Doyle No. 2 Firefighters Ron Hendershot and Ron Rogowski were awarded a HURST Rescue Tools Green Badge of Courage for their work extrication a patient at an accident on William Street.
*You can view and download our complete history by clicking on the "Doyle 2 Historical Timeline" button in our Downloads Section of this website!
December 18, 1980 - Cheektowaga Times
March 3, 1990-Doyle No. 2 Firefighter’s Dean Lauber, Robert Barczak and Larry Rokitka extricated two patients at a motor vehicle accident on the New York State Thruway. Both patients had to be extricated through a rear hatch due to the severe damage to the vehicle’s doors. These men were awarded a HURST Rescue Tools Green Badge of Courage for their efforts.
March 10, 1990-Doyle No. 2 Member Ronald Hendershot was elected as President and William Lauber, Director, of the Exempt Volunteer Firemen’s Association of Cheektowaga at the group’ Annual Installation at the Sloan fire hall. (3/22/90-Cheektowaga Times)
April 4, 1990-Larry Rokitka suggested we purchase a mirrored mural for behind the bar in the basement. A motion was made and passed. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
June 6, 1990-Helene Kochel was sworn in as Doyle No. 2’s first female member.
June 9, 1990-Doyle No. 2 held a 25 Year Party for Benny Miller and Thomas Krawzcyk at the fire hall.
June 24, 1990-Ceremonies in honor of the town’s firefighters were held at the Cultural Center in Cheektowaga Town Park. Volunteer Firefighters Recognition Day included a full slate of activities such as an All-Star softball game, displays of firefighting equipment, square dancing, a magician, tug of war, chili cook off and a Waterball competition. (6/14/90 and 6/28/90-Cheektowaga Times)
July 20, 1990-Doyle No. 2 Explorer Don Cialone Jr. was recognized by the Western New York Volunteer Firemen’s Association (WNYVFA) at their annual convention held in Brockport, New York for his work with our Explorer program. (7/27/90-Cheektowaga Bee and Cheektowaga Times)
September 5, 1990-The Board of Fire Commissioners released an updated version of the SOP’s. (Doyle No. 2 Minutes)
October 28, 1990-Doyle No. 1 and 2 hosted a mock explosion drill at the soon to be torn down Desiderio’s restaurant and night club. The drill was attended by Bellevue, Rescue, Sloan and South Line and the “patients” were treated by Town’s Ambulance personnel. (11/1/90-Cheektowaga Times)
November 7, 1990-The Board of Fire Commissioners reported that new windows had been installed upstairs at our fire hall. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
November 10, 1990-More than 300 families were evacuated when a 6” underground fuel line ruptured spewing at least 20,000 gallons of gasoline into the parking lot of the Rose Bowl Lanes on Harlem and Mineral Springs Roads. Residents within a half mile radius were evacuated. Over 100 residents were kept from their homes until the following Tuesday because there was gasoline in the water main. 11/12/90-Buffalo Evening News & Salamanca Press)
November 29, 1990-Doyle No. 2 Member Thomas Krawczyk was recently elected as President and Alex Milutinovic as Financial Secretary, of the Erie County Volunteer Firemen’s Association. (11/90-Buffalo News and 11/29/90-Cheektowaga Times)
January 5, 1991-Doyle No. 2 held our Installation of Officers at Gregor’s Garden Grove. Larry Rokitka was the Master of Ceremonies.
February 25, 1991-A motion was adopted by the fire district that Doyle No. 1’s Driving Policy for both companies. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
May 11, 1991-Doyle No. 2 hosted a 50 Year Party for Member Joe Tokasz at the OLC Parish Hall. Larry Rokitka was the Master of Ceremonies. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
May 20, 1991-The fire district awarded Atlantic Garage a contract to build a new 20x20 garage for Doyle No. 2 for $5,775. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
June 17, 1991-Construction began on a new 20’x 20’ garage in the rear parking lot at the fire hall. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
June 23, 1991-The Town of Cheektowaga sponsored its first ever Firefighter Recognition Day at Town Park. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
August 2, 1991-Doyle No. 2 Member Joe Tokasz received an award from the Southwestern Association of Volunteer Firemen for Outstanding Service over 25 Years and George Lewis for Outstanding Service Under 10 Years at their convention in Little Valley, New York. (8/2/91-Buffalo News)
October 3, 1991-Former Doyle No. 2 Member and New York State Assemblyman Paul Tokasz was appointed Chairman of the Subcommittee on Volunteer Firefighters by Assembly Speaker Mel Miller earlier this year. (10/3/91-Cheektowaga Times)
January 4, 1992-Doyle No. 2 held our Installation of Officers at Adam’s Como Lounge. Ed Tokasz was the Master of Ceremonies.
February 6, 1992-Doyle No. 2 Member Thomas Krawczyk was appointed Treasurer of “The Fire Fighter” Newspaper, a new quarterly newspaper started and run by volunteer firefighters late last year. (1/30/92-Springville Journal and 2/6/92-Cheektowaga Bee)
March 7, 1992-Doyle No. 2 played floor hockey against Sloan Active Hose. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
April 5, 1992-Amie Lauber was sworn in as a member of Doyle No. 2 joining her father and brother as the first father-son-daughter team at the company or anywhere in Erie County. (4/9/92-Cheektowaga Bee)
May 10, 1992-Sloan responded to a large junkyard fire at American Auto Wrecking on William Street that took over six hours to contain and involved an estimated 7,000 tires. Doyle No. 1 and 2 and Cheektowaga Disaster Coordinator Earl Loder also responded. (5/21/92-Cheektowaga Bee and Summer/’92 The Fire Fighter Newspaper)
June 9, 1992-The fire district adopted a Blood Borne Pathogens policy for the district. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
August 1992-The Erie County Volunteer Firefighter Newspaper made its debut. Doyle No. 2 Member Tom Krawczyk was their first Treasurer and Don Cialone was a photographer and Central Bureau Chief for over 10 years.
August 19, 1992-Once again the Firemen’s Association of the State of New York held its convention in Cheektowaga. A 130 unit parade traveled from the Thruway Mall to town park on Saturday. (8/13/92 and 8/16/92-Cheektowaga Bee)
November 13, 1992-The largest fire in Doyle Fire District history occurred when the former Immaculate Heart of Mary Children’s Home at 2600 William Street caught fire bringing 27 fire companies manning 51 pieces of apparatus over three days before being fully extinguished. (11/13/92-The Firefighter Newspaper and 11/19/92-Cheektowaga Bee, Cheektowaga Times and the Metro Community News)
January 2, 1993-Doyle No. 2 held our Installation of Officers at the Knights of Columbus Hall. Larry Rokitka was the Master of Ceremonies.
January 27, 1993-Two workman spotted a garage fire while on their way to work at ITT Standard, awakened a sleeping couple, borrowed their keys, and moved their vehicles to safety. The employees noticed the fire at 116 Starlite Avenue and had a co-worker report the fire. Firefighters Al and Don Cialone, neighbors to the Rennigs, assisted in moving the vehicles and assuring the occupants were out of the home. (1/28/93-Buffalo News and Spring 1993 The Fire Fighter Newspaper)
February 18, 1993-Suburban Collision at 2288 William Street sustained heavy damage from a fire that started near a fluorescent light in a washroom. Several vehicles were damages along with a brand new tow truck with an estimated value of $40,000 were destroyed. (2/25/93-Cheektowaga Bee and The Firefighter Newspaper)
March 6, 1993-Doyle No. 2 held a 25 Year Party for Larry Rokitka at the fire hall.
March 20, 1993-Doyle No. 2 played floor hockey against South Line Fire Company. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
April 29, 1993-Residents of the Doyle Fire District approved a new Length of Service Award Program “LOSAP”, a retirement program for volunteer firefighters in a referendum at the Doyle No. 1 fire hall. The plan provides $20 a month for each year of service to eligible firefighters age 62 and older. The vote was 335-134 with 25 undecided votes cast. (4/30/93-Buffalo News)
May 12, 1993-Doyle No. 1 and 2 responded to a car fire at American Auto Parts on William Street. The fire involved 5 cars, 150 old gas tanks and about 450 old tires we battled for over 2 ½ hours. We were assisted on scene by Sloan, Rescue, Bellevue and CD-132 and Winchester stood by. (Summer 1993-The Fire Fighter Newspaper)
May 21-23, 1993-Members of our Explorer Post tent camped at the Hamburg Fairgrounds during a Boy Scout Camporall where they manned a first aid station and mentored professional first responders from LaSalle Ambulance as well as firefighters from Armor, Doyle No. 2, Lake Shore, Spring Brook. The crew handled 26 injuries over the weekend, judged a first aid competition and held a “Jaws of Life” demonstration for the over 350 attendees. (Summer ‘93-The Fire Fighter Newspaper)
July 22, 1993-Doyle No. 2 clinched the Division A Championship title of the Cheektowaga Volunteer Firemen’s Softball League. (7/22/93-Cheektowaga Bee)
August 10, 1993-The fire district passed a motion to establish firefighter categories. They were Interior, Exterior, and Utility. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
September 1, 1993-The Board of Fire Commissioners reported that they have established Firefighter categories. They are Interior, Exterior and Utility. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
October 24, 1993-Doyle No. 2 responded with Bellevue to a four alarm fire that damaged Adam’s Como Lounge located at 204 Como Park Boulevard and left occupants of ten upstairs apartments homeless. Forks and South Line were also on scene. (10/25/93-Buffalo News)
November 21, 1993-Doyle No. 2 Past Chief Ray Nowak died in St. Joseph’s Hospital after a long illness. Chief Nowak served in numerous roles over the years and was instrumental in his work in fire prevention. (11/23/93-The Fire Fighter Newspaper)
January 13, 1994-Doyle No. 2 Life Member Paul Tokasz was appointed as Chairman of the (New York State) Assembly Subcommittee on Volunteer Firemen. (1/13/94-Cheektowaga Times)
January 15, 1994-Doyle No. 2 held our Installation of Officers at the Knights of Columbus Hall. Arnie Mazurkiewicz was the Master of Ceremonies.
February 16, 1994-Eight seniors were saved from a fire at Building 24 in the Williamstowne Apartments Complex by Doyle No. 2 Firefighters Don Cialone and Dean Lauber. Several of the victims were treated by firefighters and Town’s Ambulance personnel. Sloan assisted at the scene and Bellevue and Winchester Fire Companies stood by. (2/16/94-Buffalo News, Cheektowaga Bee and The Fire Fighter Newspaper)
April 7, 1994-Eight fire companies were needed to quell a daytime fire on Cochrane Street. An estimated $92,250 in damages were sustained to the building. Doyle No. 1 and 2 were assisted on the scene by Bellevue, Sloan, South Line and Winchester and Forks and Seneca Hose stood by. (4/8/94-Buffalo News, 4/14/94-Cheektowaga Bee and The Fire Fighter Newspaper)
April 30, 1994-Doyle No. 2 Firefighter Brent Sala received the First Aid Award from the Erie County Fire Chief’s Mutual Aid Association. On April 24, 1993 Brent had saved the life of a female motor vehicle accident victim at William Street and Richard Drive. (5/5/94-Cheektowaga Bee and The Fire Fighter Newspaper)
June 26, 1994-The Southside defeated the Northside at the annual Cheektowaga Volunteer Firemen’s Softball League All-Star game, 11-10. Doyle No. 2 Member Thomas Nowak was named the Most Valuable Player, had two hits and scored a run. (6/30/94-Cheektowaga Times and 7/14/94-Cheektowaga Bee)
July 22, 1994-A fire at Fontana’s Restaurant in the Valu Plaza sparked a General Alarm response that caused an estimated $500,000 in damages after a lone driver informed a toll collector of smoke drifting across the New York State Thruway. The cause was listed as combustible materials stored too close to a hot water tank. Don’s Auto Parts, and China Buffet sustained minor smoke and water damage as a result of the fire. (7/28/94-Cheektowaga Bee and The Fire Fighter Newspaper)
August 12, 1994-Doyle No. 2 Firefighter Brent Sala was awarded “Firemen of the Year” honors by the Erie County Volunteer Firemen’s Association at the Erie County Fair Firemen’s Day for his action at a serious motor vehicle accident at William and Richard Drive he came across on his way home from work on April 24, 1993. (8/18/94-Cheektowaga Bee and Cheektowaga Times)
September 11, 1994-Doyle No. 2 hosted the Central Council of Volunteer Firemen’s Community Memorial Service and Breakfast at the OLC Church Hall.
January 7, 1995-Doyle No. 2 held our Installation of Officers at the Knights of Columbus Hall. Michael Glowacki was the Master of Ceremonies.
January 11, 1995-Doyle No. 1 and 2 assisted Sloan Fire Company with two garage fires in less than a month. A defective snowblower caused $45,000 in damages at a fire on Griffith Street on January 11th and a garage and woodshop fire on Wagner Street caused over $75,000 in damages. (1/11/95-The Fire Fighter Newspaper)
March 7, 1995-Two Town’s Ambulance employees used their ambulance to rescue several people from a fire at 2334 William Street near Harlem Road around 1:30 a.m. when they spotted the fire. The pair pulled their ambulance onto the sidewalk next to the building and assisted the fire victims onto the roof and slid them down the windshield to safety. (3/7/95-Buffalo News and 3/9/95-Cheektowaga Bee & Cheektowaga Times and The Fire Fighter Newspaper)
April 4, 1995-The Spring meeting of the National Volunteer Fire Council was hosted by Western New York Representatives in Cheektowaga at the Radisson Hotel on Genesee Street. (4/4/95-The Fire Fighter Newspaper)
May 2, 1995-A Cheektowaga man’s desire for a late night snack cost him his home and almost his life when he splashed hot oil and open flame while attempting to make chicken wings. The fire caused an estimated $65,000 in damages to the Harlem Road home. Sloan assisted at the scene and Winchester and Rescue stood by. (5/2/95-Buffalo News & The Fire Fighter Newspaper)
May 21, 1995-A seemingly routine false alarm received from the Garden Gate Manor Nursing Home on Union Road in Bellevue’s District ended up in a mass evacuation of patients after a natural gas leak. The gas leak, caused by a lightning strike blew apart a gas main, leaking fumes into the building where readings of 16 ppm were secured. Doyle No. 1 and 2 assisted Bellevue along with South Line and Forks in evacuating over 50 patients. (5/21/95-The Fire Fighter Newspaper)
August 5, 1995-Doyle No. 2 Firefighters Don Cialone and Dean Lauber were awarded “Fire Fighter of the Year” honors by the Southwestern Association of Volunteer Firemen’s convention held at Andover, New York for their rescue of eight seniors from a fire at Williamstowne Apartments on February 16, 1994. (8/5/95-Buffalo News, 8/10/94-Cheektowaga Bee and The Fire Fighter Newspaper)
August 11, 1995-Doyle No. 2 Firefighters Don Cialone and Dean Lauber were awarded “Fire Fighter of the Year” honors by the Erie County Volunteer Firemen’s Association held at the Erie County Fairgrounds for their rescue of eight seniors from a fire at Williamstowne Apartments on February 16, 1994. (8/3/95- Cheektowaga Times and 8/10/95-Cheektowaga Bee)
August 13, 1995-Doyle No. 2 defeated Bellevue Fire Company, 14-9 to win the Cheektowaga Volunteer Firemen’s Softball League Championship held at South Line Fire Companies softball diamonds. (8/17/95-Cheektowaga Bee and Cheektowaga Times)
August 14, 1995-Doyle No. 2 responded to the scene of a suspected arson fire at the Holiday Inn on Genesee Street in the U-Crest Fire District. Damage was estimated at $175,000 at the fire that brought 10 of 11 town companies to the scene. (8/13/95-Buffalo News and 8/17/95-Cheektowaga Bee, Cheektowaga Times and The Fire Fighter Newspaper)
September 8, 1995-R.D. Murray was awarded the winning bid for Engine 3 at a cost of $283,700. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
October 13, 1995-There was a permissive referendum vote held for a proposed new fire engine and fire hall addition at Doyle No. 2. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
October 21, 1995-Doyle No. 2 held a 25 Year Party for Frank Biedron at the fire hall.
October 23, 1995- Doyle No. 2 responded to the scene of a suspected arson fire in the U-Crest Fire District when fire struck the old Westinghouse plant at 4454 Genesee Street in town. The fire went to a General Alarm, bringing all town companies as well as Bowmansville, Depew and Lancaster. Two firefighters suffered minor injuries. (10/23/95 & 10/24/95-Buffalo News and 10/26/95-Cheektowaga Bee and Cheektowaga Times)
November 4, 1995-Doyle No. 2 held a 50 Year Party for Walter Wojcik at Gregors Garden Grove. Larry Rokitka was the Master of Ceremonies.
December 9-11, 1995-Doyle No. 2 took in over 40 stranded motorists after the New York State Thruway was shut down in both directions from Batavia to Ripley due to a snowstorm that dumped three feet of snow. During the 36 hour standby, we handled 61 calls for assistance. (12/14/95-Cheektowaga Bee & Cheektowaga Times and The Fire Fighter Newspaper)
December 13, 1995-The fire district adopted new Standard Operating Procedures. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
January 6, 1996-Doyle No. 2 held our Installation of Officers at the Knights of Columbus Hall. Tom Janowski will be the Master of Ceremonies.
August 1, 1996-Doyle No. 2 rallied around Member Larry Rokitka after he became ill with a rare lung disease that sidelined him and required a transplant. The fire company ran a fundraising raffle along with a benefit at the Knights of Columbus Hall at 2735 Union Road on October 18, 1996. (8/1/96-Cheektowaga Bee and Cheektowaga Times and 10/17/96-Buffalo News and The Fire Fighter Newspaper)
August 15, 1996-Doyle No. 2 Member Tom Morris was awarded the Fire Service Award for 15 Years and Under from the Erie County Volunteer Firemen’s Association at Firemen’s Day at the Erie County Fair. (8/15/96-Cheektowaga Bee)
September 1, 1996-The addition to the fire hall was completed. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
October 2, 1996-The Fire Commissioners distributed the new SOP’s and Rules & Regulations at the company meeting. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
October 19, 1996-Doyle No. 2 held a fundraiser for the Larry Rokitka Benefits Fund at the Knights of Columbus Hall at Union and William Street. The funds were raised to assist Larry with a lung transplant. (10/14/96 & 10/17/96-Buffalo News)
December 6, 1996-We held a dedication ceremony for our new Engine 3 and the addition to our fire hall at 7 p.m. (12/5/96-Cheektowaga Bee, 12/19/96-Cheektowaga Times and The Fire Fighter Newspaper)
January 4, 1997-Doyle No. 2 held our Installation of Officers at Fontana’s Banquet Center. Ton Janowski was the Master of Ceremonies.
January 8, 1997-A Public Relations Committee was added to promote Good Will. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
January 24, 1997-We responded mutual aid to Sloan for a fire at 56 Roland Street that killed 79 year old Henry Krempa and sent his wife, Marianne to the hospital with smoke inhalation. The cause was listed as careless smoking. Doyle No. 1 and 2 and Rescue assisted at the scene. (1/25/97-Buffalo News and 1/30/97- Cheektowaga Bee)
April 2, 1997-A motion was made and passed to start a Doyle No. 2 website on the internet. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
April 14, 1997-A tractor trailer that hit a pylon near downtown created a lengthy hazmat incident when both of his saddle tanks filled with diesel fuel were damaged. Several hazmat pigs and eighteen bags of speedy drywere needed to control the leak into local sewers on Dingens Street at the Thruway exit. (4/14/97-The Fire Fighter Newspaper)
May 20, 1997-Doyle No. 2 played softball against the team from 103.3 The Edge radio station at ECC North Campus. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
June 12, 1997-Doyle No. 2 Member Dan Nash was elected to his first term as President of the Cheektowaga Volunteer Firemen’s Softball League and Bill Lauber his 11thterm as Secretary/Treasurer. (5/29/97-Cheektowaga Bee and 6/12/97-Cheektowaga Times)
August 16, 1997-Doyle No. 2 held a 25-year Party for Ron Knox, Don Swinarski, and Bob Trembowicz at Cheektowaga Firemen’s Park. Frank Biedron was the Master of Ceremonies.
August 26, 1997-Doyle No. 2 clinched the Championship of the Cheektowaga Volunteer Firemen’s Softball League in a win against Forks, 6-5. (8/26/97-Cheektowaga Bee)
December 7, 1997-Doyle No. 2 Chief Larry Burdzy announced that we would be starting a Rapid Intervention Team (RIT). (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
1997-Doyle No. 2 Member Thomas Krawczyk was appointed a Treasurer of the Firemen’s Association of the State of New York.
January 9, 1998-Longtime Doyle No. 2 Member Alex Milutinovic passed away. Alex served in many roles in our company as well as the Cheektowaga Central Council of Firemen, Erie County Volunteer Firemen’s Association and the Western and Southwestern Associations. (1/12/98-Cheektowaga Bee)
August 1, 1998-Nine year old Jeremy Stacey suffered severe electrical burns that eventually cost him both his arms, when the tent poles he was carrying came in contact with high tension power lines on Cayuga Creek Road. (8/13/98-Buffalo News and Cheektowaga Times)
August 26, 1998-Doyle No. 1 and 2 worked hand in hand with Sloan and Buffalo Fire to extinguish a structure fire at Trio’s Lounge on Broadway in the Village.
October 1, 1998-Doyle No. 2 Member Tom Krawczyk was appointed Treasurer of the Firefighters Association of the State of New York (FASNY), an office which he held until 2021.
December 3, 1998-A garage fire at 212 Crisfield Avenue caused extensive damage to the garage and two neighboring homes. A vehicle in the garage was believed to be the cause of the blaze which caused damage to 216 Crisfield and 1391 Harlem Road. Sloan firefighters assisted at the scene. Damage was estimated at $18,750 to all the structures and the car. (12/10/98-Cheektowaga Bee and The Fire Fighter Newspaper)
December 31, 1998-A carelessly discarded cigarette caused a $10,000 fire at Building 19 in the Liberty Park Senior Apartments. Bellevue, South Line and Sloan assisted at the scene. (1/1/99-Buffalo News and 1/7/99- Cheektowaga Bee)
January 22-24, 1999-Due to near 60-degree temperatures the piles of snow from the record setting snowfall of January melted too much snow too fast causing Cayuga Creek to flood. Doyle No. 1 and 2 battled a shed fire at Williamstowne apartments on Friday. Clarence Center responded mutual aid with their hovercraft and Hy-View, U-Crest, Rescue, Pine Hill Sloan and Depew assisted with row boats. (1/28/99-Cheektowaga Bee)
February 10, 1999-Doyle No. 2 put into service our first ever thermal imaging camera. The Bullard Thermal Imaging Camera was purchased by the fire district at a cost of $18,500. (2/25/99-Cheektowaga Bee)
April 4, 1999-Doyle No. 1 and 2 battled a fire at noon on Easter Sunday in a house at 165 Kennedy Road. Doyle No. 2 Chief Bob Barczak arrived on scene within two minutes and discovered smoke from a rear kitchen window. A dog who was chained up with the basement was rescued by firefighters. Damage was estimated at $13,000. (4/5/99-Buffalo News, 4/8/99-Cheektowaga Times and The Fire Fighter Newspaper)
April 10, 1999-Doyle No. 2 celebrated our 75th Anniversary with a party at the Radisson Hotel on Genesee Street in town. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
July 7, 1999-Ron Hendershot recommended we donate our first Fire Chief’s badge to the FASNY Museum. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
August 4-7, 1999-Doyle No. 1 hosted the Southwestern Association of Volunteer Firemen’s Convention.
October 6, 1999-The Fire Commissioners purchased a new rescue truck for us at a cost of $226,500.00 (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
November 9, 1999-The fire district passed a motion to order 2 Life Pak-500 defibs for $8,000. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
*You can view and download our complete history by clicking on the "Doyle 2 Historical Timeline" button in our Downloads Section of this website!
November 19, 1992 - Metro Community News
January 7, 2000-Residents of Cheektowaga will benefit from funds secured by Senator Bill Stachowski and Town Supervisor Dennis Gabryzak to purchase defibrillators for the Town’s fire companies. (9/16/99-Cheektowaga Bee and 1/7/00-The Fire Fighter Newspaper)
January 12, 2000-Doyle No. 1 and 2 fought a fire on Standard Parkway with help from Bellevue, Forks and South Line Fire Companies. The damage was estimated at $60,000. (1/8/00-Buffalo News and The Fire Fighter Newspaper)
January 20, 2000-Doyle No. 2 Member Thomas Krawczyk was elected as Secretary of the Erie County Volunteer Firemen’s Association. (1/20/00-Hamburg Sun)
January 22, 2000-Doyle No. 2 held our Installation of Officers at Creekside Banquet Hall. Larry Rokitka was the Master of Ceremonies.
March 30, 2000-Doyle No. 2 Honorary Member and New York State Assemblymen Paul Tokasz was recognized by the New York State Association of Fire Chief’s for his effort to pass a law that allows fire chiefs to perform a background check on fire department applicants to determine if they have an arson conviction. (3/3/00-Cheektowaga Times)
August 4, 2000-Doyle No. 2 Member Larry Rokitka was honored with an “Outstanding Service Award 26-49 Years” from the Southwestern Volunteer Firemen’s Association at their annual convention in Little Valley, New York.
April 8, 2000-Doyle No. 2 held a 25 Year Party for Don Jagodzinski at the fire hall.
August 17, 2000-Past Doyle No. 2 Member and New York State Assemblyman Paul Tokasz was presented with the Golden Trumpet Award by the Firemen’s Association of the State of New York at their convention in Syracuse. (8/10/00-Lancaster Bee and 8/17/00-Cheektowaga Times)
October 10, 2000-Electrical was believed to be the cause of a fire at a home at 168 Garland Avenue causing an estimated $75,000 in damages. Doyle No. 2 Firefighter Brent Sala was treated at St. Joseph’s Hospital for a hand injury. Assisting Doyle No. 1 and 2 at the scene were Sloan and South Line. (10/10/00-Buffalo News)
November 9, 2000-The keys were presented to Chief Robert Barczak for our new 2000 R.D. Murray built heavy rescue vehicle. (11/9/00-Cheektowaga Times)
November 20, 2000-The Town of Cheektowaga was hit was a snowstorm that dumped 25” of snow making roads impassable and stranding hundreds of people. All 10 of the town’s fire companies were opened to stranded motorists and answered emergency calls all night long. (11/23/00-Cheektowaga Bee and Cheektowaga Times)
December 7, 2000-In a letter to local newspapers Doyle No. 2 Secretary Larry Rokitka announced that we had collected over 9,000 pounds of non-perishable food that we donated to the Western New York Food Bank after our recent food drive. (12/7/00-Cheektowaga Times)
December 13, 2000-A motion was passed to purchase two 2001 Chief’s rigs not to exceed $70,000. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
January 3, 2001-The Fire Commissioners announced they purchased 2 Chief’s Vehicles. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
May 8, 2001-R.D. Murray conducted a conversion of two Chief’s cars for $2,800. (Doyle Fire District minutes)
October 3, 2001- Congressman Jack Quinn secured $16,875 in grant money for the Doyle Fire District to be used for their Wellness and Fitness Program. (11/8/01-Cheektowaga Times, 1/3/02-Cheektowaga Bee and Doyle No. 2 minutes)
November 1, 2001-Doyle No. 2 along with the towns 8 other fire companies and the Village of Sloan held a “Fill the Boot” fund raiser seeking donations for the families of fallen New York City firefighters killed in the 9-11 terrorist attacks. $87,000 had been counted by representatives believe the final total would exceed $100,000. (9/2/01-Buffalo News)
December 2, 2001-Mary Ellen Lewis was elected as the first female President of Doyle No. 2 at our monthly meeting
December 24-28, 2001-The Town of Cheektowaga was digging out from 82 inches of snow as the result of two separate winter storms. (1/3/02-Cheektowaga Times)
2002-Firefighters in Cheektowaga are the first in Erie County to switch to a UHF radio band for communications on their own frequency.
March 6, 2002-The Fire Commissioners announced they were awarded a $6,000.00 grant for AED’s. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
March 23, 2002-Doyle No. 2 Member Arnie Mazurkiewicz was sworn at as the new President of the Erie County Fire Chiefs Mutual Aid Association at their annual banquet.
April 21, 2002-Doyle No. 2 held a 50 Year Party for Al and Ernie Lonczak at the fire hall. Larry Rokitka was the Master of Ceremonies.
August 22, 2002-Erie County Legislator John W. Greenan announced that Doyle No. 2 Member Brian Rogowski has been awarded a V-FIRE Scholarship for the Fall 2002 semester at Erie Community College. (8/22/02-Cheektowaga Times)
October 11, 2002-Chief Larry Burdzy and Fire Fighter Ron Rogowski used a portable AED and CPR to revive 81 year old Joseph Jarzabek, who lived on South Rossler Street. They both received the Erie County Fire Chief’s EMS Provider of the Year Award and were recognized by the American Heart Association. (5/22/03-Buffalo News)
October 29, 2002-Doyle No. 2 responded mutual aid to Sloan to assist in extricating a patient from a vehicle that struck Cheektowaga Police Detective Wasyl Potienko’s car a second time after it was hit by a recycling truck going in the other direction on Broadway. Detective Potienko was ejected and killed as a result of the accident. (10/31/02-Cheektowaga Bee and Cheektowaga Times)
November 7, 2002-Workers removing a gas tank using a torch ignited six drums of old gasoline at an old junkyard to the rear of A to Z Auction located at 2150 William Street in the Village of Sloan. (11/8/02-Buffalo News)
January 4, 2003-Doyle No. 2 held our Installation of Officers at Gregor’s Garden Grove. Larry Rokitka was the Master of Ceremonies.
March 22, 2003-Doyle No. 2 Member Arnie Mazurkiewicz was sworn at as the President of the Erie County Fire Chiefs Mutual Aid Association at their annual banquet.
June 21, 2003-A crew of Doyle No. 2 Firefighters on standby at the OLC Church Lawn Fete on Clinton Street saved the life of a man who collapsed in the beer tent. Dave Defields, Tom Morris, Robert Barczak, Al Beltz, Matt Sikora, Maryellen Lewis, Seth Biedron and Jay Morosey Sr. received an award from the American Heart Association for their efforts. (6/26/03 and 7/3/03-Cheektowaga Times)
July 3, 2003-Doyle No. 1 and 2 assisted with an early morning fire at 59 Griffith Street in Sloan that claimed the life of 46 year old Charles Cannon and injured his wife, Nancy, 58, and his mother, Blanche, 67, of Franklinville. (7/3/03-Cheektowaga Times)
August 7, 2003-Chief Larry Burdzy and Fire Fighter Ron Rogowski received EMS Providers of the Year Awards at the Erie County Fair for using a portable AED and CPR to revive 81 year old Joseph Jarzabek, who lived on South Rossler Street. (8/13/03-Blasdell Front Page)
November 13, 2003-Sloan and Doyle No. 1 and 2 battled a house fire that blew out windows and melted a screen door but caused no injuries on Halstead Avenue in the village. (11/13/03-Cheektowaga Times)
January 17, 2004-Doyle No. 2 held our Installation of Officers at The Masonic Community Center. Larry Rokitka was the Master of Ceremonies.
January 29, 2004-Congressmen Jack Quinn announced that he secured $45,000 in funds from the Assistance to Firefighters Grant program. (1/29/04-Cheektowaga Times)
April 29, 2004-Doyle No. 2 was initially called to standby at Winchester but were diverted to the scene of a large fire at the historic Heritage Inn at Union and Indian Church Roads. Fire companies from as far away as East Aurora and Orchard Park responded to assist. (5/6/04-Cheektowaga Bee & Cheektowaga Times)
May 23, 2004-Six area residents safely made it back to land after their canoe and raft tipped over in a turbulent Cayuga Creek created by heavy weekend rain. Firefighters from Depew, Lancaster, Doyle No. 1 and 2, East Seneca, Union, Vigilant, Winchester and U-Crest assisted Bellevue with setting up 10-15 man points along different access points to the creek. (5/27/04-Cheektowaga Times)
July 22, 2004-Twelve members of Doyle No. 2 participated in the Patchin Fire Company Community Days Annual Fire Truck Pull. Six teams of six pulled a multi ton ladder truck a distance of 50’. The Doyle No. 2 team included Captain Dave DeField’s, Seth Biedron, Jay Morosey Jr., Scott Janowski, John Oldacre and Jan Szablicki came in second place with a time of 12.5 seconds. (7/22/04-Cheektowaga Times)
September 9, 2004-Assisting Bellevue and Depew with a water rescue in Cayuga Creek was one of many tasks Doyle No. 1 and 2 assisted with during a rainstorm produced by the remnants of Hurricane Frances which swept through the town. The NWS recorded 4.02” of rain over the two-day period. (9/16/04-Cheektowaga Times)
September 19, 2004-Doyle No. 2 hosted the Cheektowaga Council of Volunteer Firemen’s 58thAnnual Memorial Service & Communion Breakfast at the OLC Parish Hall.
October 29, 2004-A garage fire behind 46 Rossler Street was quickly extinguished however it still caused extensive damage to the garage and a neighboring house. Sloan and South Line assisted at the scene. (11/4/04-Cheektowaga Times)
December 20, 2004-Gasoline and cans of paint fueled a fire that destroyed a garage and an attached apartment at 443 Cayuga Creek Road. Bellevue, Sloan and South Line assisted at the scene. (12/21/04-Buffalo News and 12/23/04-Cheektowaga Times)
January 6, 2005-More than three dozen firefighters battled a blaze that forced an elderly couple and their son from a home on Dennis Lane. The fire at 20 Dennis Lane was brought under control in about 35 minutes by Doyle, Bellevue, Sloan and South Line firefighters. (1/13/05-Cheektowaga Times)
January 15, 2005-Doyle No. 2 held our Installation of Officers at Gregors Garden Grove. Larry Rokitka was the Master of Ceremonies.
April 2, 2005-A fire that destroyed a garage at 159 Jackson Street in Sloan has been blamed on an electrical source originating in a vehicle that was parked inside. About 20 firefighters from Sloan were assisted by 20 from Doyle No. 1 and 2. (4/7/05-Cheektowaga Times)
June 13, 2005-Doyle No. 1 and 2 quickly extinguished a basement fire at 50 Rossler Street. The house was later condemned on an unrelated manner. Sloan and South Line assisted at the scene. (6/16/05-Cheektowaga Times)
July 18, 2005-Doyle No. 2 Firefighter Matthew Sikora died after a three month battle following an accident on the New York State Thruway. Sikora had stopped to help another driver and was injured when his car was struck by another vehicle in April. (7/28/05-Cheektowaga Bee and Cheektowaga Times)
August 12, 2005-Brian Rogowski accepted a Youth Service Community Award from Cheektowaga Councilman Thomas Johnson Jr. on behalf of Matt Sikora who recently passed away. (8/18/05-Cheektowaga Bee & 8/20/05-Metro Community News)
September 15, 2005-A fire at 23 Village Lane in Sloan was believed to have started from a radio sitting on a floor inside the home. The fire was contained to one room in the house. Doyle No. 1 and 2 and Rescue assisted at the scene. (9/22/05-Cheektowaga Times)
October 15, 2005-Doyle No. 2 dedicated a memorial to our deceased members on the front of our firehouse.
January 21, 2006-Doyle No. 2 held our Installation of Officers.
May 25, 2006-A rambunctious cat is believed to have caused a fire when it knocked over a lamp in a bedroom at 62B Viola Drive. Damage was listed at $1,500.00 Sloan and South Line assisted at the scene. (5/25/06-Cheektowaga Times)
June 23, 2006-Judy Laing, 50, of Cambria Street was struck and killed by a Suburban while she was crossing south on William Street. (6/29/06-Cheektowaga Times)
June 29, 2006-A tractor trailer traveling in the center westbound lane of the New York State Thruway was lifted by a tornado which sent it flying into the Jersey barrier near the Broadway over pass, disrupting travel in both directions. The drive of the truck, Adrian Roman of Michigan, was treated at the scene by Doyle No. 1 and 2. (7/6/06-Cheektowaga Times)
October 12-19, 2006-Western New York was hit by the infamous “October Surprise” storm causing damage and power outages for days throughout the fire district. (10/13/06-Buffalo News, 10/19/06 Cheektowaga Bee and 10/26/06-Cheektowaga Times)
January 16, 2007-Sloan firefighters spent nearly three hours battling an electrical fire at 292 Reiman Street. Doyle No. 1 and 2 and Rescue assisted at the scene. Much of the second floor was demolished by the fire. (1/18/07-Cheektowaga Times)
January 20, 2007-Doyle No. 2 held our Installation of Officers at Hearthstone Manor. Dennis Gabrysak was the Master of Ceremonies.
May 5, 2007-An early morning fire heavily damaged a vacant Glidden Street house. Sloan, South Line, Forks and Winchester assisted at the scene. The fire caused an estimated $50,000 in damages. (5/6/07-Buffalo News and 5/10/07-Cheektowaga Times)
June 21, 2007-An early morning fire that started in a garage at 2195 Broadway in Sloan spread to the vacant residence. Doyle No. 1 and 2 assisted at the scene. (6/28/07-Cheektowaga Times)
July 1, 2007-Fireworks are believed to be the cause of a fire that damaged a house at 57 South Colby Street. When we arrived the garage was well involved. Doyle No. 1 and 2 were assisted by Sloan and Forks at the scene. (7/5/07-Cheektowaga Times)
August 8, 2007- Doyle No. 1 and 2 and Rescue responded mutual aid with Sloan for a fire in the basement at an apartment on Halstead Avenue in the Village. The fire was confined to the basement. (8/16/07-Cheektowaga Times Fire Log)
August 22, 2007-Cheektowaga was host of the 135th Convention of the Firemen’s Association of the State of New York. The event was held at the Millennium Hotel on Walden Avenue in town. (8/23/07-Cheektowaga Bee)
January 8, 2008-An early morning fire took the life of a dog and destroyed a kitchen of a residence at 47A Creekside Drive. Forks, Sloan, South Line and Winchester responded to the scene. (1/10/08-Cheektowaga Times)
January 8, 2008-A science experiment at JFK High School caused a classroom to fill with smoke and sent students evacuating to the parking lots. A combination of potassium chlorate and sugar mixed with sulfuric acid created the smoke and activated the fire alarms. (1/10/08-Cheektowaga Times)
January 19, 2008-Doyle No. 2 Installation of Officers at the Knights of Columbus Hall. Ton Janowski was the Master of Ceremonies.
May 22, 2008-Doyle No. 2 firefighters used a fire damaged home at 64 Glidden Street set to be demolished by the town to train in. It was the first of three drills conducted at the house. (5/22/08-Cheektowaga Times)
September 18, 2008-Doyle No. 2 hosted a railroad awareness drill led by the Norfolk and Southern Railroad Yard Superintendent Brian Bell. Sloan, Rescue, Forks and Bellevue firefighters also participated. (9/18/08-Cheektowaga Bee)
September 27, 2008-Doyle No. 2 held a 25 Year Party for Larry Burdzy at the fire hall.
January 17, 2009-Doyle No. 2 held its Installation of Officers at Gregor’s Garden Grove. Paul Tokasz was the Master of Ceremonies.
*You can view and download our complete history by clicking on the "Doyle 2 Historical Timeline" button in our Downloads Section of this website!
January 12, 2000 - Cheektowaga Bee
January 16, 2010-Doyle No. 2 held its Installation of Officers at the Millennium Hotel. Larry Rokitka was the Master of Ceremonies.
July 24, 2010-Doyle No. 2 participated in the Town of Cheektowaga’s 27th Annual National Night Out. A flashlight walk was conducted in the neighborhood around the fire hall. (7/29/10-Cheektowaga Bee)
October 2, 2010-Doyle No. 2 held our Memorial Mass at OLC Church with Father Joe Bayne presiding.
December 2, 2010-The southern part of the Town of Cheektowaga was pounded with over three feet of snow during a two-day storm. The New York State Thruway was closed after it became a parking lot due to abandoned vehicles. (12/9/10-Cheektowaga Bee)
January 15, 2022-Doyle No. 2 held our Installation of Officers at the Bellevue Fire Hall. Tom Janowski was the Master of Ceremonies.
June 20, 2011-A truck fire closed the right and center lanes on the New York State Thruway just past the William Street exit stranding some drivers up to two hours. Doyle No. 1 and 2 extinguished the fire with assistance from Sloan, Winchester and Rescue Fire Companies. (6/23/11-Cheektowaga Bee)
August 20, 2011-Doyle No. 2 held a 50 Year Party for Jim Tokasz at Town Park. Larry Rokitka was the Master of Ceremonies.
September 8, 2011-Doyle No. 1 and 2 along with Sloan Fire Company and the Cheektowaga Police Honor Guard participated in the Cheektowaga Sloan School District “Day of Remembrance” on the 10th Anniversary of September 11, 2001, at JFK Middle School. (9/15/11-Metro Source)
October 1, 2011-Doyle No. 2 held our Memorial Mass at OLC Church with Father Joe Bayne presiding.
January 21, 2012-Doyle No. 2 held our Installation of Officers at the Bellevue Fire Hall. Tom Janowski was the Master of Ceremonies.
July 25, 2012-Doyle No. 2 assisted at the scene of a fire at 168 Aurora Street in West Seneca in the Winchester Fire District. A 14 year old boy was treated for smoke inhalation. (8/2/12-West Seneca Bee)
October 6, 2012-Doyle No. 2 held a 50 Year Party for Leonard Szymanski at the fire hall. Larry Rokitka was the Master of Ceremonies.
October 27, 2012-Doyle No. 2 held our Memorial Mass at OLC Church with Father Joe Bayne presiding.
January 19, 2013-Doyle No. 2 held our Installation of Officers at the Holiday Inn Airport. Ton Janowski was the Master of Ceremonies.
February 23, 2013-Doyle No. 2 held a 75 Year Party for Edward “88” Tokasz at the fire hall.
September 6, 2013-The Doyle Fire District christened two new fire trucks at a ceremony held at the Creekside Banquet Facility at Union Road and William Street. Father Joe Bayne, Erie County Emergency Services Chaplain blessed Doyle No. 1 Truck 6 and Doyle No. 2 Engine 3 during the ceremony. (9/12/13-Cheektowaga Bee)
October 19, 2013-Doyle No. 2 held our Memorial Mass at OLC Church with Father Joe Bayne presiding.
December 1, 2013-Janice Szablicki was elected as our first ever female First Aid Captain at our monthly meeting.
January 18, 2014-Doyle No. 2 held our Installation of Officers at Kiebzak’s Banquet Hall. Larry Rokitka was the Master of Ceremonies.
June 21, 2014-Doyle No. 2 held at 25 Year Party for George Lewis at the fire hall.
October 11, 2014-Doyle No. 2 held our Memorial Mass at OLC Church with Father Joe Bayne presiding.
October 22, 2014-87-year-old Lorraine Jaskowiak died after she was rescued from her burning home by her neighbor Anthony Shearer. Shearer was able to put out the fire and pull Jaskowiak out. (10/23/14-Cheektowaga Bee)
November 19, 2014-The southern part of the Town of Cheektowaga along with Central Erie County was buried with over 5 feet of snow shutting down all major highways and roadways in the area. The storm was dubbed, “Snowvember”. (11/20/14 & 11/27/14-Cheektowaga Bee)
January 31, 2015-Doyle No. 2 held our Installation of Officers at the Bellevue Fire Hall. Tom Janowski was the Master of Ceremonies.
April 24, 2015-Cheektowaga Police arrested 58-year-old Thomas Murphy in connection with the death of 63 year old Jean Hartwig. Hartwig was found dead inside a bedroom of the apartment that was on fire at 30 Williamstowne Apartments. An autopsy concluded that Hartwig had been strangled and her body set on fire. (4/30/15-Cheektowaga Bee)
June 12, 2015-Doyle No. 2 held a 25-year Party for Tom Morris at the fire hall.
August 29, 2015-Doyle No. 2 held a 50 Year Party for Thomas Krawczyk at the fire hall. Jim Tokasz was the Master of Ceremonies.
September 26, 2015-Doyle No. 2 held our Memorial Mass at OLC Church with Father Joe Bayne presiding.
April 25, 2016-Doyle No. 1 and 2 responded to a structure fire at 112 Vern Lane. An exposure at 114 Vern sustained damage also. (4/29/16-Cheektowaga Bee)
July 2, 2016-Fire caused extensive damage to two units of a two story duplex at 69 Patricia Lane. Damage was estimated at $60,000. (7/3/16-Buffalo News)
January 30, 2016-Doyle No. 2 held our Installation of Officers at the Bellevue Fire Company. Larry Rokitka was the Master of Ceremonies.
August 5, 2016-Doyle No. 2 Member Tom Krawczyk was presented an Outstanding Service Award for his 59 years of service, George Lewis was presented the Outstanding Service Award for 21-30 Years and Matthew Burdzy received an Honorable Mention for Outstanding Service for 1-10 Years by the Southwestern Association of Volunteer Firemen at their 108th Annual Convention in East Otto, New York.
September 5, 2016-Barry Fiume, 62 died in a fire at 93 Peoria Avenue after fire crews were driven back by intense heat and smoke while attempting to reach him in a second floor bedroom. Fiume’s 93 year old father made it out safely. (9/6/16-Buffalo News and 9/8/16-Cheektowaga Bee)
September 11, 2016-Doyle No. 2 was the host company for the Central Council of Volunteer Firemen of Cheektowaga’s Memorial Service. The mass was held at St. Philip the Apostle and the breakfast was held at the St. Philip Church Hall.
October 15, 2016-Doyle No. 2 held our Memorial Mass at OLC Church with Father Joe Bayne presiding.
January 28, 2017-Doyle No. 2 held our Installation of Officers. Dan Curtis was the Master of Ceremonies.
August 1, 2017-Doyle No. 1 and 2 firefighters and Buffalo firefighters responded to a garage fire at 409 Shanley Street. The fire spread to the main house, a fence, and a storage business to the rear of the property. Sloan, Bellevue, Forks and South Line assisted at the scene. (8/2/17-Buffalo News)
August 20, 2017-Doyle No. 1 and 2 responded to a commercial fire at the R&R BBQ located at 1060 Harlem Road. We were assisted by Bellevue, Forks, Sloan, Winchester, and South Line FAST at the scene.
January 20, 2018-Doyle No. 2 held our Installation of Officers at the Millennium Hotel. Paul Tokasz was the Master of Ceremonies.
April 2, 2018-Members of Doyle No. 2 took Engine 3 to the Dyngus Day parade down Broadway in the City of Buffalo (4/3/18-Buffalo News)
June 30, 2018-Doyle No. 2 held a 50 Year Party for Larry Rokitka at the fire hall. Jim Tokasz was the Master of Ceremonies.
August 4, 2018-Doyle No. 2 held a 25 Year Party for Allen Beltz, Dan Miller, and Dan Nash at the South Line FD Grove. Larry Rokitka was the Master of Ceremonies.
October 4, 2018-Doyle No. 1 and 2 responded to a house fire at 603 Cayuga Creek Road. The house sustained $90,000 in damages. Bellevue and Sloan assisted at the scene.
November 2, 2018:A dedicated was held for our new Squad No. 2 at the firehouse.
December 1, 2018-Doyle No. 1 and 2 responded to a house fire at 93 Edmund Street. The building sustained $115,000 in damages. Sloan assisted at the scene.
January 6, 2019-Longtime Doyle No. 2 Member Frank Wilczak passed away. Frank was heavily involved in the Cheektowaga Central Council, Firemen’s Memorial Exhibit Center, Buffalo Fire Historical Society and the Western and Southwestern Firemen’s Associations. (1/6/19-Buffalo News)
January 19, 2019-Doyle No. 2 held our Installation of Officers at the Millennium Hotel. Larry Rokitka was the Master of Ceremonies.
February 7, 2019-Doyle No. 2 Squad 2 responded mutual aid for our airbags to U-Crest on the New York State Thruway at mile marker 420.2 east bound for an overturned tractor trailer with entrapment.
June 19, 2019-Doyle No. 2 held a 25 Year Party for Jay Morosey Sr. at the fire hall.
July 6, 2019-Doyle No. 2 held a 25 Year Party for Bill Lauber at the fire hall. Larry Rokitka was the Master of Ceremonies.
August 2, 2019-Doyle No. 2 Member Larry Rokitka received the Southwestern Association of Volunteer Firemen’s Award for 50 Plus Years of Service and Brian Rogowski received the Award for 11-20 Years of Service at a ceremony at their Annual Convention at Wales Center, New York. Also, several members received Honorable mentions. Those members were: Markeas Suminski for Junior Firefighter of the Year, Dan Nash for 21-30 Years of Service, Robert Barczak for 31-40 Years of Service and Tom Janowski for 41-49 Year of Service.
August 4, 2019-Doyle No. 1 and 2 responded to a reported unresponsive female on Raymond Drive with Cheektowaga Police and quickly realized the conditions of her death were suspicious. The female was found by first responders naked, wet and her body cold to the touch. The husband was questioned and was eventually charged with homicide. He had fled the area and was caught several months later in Mexico. (8/4/19-Buffalo News and 8/8/19-Cheektowaga Bee)
August 20, 2019-Doyle No. 2 Squad 2 responded mutual aid for our air bags to Forks for a motorcyclist who was pinned underneath a tractor trailer on Walden Avenue. Crews from Bellevue, South Line, U-Crest, Snyder and Erie County SMART also responded to the scene. (8/21/19-Buffalo News)
August 24, 2019-Doyle No. 2 had a 25 Year Party for Tony Olszowy at the fire hall.
September 19, 2019-At 13:17 hours Doyle No. 1 and 2 were alerted to a possible structure fire at 169 Garland Avenue. Upon arrival in his personal vehicle Doyle No. 2 Firefighter Don Cialone Jr. approached the house and noticed smoke coming from the top half of the front door. Firefighter Cialone bent down and observed a naked female burnt from head-to-toe crawling on the floor in the hallway towards the living room.
Firefighter Cialone grabbed Doyle No. 1 Assistant Chief Jason Pawlak and together they wrapped the victim in a sheet from an ambulance on location and carried the victim out and on to a waiting AMR stretcher. Firefighter Cialone accompanied the ambulance personnel along with a Cheektowaga Police Officer. The female was delivered alive to ECMC but succumbed to her burns later that night.
October 11, 2019-Doyle No. 2 Member Edward “88” Tokasz was honored with the placement of his name on the Erie County “Wall of Honor” at the Fire Training Academy. (10/11/2019-The Fire Fighter Newspaper)
October 12, 2019-Doyle No. 2 held our Memorial Service at OLC Church with Father David Borowiak presiding.
December 1, 2019-Janice Szablicki was elected our first ever female Assistant Chief at our monthly meeting. Unfortunately, Janice passed away of cancer on February 21st, 2020.
*You can view and download our complete history by clicking on the "Doyle 2 Historical Timeline" button in our Downloads Section of this website!
February 14, 2013 -Cheektowaga Bee
January 25, 2020-Doyle No. 2 held our Installation of Officers at the South Line Fire Hall. Tom Janowski was the Master of Ceremonies.
August 26, 2020-Doyle No. 2 Engine 3 responded to a mutual aid fire with Winchester and Seneca Hose for a tractor trailer that crashed and was hanging off the New York State Thruway bridge on fire.
October 23, 2020-Doyle No. 2 held our Memorial Mass at OLC Church
December 7, 2020-Doyle No. 1 and 2 responded to a three-car motor vehicle accident at 78 South Hedley Street where a vehicle struck several cars and the home of then Chief Jason Stoll causing $90,000 in damages.
March 4, 2021-Doyle No. 1 and 2 responded to an apartment fire at Building 22 at the Williamstowne Apartments. Bellevue, Sloan, Forks and South Line assisted at the scene.
April 18, 2021-Doyle No. 1 and 2 responded to a mutual aid fire with Sloan in an attic of a house at 17 Celina Street in the village.
June 30, 2021-Doyle No. 2 Engine 3 responded mutual aid with Vigilant for a working commercial structure fire at the Metalico Plant located at 1700 Union Road in West Seneca. Fourteen fire companies responded from all over central Erie County.
July 5, 2021-Doyle No. 1 and 2 responded to a reported garage fire shortly after midnight at 91 Raymond Avenue. The fire was well involved on arrival and destroyed the garage, a shed and a neighbor’s house suffered exposure damage. Sloan and Bellevue assisted at the scene. (7/5/21-Cheektowaga Bee)
July 15, 2021-Doyle No. 2 responded mutual aid with Squad 2 to a General Alarm fire at a storage facility on Dale Road in Rescue’s District. (7/22/21-Cheektowaga Bee)
July 23, 2021-Doyle No. 1 and 2 responded to a fire 1465 Harlem Road where they were met with fire through the roof and hoarding conditions inside. (7/23/21-Fire News)
November 5, 2021-Doyle No. 1 and 2 responded to a garage fire located at 71 Milsom Avenue. The fire was confined to the garage however the house did sustain exposure damage.
December 21, 2021-Doyle No. 2 Engine 3 responded mutual aid to the Clean Fiber Plant located at 250 Lake Avenue in Blasdell for a working commercial structure fire. Numerous Hamburg, Orchard Park, West Seneca and Cheektowaga companies responded.
December 25, 2021-Doyle No. 2 Engine 3 responded mutual aid to Union Fire Company for a working commercial fire at the Town of West Seneca Highway Garage located at 39 South Avenue. Numerous town highway trucks were destroyed in the fire. Numerous companies from West Seneca, Cheektowaga, Elma, Orchard Park and Hamburg assisted at the scene. (12/30/21-West Seneca Bee)
January 17, 2022-Doyle No. 1 and 2 responded to a commercial structure fire at A&F Wholesale Insulation at 2260 Clinton Street. Forks’ Chief arrived first on location and reported the building fully involved. Bellevue, Sloan, Forks, South Line, Winchester, Union, Seneca Hose and Twin District responded to the scene to assist. (1/18/22-Buffalo News and The Fire Fighter Newspaper)
January 20, 2022-Doyle No. 2 Engine 3 was requested as a standby unit at Winchester’s fire hall but was quickly moved up to the scene of a missing person search that occurred in both Elma and West Seneca in the Clinton and Transit area. The body of a deceased male was located on Mayer Brothers property and the search was called off after several hours. (1/27/22-West Seneca Bee)
January 22, 2022-Doyle No. 2 held our Installation of Officers at the South Line Fire Hall. Ton Janowski was the Master of Ceremonies.
February 23, 2022-Doyle No. 2 responded with Engine 3 mutual aid to Seneca Hose for a large commercial structure fire at Buffalo’s Best Catering located at 1436 Ridge Road in West Seneca. Numerous companies from West Seneca, Cheektowaga, Orchard Park, Lackawanna, Elma and Hamburg responded to the scene. (3/3/22-West Seneca Bee)
February 26, 2022-Doyle No. 1 and 2 responded to a reported pedestrian struck on Clinton Street by the New York State Thruway overpass. An elderly man in his 60’s died as a result of a hit and run accident. A suspect turned himself a few days later. (2/28/22-Buffalo News)
March 26, 2022-Doyle No. 2 held at 50 Year Party for Ron Knox at Potts Banquet Hall. Ton Janowski was the Master of Ceremonies.
April 16, 2022-For the first time ever Doyle No. 2 members took the Easter Bunny around the fire district to greet children. It took place before our annual Swieconka celebration which started at noon.
June 21, 2022-At the Cheektowaga Police Department’s Do the Right Thing dinner Doyle No. 2 Firefighter Conner Szrama and Junior Firefighter President Lilly Stoll received an award for being Outstanding Community Members and members of the volunteer fire service. (6/23/22-Cheektowaga Bee)
July 11, 2022-Don Cialone introduced a “Southside Squad” logo for Squad No. 2. A motion was made and passed to adopt it. The logo was designed by Jessica Strom, a longtime Getzville Firefighter and an Assistant Fire Chief at the Buffalo Airport Fire Department. (Doyle No. 2 Minutes)
July 16, 2022-Don Cialone introduced our 100thAnniversary logo designed by Jessica Strom, a longtime Getzville Firefighter, and an Assistant Fire Chief at the Buffalo Airport Fire Department.
August 27, 2022-Doyle No. 2 held a 50 Year Party for Bob Trembowicz at the fire hall. Tom Krawczyk was the Master of Ceremonies.
October 29, 2022- Doyle No. 1 and 2 responded to a working fire at 219 Aris Avenue. Doyle No. 2 Second Assistant Chief Robert Spear rescued an elderly female he found lying on the floor and carried her to safety. Bellevue, Forks, Sloan, South Line FAST and CD-131 assisted at the scene.
November 4, 2022-Doyle No. 1 and 2 responded to a working fire at 17 South Colby Street. Doyle No. 2 First Assistant Chief Matt Burdzy rescued the families pet dog from the fire however after lengthy resuscitation efforts the dog perished at the scene. Bellevue, Forks and Sloan and CD-131 assisted at the scene. Twin District Fire Company was dispatched as the FAST and Winchester was notified to standby at Doyle No. 2's fire hall.
November 17-19, 2022-A Lake effect snowstorm hit western New York dumping over 3’ of snow throughout the Doyle Fire District shutting down all major highways and roads in the area. A driving ban was put into effect for most of Erie County for 3 days.
December 4, 2022-At our annual Election Meeting for only the second time in our history there was a tie for the office of Third Assistant Chief. Don Cialone Jr. and Jason Stoll both received 19 votes and a third candidate, Dave DeFields, received 4 votes. According to our constitution the tie is to be resolved by the Board of Directors. On Wednesday December 7th the Board met, took a secret ballot vote and declared Don Cialone Jr. the winner. (Doyle No. 2 minutes)
December 15, 2022-AMR awarded our crew an accommodation for a cardiac arrest call we had at the Anchor Industrial Park.
December 16, 2022-Doyle No. 1 and 2 responded to assist Sloan with a working two car garage fire at 321 Reiman Street in the Village.
December 23-26, 2022-December 23-26, 2022-Western New York was hit with blizzard conditions including gusts of over 70 m.p.h. and snow fall accumulation over 3 feet over a two-day period through Christmas Day. Standby crews rescued dozens of stranded motorists who got stuck in the snow attempting to drive during a countywide driving ban.
On Friday December 23rdChief Jan Szablicki’s vehicle, Rescue 7-2 and Squad 2 were all stuck in the snow and had to be assisted by high lifts. On December 26th a crew from Henrietta Fire District from Monroe County was brought in to cover our calls and give our crews a break. From Friday December 23rd to Tuesday December 27th Cheektowaga received a total of 52” (4’3”) of snow.
January 28, 2023-Doyle No. 2 held our Installation of Officers at the South Line Fire Hall. Ton Janowski was the Master of ceremonies.
March 25, 2023-Doyle No. 2 Member Lillian Stoll was awarded the 2022 Les and Marge Young Memorial Award at the Erie County Fire Chief's Mutual Aid Organization/Erie County Volunteer Firefighters Association Awards Dinner for her dedication as President of our Junior Firefighters Program and her academic and sports achievements at JFK High School all while achieving her New York State EMT-B certification. (May/June ’23-The Volunteer Firefighter)
March 30, 2023-The Doyle Fire District put into service four new Chief’s vehicles, two for Doyle No. 1 and two for Doyle No. 2.
April 8, 2023-A 06:00 hours in the morning Doyle No. 1 and 2 were dispatched to a reported vehicle fire on the New York State Thruway eastbound with possible entrapment. Doyle No. 2 Chief Jan Szablicki arrived to find the vehicle fully involved. The driver of the vehicle, a 14-year-old from Erie, Pennsylvania, was driving over 100 mph since at least Dunkirk and ran into the back of a tractor trailer, he did not survive. Despite the call being in Seneca Hose’s district Engine 3 was on location first and extinguished the fire. Winchester Fire Company also responded to the scene. (4/22/23-Buffalo News)
April 20, 2023-At 7:30 a.m. Doyle No. 1 and 2 were dispatched to a reported structure fire with people trapped on 239 North Pleasant Parkway in Cheektowaga. Bellevue, Forks, Sloan, Twin District FAST and Cheektowaga Emergency Manager (CD-131) Mike Mazurkowski were dispatched as mutual aid. By the time the first fire units arrived Cheektowaga Police Officers had assisted in rescuing several occupants from the structure.
Doyle Tower 6 and Engine 3 arrived soon after and quickly extinguished the fire that was in the living room at the front of the house. A total of two adults and two children were removed from the structure and transported to area hospitals by AMR Paramedics. The family dog was also rescued from the home. Three Cheektowaga Police Officers were treated for smoke inhalation and released at the scene.
June 3, 2023-Doyle No. 2 held a Reunion of Past Members ahead of next year’s 100th Anniversary at Kotecki’s Grandview Grove. Tom Janowski was the Master of Ceremonies.
June 5, 2023-Doyle No. 1 and 2 responded to a stove fire with extension at 196 Wagner Avenue. Sloan assisted at the scene.
June 16, 2023-At 0158 hrs., Doyle Firefighters were alerted to a Motor Vehicle Accident on the I-90E at the William Street overpass, with the vehicle possibly on fire. First Arriving Unit, Doyle 2 Second Assistant Chief Craig Maconaghy, Jr. found a wrong way driver in a Mercedes SUV had collided head-on with a tractor trailer and had been pushed over the embankment between the I-90E and the William St entrance, where it had rolled on to the Passenger side. Assistant Chief Maconaghy established Command, and assigned Acting Assistant Chief Brian Rogowski, as Operations.
Upon Assistant Chief Maconaghy's arrival, the patient was already in the care of a crew from AMR, while still pinned in the vehicle. After 75min of cutting mangled steel and plastic, the crews from Doyle No. 1 and 2, with assistance from Lt Garret Slawatycki from Cheektowaga Police were able to free the occupant from the vehicle.
The sole occupant of the vehicle, a male in his mid-30's presented extensively intoxicated, with bilateral compound femur fractures, and severe deformities of the lower legs. Upon arrival at Erie County Medical Center, he was admitted into the Trauma Intensive Care Unit, with a lacerated liver, broken ankle, and the aforementioned injuries.
July 24, 2023-Doyle No. 1 and 2 responded to the New York State Thruway westbound just past Broadway for a tractor trailer rollover blocking the thruway and several other vehicles. Forks asked our responding units to come the wrong way on the thruway from William Street to attend to one of the vehicles. Extrication tools were used to free two elderly victims from the wreck.
August 4, 2023-Rookie Doyle No. 2 Firefighter Lillian Stoll received the Southwestern Association of Volunteer Firefighters (SWAVF) Junior Firefighter of the Year Award at a ceremony held at Lake Shore High School in Evans, New York. We also won the Dugout Competition for our decorations!
August 29, 2023-Doyle No. 1 & 2 were called in as mutual aid to assist Bellevue Fire Company at a working fire at 50 Croydon Drive at 10:39 hours. Some members of Doyle No. 2 responded with Engine 1 to conduct firefighting operations and others responded with Utility 5 to set up a Rehab station.
The fire, which was dispatched at 10:33 hours, brought mutual aid from South Line and Forks as well as Twin District FAST to the scene. A family dog didn't make it out of the fire and there were no reported injuries to firefighters or civilians.
September 12, 2023-The Doyle Fire District Board of Fire Commissioners held a referendum vote to secure a bond to purchase the old orphanage property at 2600 William Street to build a new firehouse combining Doyle No.1 and 2. The bond was for $1,200,000.00. The proposition past 313-197.
September 24, 2023-At 08:52 hours Doyle No. 1 and 2 responded mutual aid to Sloan for a working unattached garage fire at 238 Michael Avenue. Squad No. 2 responded along with Forks, Rescue Fire Companies and South Line FAST.
October 1, 2023-At 02:46 hours Doyle No. 1 and 2 responded mutual aid to Sloan for a working structure fire at 227 Griffith Street. Squad No. 2 responded along with Forks, Rescue, and U-Crest Fire Companies as well as South Line FAST.
October 5, 2023-At 13:55 hours Doyle No. 1 and 2 were alerted to a mutual aid working structure fire at 1279 Borden Road in Bellevue’s Fire District. Doyle No. 2 Assistant Chief Matt Burdzy, Firefighter Robert Spear and Safety Officers Mark Jedd and Larry Burdzy responded on Doyle No. 1 Engine 1 to the scene. Safety Officers Jedd and Burdzy acted in the rolls of Accountability Officers at the fire.
November 4, 2023-Second Assistant Chief Craig Maconaghy was chosen to speak at the New York State Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Services Leadership and Management Conference held at the New York State Academy of Fire Science in Montour Falls, New York. The topic of his speech was “Junior Firefighter Programs: The Potential Savior of the Volunteer Fire Service?”.
November 13, 2023-Doyle No. 2 Second Assistant Chief Craig Maconaghy Jr. wrote an article that was published in the November issue of Fire Engineering Magazine. The article is titled, "Life in a "Volly" House: Changing the Culture for Today's Needs”.
November 16, 2023-Doyle No. 2 Assistant Chief Don Cialone Jr. gave a talk, sponsored by the Cheektowaga Historical Association, on the "History of Cheektowaga's Fire Companies" at the Cheektowaga Senior Center located at 3349 Broadway. Approximately 50 people attended the event.
November 25, 2023-Doyle No. 2 won “Best Decorated Chief’s Vehicle” at the 16th Annual Lancaster Christmasville Fire Truck Parade in Lancaster, New York.
December 3, 2023-Don Cialone introduced a “Willowlawn Express” logo for Engine 3. A motion was made and passed to adopt it. The logo was designed by Jessica Strom, a longtime Getzville Firefighter, and an Assistant Fire Chief at the Buffalo Airport Fire Department (Doyle No. 2 Minutes)
December 12, 2023-Dave Jastrzab beat incumbent Commissioner Dan Nash for a seat on the Board of Fire Commissioners for the Doyle Fire District in a 119-101 vote. Jastrzab will serve a 5-year term starting on January 1, 2024.
December 13, 2023- Longtime Doyle Hose Company No. 2 member James "Lefty" Tokasz gave his last Treasurer's Report at the monthly meeting of the Doyle Fire District Board of Fire Commissioners. Jim, who was elected to the Board as a Commissioner in 1987, took over for the late Jim Garbacz and served until 2004 when he gave up his position and was appointed the District Treasurer, where he has remained ever since.
Jim replaced his father Ed, who served for 48 years in the roll of District Treasurer. Jim started his career in the fire service when he joined Doyle No. 2 in October of 1961.
January 6, 2024-Doyle No. 2 Member Ron Rogowski recently retired as the Doyle Fire District Mechanic after 36 years of service. Ron joined our fire company on June 4, 1980, and started as mechanic on January 6, 1988. Doyle No. 1 Member Dave Crone took over the job effective January 1st.
February 17, 2024-While collecting for Fill the Boot for the Variety Club of Buffalo Doyle No. 2 was alerted for a mutual aid structure fire at 218 French Road with Union Fire Company in West Seneca. Engine 3 and Rescue 7-2 responded along with Assistant Chiefs Maconaghy, Cialone, and Spear.
March 14, 2024-At 15:53 hours Doyle No. 1 and 2 were alerted for a structure fire at 97 Girard Avenue. Third Assistant Chief Robert Spear II arrived on location within a minute and reported heavy fire showing from a 1 ½ story declaring a working fire. Second Assistant Chief Don Cialone Jr. was 30 seconds behind him and took Command of the incident. Doyle No. 2 Chief Matthew Burdzy arrived soon after and took Operations.
The fire was brought under control at 16:30 hours with the help of Bellevue, Forks, Sloan, South Line, Twin District FAST, and Winchester Fire Companies. U-Crest stood by at Doyle No. 1’s firehouse.
May 14, 2024-At 17:27 hours Doyle No. 1 and 2 responded to a working bedroom fire at Building 23 Apartment 1 at the Famous Williamstowne Apartments. We were assisted with mutual aid from Bellevue, Forks, Sloan, and South Line.
June 16, 2024-Doyle No. 1 and 2 responded to a working basement fire at 63 Willowlawn Parkway. We were assisted at the scene by Sloan and South Line Assistant Chief Josh Broad as FAST. All the other mutual aid were held up.
September 16, 2024-At 13:24 hours several members of Doyle No. 2 responded with Doyle No. 1 Engine 1 and Utility 5 to a mutual aid fire with Bellevue at 49 Hutchens Drive. Chief Matthew Burdzy, Assistant Chief’s Don Cialone and Robert Spear, along with Justin DeSilva and Anthony Badowski assisted at the scene.
October 7, 2024-At 03:23 hours Doyle firefighters were dispatched to a report of smoke in the building at the Liberty Park Senior Apartments on Manko Lane. Doyle No. 2 First Assistant Chief Craig Maconaghy arrived on location first and reported fire through the roof. Mutual aid was notified from Bellevue, Forks, Sloan, South Line Fire Companies, and Cheektowaga Emergency Manager Jay Tolsma (CD-131) to respond to the scene and Twin District stood by at Doyle No. 1 and U-Crest at Doyle No. 2
Firefighters were able to stop the fire from spreading to other apartments however every apartment in the building sustained smoke and/or water damage. Firefighters rescued two cats and a hamster from one of the units. Doyle No. 2 Chief Matthew Burdzy was Command and First Assistant Chief Craig Maconaghy was Operations for the incident. The fire is being investigated by the Cheektowaga Police Fire Investigation Unit. Numerous residents had taken refuge in the Community Building at the complex and were being assisted by American Red Cross Disaster Services. All units were returned to service at 05:21 hours.
December 17, 2024-At the regular monthly meeting of the Town of Cheektowaga Fire Chiefs Mutual Aid Association Assistant Chief Don Cialone Jr. was elected as Secretary of the association. His term will be for one year starting in January of 2025.
January 20, 2025-At the monthly meeting of the Erie County Fire Chief's Association held at Depew Fire Department's Northside station Doyle No. 2 Past Assistant Chief Don Cialone Jr. was appointed to fill a two-year vacancy on their Board of Directors.
Last updated: February 15, 2025
Donald P. Cialone Jr., Historian
Doyle Hose Company No. 2
100 Willowlawn Parkway
Cheektowaga, New York 14206
(716) 824-6188
*You can view and download our complete history by clicking on the "The Complete Doyle 2 History" button in our Downloads Section of this website!